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Selectmen's Minutes 2010/02/08
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, February 8, 2010

Present: Stephen White Chairman, William Roach Vice-Chairman, Charlotte Brown, Frederick Gallup, Emma Smith, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Also Present: Katie Richardson Intertown Record, Jon Steiner, Xan Gallup, Lois Gallup, Rhonda Gurney, Ann Nilson, Suzanne Gottling, Terri Jillson White, Barbara Chalmers, John and Jeanne Wilson, Robert Goold, Lisa Bozogan, Peter Urbach, Jon Walden, Faith Reney, Brian Garland, Shawn Carroll, Dan Banks,   

Chairman White called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.

Jon Steiner-Local Government Center
Jon Steiner wanted to “touch base” with the Board and go over the changes that occurred over the past months and services that LGC provides to the member towns.

Barbara Chalmers Library Building Committee
Barbara Chalmers reviewed some points that were not discussed at the deliberative session such as; building space, outdoor space, collaboration with Old Town Hall Committee and the concept plan. (Presentation attached)  Barbara Chalmers reminded the Board of the round table discussion that is scheduled for the 16th of February at the town hall meeting room.

Library Trustee Candidates
Chairman White noted that the Library Trustees made no recommendation to the Board of Selectmen regarding the 2 candidates vying for the vacant seat on the Library Trustees Board.  The consensus of the Board was because there was no direction from the Library Trustees and it is so close to the election. Motion was made to table the appointments and let the town meeting election of officers take care of it by Selectman Gallup, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.

Public Comments
•Selectman Brown attended a Sunapee Seniors Meeting on February 8th, and the seniors are going to invite candidates who are running for office to their meeting on Monday, February 22nd at 1:00PM.
•Peter Urbach wanted to thank Selectman Smith and Selectman Gallup for running for office again.
•Selectman Brown reminded the Board and the public that both the town and school deliberative session were taped, which will be televised on channel 8 and are also available on DVD at the library.

SAU 85 & School Board
Chairman Shawn Carroll and Brian Garland wanted to address the issue regarding the Budget Advisory Committee and are looking for the Board of Selectmen’s guidance. According to Chairman Carroll, in the past, Donna Nashawaty would send out the rules and regulations regarding the BAC and their role in the budget process, which is to go over the school’s budget and then come back with what they found and their recommendations, but they’re not suppose to stand up at the deliberative session and argue with the school board on what the school board should or shouldn’t be doing. Chairman Carroll stated that at this year’s meeting some BAC members were wearing their community hat and at the same time wearing their BAC hat, which Chairman Carroll doesn’t think is proper or ethical. Chairman Carroll’s suggestion is to have a meeting this summer with the Board of Selectmen, School Board and the Budget Advisory Committee to go over the guidelines of the BAC. Chairman Carroll does not have a problem with the members of the BAC expressing a concern as “Mr. Public”, but when they’re up front sitting at the table they’re representing the BAC. Donna Nashawaty’s suggestion was for the Board of Selectmen, School Board and BAC to meet at the start of the budget season and review the rules and regulations.

Selectmen Action
Motion to approve the use of facilities application from Shawn Wright for wedding ceremony at the Gazebo on July 24, 2010 by Selectman Roach seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.
Motion to authorize Tony Bergeron, Road Agent to post weight limits on town roads per RSA 231:191 by Selectman Roach, seconded by Selectman Gallup. All in Favor.

Chairman Report
•Chairman White informed the Board of the workshops being held by the Lake Sunapee Watershed Infrastructure Project on the following dates at the Lake Sunapee Protective Association office:
February 17: Development and Zoning
March 31: Reducing Impact: Water Retention and Impervious Surfaces
April 21: Local Government and Infrastructure.
•Chairman White reminded the Board about the scheduled vote on Wednesday, February 17th on bills to extend the current transition portion of the new education funding formula that will reinstate Donor communities, HB1677. Chairman White urged the Board to write letters to the State Representatives and Senators supporting HB1677.  

Town Manager Report
Donna Nashawaty wanted to inform the Board that a new subdivision with a road that is coming up to town specs, where the old Chase Marine was located and Roger has the plans for the Board’s review.

Meeting adjourned at 8:28PM

Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                Approved:_____________          

____________________                            ______________________
Stephen White, Chairman                         Charlotte Brown

_________________________                       _______________________         
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Frederick Gallup

Emma M. Smith