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Selectmen's Minutes 2009/02/09
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
February 9, 2009

Present: Richard Leone Chairman, Stephen White Vice-Chairman, William Roach, Fred Gallup, Donna Nashawaty Town Manager.
Absent: Emma Smith

Also Present: Katie Richardson Intertown Record, Charlotte Brown, Sue Gottling, Walter & Ellie Goddard, Leena Osborne, Donna Gazelle, Nancy Clark, Catherine Bushueff, Jean Chandler.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Leone at 7:08PM

Ellie Goddard inquired about the Planning Board working with Norm Gavin who was donating a bridge in Haines Park to make the park handicap accessible. Chairman Leone will have Emma Smith call Ellie. Ellie would like the subject revisited. Donna Nashawaty will have Tony Bergeron, Road Agent make-up a plan of action for the bridge for the Board.

Donna Nashawaty-Proposed Zoning Fee Schedule
Roger supplied the Board with the current fee schedule and the proposed fee schedule for their review. Since a decision can not be made until after the March 10th voting, there will be an agenda item at the March 23rd  Board of Selectmen’s meeting.

Selectmen’s Action
Street Name Application-Fieldstone Drive: The subdivision has been approved, recorded and the bond is in hand. Motion was made by Stephen White to accept the name of the street, seconded by Fred Gallup. Unanimous.
Trustee Resignation: James Southard, Chairman of the Trustee of the Trust Funds has given his resignation effective immediately. Motion was made to accept James Southard’s resignation by Stephen White and seconded by William Roach. Unanimous

Chairman’s Report
It’s possible that the Town might qualify for the federal stimulus funding for the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade.  Donna Nashawaty explained it was a “catch 22”.  In 1993 the Town voted on a warrant to allow the Board of Selectmen to accept funds from any source that became available at a public hearing for anything over $5,000. So the Town does have the ability to accept stimulus money if it comes. David Bailey, Ted Gallup, Tony Bergeron and Holly Leonard have been actively attending the variety of meetings that are coming up. There are pots of money in the plan as the plan progresses. They are going to disburse the money in the same avenue that you would have got it in the past. In this case, Rural water is probably going to be the funding source and they allow a 20 or 30 per cent grant that they would pay back over the course of the loan. The problem is you almost have to have all your bonding on the warrant and passed in order to get the loan that gives you the stimulus money to offset it. If we qualify, and if our project is on the group, we could have a special town meeting where we could get town meeting authority.
Town Manager’s Report
Donna Nashawaty reported on the NH Municipal Meeting she attended on January 30th for the purpose of voting on the gas tax. The House bill 644 raises the roadtoll/gas tax 5 cents a gallon per year for 3 consecutive years: 2009, 2010, and 2011. The gas tax passed by two thirds. As far as the follow-up for this particular session there were a lot of people in the group thought the memo they received and what they were sent down to vote on was misleading and maybe their Boards didn’t quite understand. People were very uncomfortable voting or saying anything opposite to what their Board sent them. They are going to get back together in March before the session is over. They decided to keep this on the floor and go back to discuss. The group could not agree on what things should be part of a table discussion. There was not a clear cut message from the group to Maura Carroll, General Counsel so that she knew what to lobby for. It was decided as a group to go back to our Boards, discuss the subject a little more and really pass the message that Maura needed something to work with.
Donna Nashawaty explained why the Trustee of Trust Fund Accounts and the town do not have the same balance. We do not give the Trustee of the Trust Funds the contributions to the trust funds until after we are done with the County check in December. We need to make sure we have enough money to pay the County. We don’t settle up with the Trustees until the very end of December. The trustees have money that they move around between their accounts, so they end up with deposits and payments in transit. This year the Trustees set up their deposits to be electronic so it should be better for the future.  The town knows what bills they have paid during the year and the Trustee of the Trust Funds know what the accounts have made in interest. It’s purely a matter of timing if there is a discrepancy.
A member of the Electronics Communications Committee and Doug Munro will be available on March 9th to make an agenda item to continue the discussion as the Board of Selectmen left it off at the last meeting.

Motion to adjourn: Unanimous Meeting adjourned at 8:48PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                        Approved:               

Richard Leone, Chairman                         Stephen White, Vice-Chairman

William Roach                                   Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith