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Selectmen's Minutes 2011/11/21

Meeting 6:30PM at the Town Meeting Room
Monday, November 21, 2011

Present: Frederick Gallup Chairman, Charlotte Brown, Suzanne Gottling and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager.

Also Present: see attached sign-up sheet.

Review of Items for Signature
Motion to approve the following CZC’s by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling All in Favor:
Parcel ID #0106-0032-0000, 10 Sunny Knoll, Owners-Mott, Walsh, Oetting.
Parcel ID #0238-0026-0000, 147 Nutting Road, William J. Roth, JR.
Parcel ID #0134-0032-0000, 256 Lake Ave., Thomas & Barbara Knightly.
Parcel ID #0115-0046-0000, 168 Perkins Pond, David & Luanne Lantz.
Motion to approve the following Sign Permit by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling All in Favor:
Parcel ID #0123-0002-0000, 26 Seven Hearths Lane, Mount Royal Academy.
Parcel ID #0129-0043-0000, Sargent Road, Abbott Library
Motion to waive the fee of $20 that Abbott Library paid for a sign permit by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.
Motion to approve the following Current Use Application by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.:
Parcel ID #0106-0002-0000, Route 11, J. Anthony & Muriel Bergeron.      

Scott Blewitt-Recreation
Scott Motion to allow Scott Blewitt to hold the Looney Lunge in the harbor by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.

Selectmen Action
Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities form for Harbor Magic to use the Harbor & Bandstand on December 3rd by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling.  All in Favor.
Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities form for Soup Kitchen (Senior Project) to use the Safety Services Building on November 19th, December 10th, January 14th,  February 4th by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling.  All in Favor.

Donna Nashawaty handed out the finalized 2012 budget calendar.
•Donna Nashawaty walked the Board thru putting the revised pages into the 2012 Budget Book. Donna Nashawaty went on to review the revised fact sheet with the changes that the Board requested. November 21, 2011 overall summary, General Government increase of 2.1% over 2011 approved budget, $89,607 increase. Net increase to town tax rate anticipated with the warrant articles to $ 16,217 or $ .01   on the tax rate using 2011 property values. The October Northeast CPI-U went from 4% to 3.6%. Chairman Gallup asked if any of the Board members had comments on the revised budget.   
Selectman Gottling has a couple of comments; gets confused which notes are for what year. Also, would like to receive the budget books ahead of the department head budget presentation for review. It does look like in the last 3 years things have been over budgeted. When Selectman Gottling went thru the line items it looks like one year will be way over budget and the next year will be way under budget; got very confused as to what we were spending and why it couldn’t be a little more consistent.  Lastly, very concerned by Tony Bergeron’s description of the roads and need to persuade the townspeople that it’s important to maintain the roads.
Selectman Brown agreed with Selectman Gottling on the budget line items. For payroll; would like to know how many full-time and part-time in the department and the rate of increase was confusing.
Chairman Gallup would like to commend all the town department heads. Chairman Gallup feels the department heads did a very good job maintaining services, feels this is a good budget. Chairman Gallup went on to say that he wishes he felt better about the 4% COLA, but giving the 2% COLA is a relatively good compromise. Chairman Gallup wants to thank the employees for bearing with the Board in regards to what the Board feels they can offer for pay and hope the employees are happy with the work environment the town provides for them. Chairman Gallup agreed with Selectman Gottling that the town definitely has some issues with the roads. The Board needs to come up with a plan to continue the program that Tony Bergeron has in place.  
Donna Nashawaty received an email from Spec Bowers, Chairman of the Budget Advisory Committee stating that the BAC does not have any recommendations and thinks the Board and town department heads has presented a good budget with the modifications from the Friday, November 4th budget session.
Chief David Cahill wanted to advocate for all the employees regarding the pay raise. Chief Cahill went on to say that he was personally glad the Board decided to go with the cost of living raise, which funds the position, not the person. Chief Cahill stated that the 2½% step raise and the 3.6 northeast CPI-U total a 6% raise. Chief Cahill agreed with the Board on freezing the pay table and forgoing the step raises for this year, but instead of a 2 % cost of living raise, would like the Board to consider meeting employees halfway and offer a 3 % cost of living raise. Chief Cahill went on to say that Sunapee has always stayed competitive because of the cost of living raise they have offered employees        
•Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that there are two possible warrants articles regarding Harbor House Livery Addition to Capital Reserve fund and the second is coming from a group of boys looking to raise a petition warrant article for a new skate park.

Chairman Gallup wanted to know the Board’s thoughts on the Budget Committee inviting Steve McGrath to become a member of the committee. Selectman Gottling asked if Steve McGrath was already a member and Donna Nashawaty responded that she received an email stating the Budget Committee had a possible new member. Donna Nashawaty went on to say that she told the Chairman of the Budget Advisory Committee that she spoke to the Board of Selectman about replacing Laura Jacobi, the Board consensus was that it would be fair to bring in a new member who wouldn’t have attended the budget presentation session. The Chairman of the Budget Advisory Committee responded that the Budget Advisory Committee invited the individual to their meeting and asked him to fill out a volunteer form. The Board of Selectmen also felt that Steve McGrath might not be able to work on the town portion of the budget, but could attend and work on the school budget presentation. Chairman Gallup isn’t exactly sure how to handle this. Selectman Gottling thought Steve McGrath could be approved now and he could take part in the school issues that he would hear from beginning to end, but not on the town issues. Selectman Smith wanted Steve McGrath to come in and talk to the Board and tell the Board his interests in serving on the Budget Advisory Committee. Chairman Gallup asked if it would work if the Board made him a non-voting member for this remaining budget session or does the Board want to wait until the budget session is over and appoint Steve McGrath as a full member starting next year. Chairman Gallup would like to refrain from appointing Steve McGrath until after the budget session is over. Selectman Brown stated that in the past if a committee has lost a member the Board has done an interim appointment. Selectman Gottling stated that wasn’t the point, the point would be that Steve McGrath would be signing his name and voting on items and he didn’t hear the full presentation. Selectman Brown went on to say that the school has not had their budget presentation; Donna Nashawaty stated that you can’t limit him; if Steve McGrath is a member of the committee, he would be voting on all aspects of the committee. The Board decided that Donna Nashawaty will call Steve McGrath and invite him to be an observer for the rest of the budget session, but will refrain from the appointment for this year’s budget session because it’s midway thru the session. Donna Nashawaty will schedule an appointment for Steve McGrath after the deliberative session. Chairman Gallup asked Donna Nashawaty to extend the Board’s gratitude in be willing and interested in serving on the committee.

Manager Report
•Donna Nashawaty attended the NH Municipal Conference and attended a really good session on the Right to Know; good scenarios that Donna Nashawaty would like to go over with the Board.
•Chairman Gallup asked the Board if they would like Donna Nashawaty to show the numbers with a 3% COLA; the Board agreed they would.   

Meeting Adjourned at 9:02PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Charlotte Brown

_________________________               _______________________
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Suzanne H. Gottling

Emma M. Smith