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Selectmen's Minutes 2010/07/26
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, July 26, 2010

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, William Roach Vice Chairman, Emma Smith, Charlotte Brown, Stephen White, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Also Present: Katie Richardson Intertown Record, Peter Urbach, Representative Suzanne Gottling, John Walden, Terri White and Debbie Samalis.     

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 7:00PM  

John Walden-Abbott Library
John Walden Library Director came to the Board to request $3500 from the Town Building Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund to repave the library parking lot. After some discussion, the consensus of the Board was that this is not an expense that they feel should come out of the Building Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund. Motion to expend $3500 from the Town Building Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund to repave the library parking lot by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Brown.  1 in Favor 4 Opposed Motion Denied. The Board received a letter from Terri White, Chairman of the Library Trustees regarding the Riverway Lease. Chairman Gallup said the Board had discuss how they would handle the lease at a previous meeting and didn’t see a reason to discuss further. Terri White asked if the library Board would get something in writing, Chairman Gallup asked the Town Manager to draft a letter to the Library Trustees stating the Board of Selectmen confirms that the Town will take over any responsibilities for payments due to the Riverway under the Purchase and Sale Agreement.

Public Comments
Debbie Samalis came to the Board about the letter that was sent to Andrea Manter, owner of the property from Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator regarding a building permit and After the Fact fee. The letter was sent because renovations were being done by Debbie Samalis, on the property located at 45 Main Street, without a building permit. Debbie Samalis was approved for a 20 seat restaurant by the Planning Board at the June 3rd meeting. After discussion the consensus of the Board was for Ms. Samalis to pay the $100 building permit fee. Chairman Gallup and Donna Nashawaty will meet with Roger Landry regarding the After the Fact Fee and report back to the Board with their findings.   

Selectmen’s Action
Donna Nashawaty gave the Board an update on the Montambeault property. The following is a summary of events:
  • Town hired Michael Dashner, who did a perk test on the 2 town owned properties.
  • 07/23/10-test pits were dug and the test pits are more than adequate for a septic system on each lot. There is also adequate distance from any poorly or very poorly drained wetlands. It is clear that the both lots can sustain state approval for the leach fields
  • Donna Nashawaty called a meeting between Mr. Montambeault, his Attorney and a real estate person who represented Fannie Mae, who owns one of the properties to discuss various options.
After much discussion, a motion to set a public hearing date on August 9th for quit claim for private road and deed covenants for town owned property on Sargent Road by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.

•Donna Nashawaty explained the presentation at the manager’s conference regarding the Charter Commission, example Town of Peterborough, which gives municipalities options to adopt a form of government that best addresses local needs. The result was some towns have some traditional features of both forms (town meeting and SB2) of government. Donna Nashawaty bought this up to the Board because of some comments regarding being an SB2 town and the lack of attendance at the Deliberative Session and some members of the Board miss the traditional town meeting. The Town of Peterborough has offered to come to a meeting to discuss with the Board. The Board will review the material and further discuss at the August 9th meeting.
•Motion to approve the Use of Facilities application for Love Your Lakes Day in Sunapee Harbor on August 8th by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.
•Motion to approve the Use of Facilities application for Pillsbury Wedding on October 30th at the Gazebo by Selectman Smith, seconded By Selectman White. All in Favor.
•Motion to submit Floor Policy by the Sunapee Board of Selectmen to see if NHMA will take no position on the collection of the statewide property tax by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor. Unanimous.  

Chairman’s Report
Chairman Gallup told the Board about crew from Mt Sunapee that volunteered to help with the playground installation and the dedication of the playground that took place on Sunday, July 25th.

Town Manager
•Donna Nashawaty reviewed the proposed fee schedule for Thornton Associates to provide pay and classification services to the Town. The fee was $8,385. Chairman Gallup said the Board’s thoughts and concerns were to gather information in regards to “where we’re at” with the pay tables and how the Board controls it. Donna Nashawaty has a 2007 Town of Meredith, NH total compensation survey that has 23 municipalities and private sector employers that she can use to compare with the Town of Sunapee’s 2007 pay table. Donna Nashawaty isn’t quite sure what the Board wants: are they trying   to reduce the budget or looking to see if the pay table is fair? Chairman Gallup thinks the suggestion by Donna Nashawaty to compare the 2007 survey and 2007 pay table is a good idea. Donna Nashawaty will prepare and present the results to the Board in about a month.
•Donna Nashawaty received a letter from Mr. Rick Green who would like the Town to consider accepting a donation of a piece of his property located at the corner of lake Avenue and Burkehaven Hill Road. Mr. Green is hoping the donation would be a partial solution to the parking congestion at that intersection. After much discussion the Board asked to the Town Manager to draft a letter thanking Mr. Green, but declining the offer.
•Donna Nashawaty handed out and reviewed the 2009 Town audit.   

Meeting adjourned at 9:48PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Charlotte Brown

_________________________                       _______________________         
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Stephen White

Emma M. Smith