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Selectmen's Minutes 2010/11/05

8:00am Town Office Meeting Room
Friday, November 5, 2010

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, William Roach Vice Chairman, Charlotte Brown, Emma Smith, Stephen White, Shane Hastings, Charles Smith, Kenneth Meyer, Spec Bowers, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager, Lynne Wiggins and Barbara Vaughn.

Chairman Gallup opened the Budget Session at 8:00AM  

Donna Nashawaty-Town Manager
Donna Nashawaty went over the budget notebook, which was passed out to the BOS and BAC members and a summary of her presentation. (see attached)
Van Webb-Conservation Commission
Level funded again. Finding a yearly expense in professional services. Will have 1 warrant article for $15,000 to go into the Conservation Commission Fund. Looking at doing a project with Ausbon Sargent at Fieldstone subdivision.

Betty Ramspott-Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Betty Ramspott reviewed her budget line items with the Boards.

Tony Bergeron-Highway & Transfer Station
Tony Bergeron reviewed budget line items with Boards. Town buying their gasoline from T-Bird’s in Newport, better price that from the State. Chairman Gallup asked if the Town was still running Bio-Fuel, which Tony answered yes. Chairman Gallup questioned the amount to Nobis, because our testing has been good could we cut the amount from $10,000 to $8,000, will follow up with the contract. Chairman Gallup would like to spend some time looking into the recycling expended/revenue line. Selectman Roach asked if we pay the electric bill for the bubblers for the Mt Kearsarge? Donna Nashawaty said the Town does pay the electric bill in the winter, but the MT. Kearsarge pays the entire Harbor electric bill in the summer. Selectman Roach also asked if the bubblers run constantly or are they on a timer?  Chairman Gallup reminded the Board that “it’s a balancing act” with the Board of Selectmen, where they take Tony’s recommendations and then need to keep the tax rate down, but the fleet updated and running. Chairman Gallup wants to revisit the amount put in the capital reserve fund for maintenance of town buildings.

David Bailey-Water & Sewer Department
David Bailey reviewed the 2010 water department budget. The Water and Sewer Commission will decided at their next meeting to raise the rates to cover the proposed 2011 O & M and bond total. On the 2010 warrant articles, the water tank lining would come out of the capital improvement account.
Chairman Fred Gallup‘s advice to the Water & Sewer Department is to have a very detailed presentation on what their plan is for the wastewater treatment plant upgrade.
Both Sunapee and New London will go out and get their separate grants. The amount of the bond that Sunapee will be asking for is $2,800,000. Chairman Ted Gallup would like Sunapee to ask for the $2,800,000 and if the voters approved, the Water & Sewer Department can at least start phrase 1 to avoid the fines that might start being assessed.

Jon Walden-Abbott Library
John distributed line items to Board of Selectmen, explained budget was up only for salary line items. Some items were swapped in order to level-fund the summary line.

Scott Blewitt-Recreation Department
Selectman Brown wanted to thank Scott Blewitt and the recreation department for the improvements to Tilton Park. Scott reviewed his line items that were up. Warrant article again for fields, amount $30,000.

Chief Dan Ruggles-Fire Department
Chief Ruggles explained the line items in his budget that were increased and why. Selectman White stated that when the Safety Services building was built it was discussed that the Georges Mills station would be closed, is the department still considering? Chief Ruggles said that as long as he had the manpower, he would keep the station open.

Chief David Cahill-Police Department
Chief Cahill reviewed his budget with the Board. The one big change is that the department has gotten rid of the contracted prosecutor and is now using one of their part-time officers. Chief Cahill and Donna Nashawaty told the Boards about the Municipal Finance Program offered through Ford that Chief Cahill is looking into for purchasing vehicles for the department.

Robert Collins-Hydro
$10,000 was added to equipment repair. Board asked about hydro income; Donna will get update.

Town Report
Chairman Spec Bowers, BAC asked what the Board decided on the cutting the expense on printing and mailing the town report. Donna Nashawaty will do some research and get some numbers and report back to the Board.

Chairman Gallup would like a breakdown from the Community Alliance, Southwestern, and West Central on how much County support they receive. Also would like a breakdown from Community Alliance on how many people they serve in Sunapee.  Selectman Brown wondered why the line item for heating, gas and oil was so low. Donna Nashawaty explained that there is a federal fuel assistance program called CAP that residents could apply for and after that is exhausted they would come to us for help. Chairman Gallup feels that Southwestern Community Services is giving the Town the “best bang for their buck”.  

Meeting adjourned at 4:28PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Charlotte Brown

_________________________                       _______________________         
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Stephen White

Emma M. Smith