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Selectmen's Minutes 2011/09/12

Meeting 6:30PM at the Town Meeting Room
Monday, September 12, 2011

Present: Frederick Gallup Chairman, William Roach Vice Chairman, Suzanne Gottling, Emma Smith and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager.
Absent: Charlotte Brown

Also Present: see attached sign-up sheet.

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM  

Review of Items for Signature
Land Disturbances: Map 115 Lot 22, 11 North Shore Road, Bill & Diane Sinatra. Map 105 Lot 17, 155 Keyes Road, Jason Bell.
Map 126 Lot 12, 152 Garnet Hill Road, Patricia Currie.
Motion to accept the Land Disturbances as read by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.
CZC’S: Map 105 Lot 17, 155 Keyes Road, Jason Bell. Map 107 Lot 7, 7 John Avery Lane, Peter Cole & Betsy Harrison. Map 137 Lot 14-1, 71 Burkehaven Hill, Ronald & Barabara Sullivan. Map 126 Lot 12, 152 Garnet Hill Road, Patricia Currie Motion to accept the CZC’s as read by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.

Public Hearing to Accept Donation of $6,500 for Engineering of Covered Bridge
Chairman Gallup opened the public hearing at 7:02PM. Chairman Gallup stated that the public hearing was to accept a donation from Project Sunapee in the amount of $6,500 for the engineering costs for the covered bridge. Donna Nashawaty read RSA 31:95-b Appropriation for Funds made available during year; unanticipated moneys in the amount of $5,000 or more, the Selectmen or Board of Commissioners shall hold a prior public hearing on the action to be taken. Notice of the time, place, and subject of such hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the relevant municipality at least 7 days before the hearing is held. Chairman Gallup stated that the check was presented to the Board at the August 29th meeting, where the Board voted to accept the donation, but later found out that there had to be a public hearing to accept the donation.  Chairman Gallup closed the public hearing at 7:12PM. Motion to accept the donation of $6,500 for engineering for the covered bridge by Selectman Roach, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.  

Public Comments
•Donna Nashawaty confirmed the time with the Board of the SAU Facilities Open House that is being held tomorrow, September 13th 4:00PM-7:00PM.
•Larry and Lynn Johnson of 90 Fernwood Point Road had an incident last night (Sunday, September 11th) that put them over the edge, which was the shooting of fireworks at 1:30am, the fireworks lasted 40 minutes. Larry Johnson called the police and then spoke to the police again today. The Officer said he went to the location and he asked them to stop. Mr. Johnson asked what the town policy was regarding fireworks; the Officer could not tell Mr. Johnson what the policy regarding fireworks was. The Officer stated that the police could fine the violators for disturbing the peace; Mr. Johnson asked if he did fine them for disturbing the peace, the Officer replied that he couldn’t talk about it. Mr. Johnson stated that he told the Officer if he didn’t know what the policy was and the Officer couldn’t talk about the fine, and then what rights does he (Mr. Johnson) have? Mr. Johnson went on to say; that this year two out of every three nights in July and August and fifty per cent of the nights in September that someone has been shooting off fireworks. Chairman Gallup stated that the town does have a noise ordinance and hours; Donna Nashawaty stated it doesn’t have hours, it just states unreasonable, but Chairman Gallup feels anything after 8:30PM or 9:00PM would be unreasonable. Chairman Gallup went on to say that there are other parts of town that are experiencing the same thing, but the Johnsons are the first ones to come to the Board to voice a complaint. Chairman Gallup feels at this point it’s something the Board needs to address in a more specific manner. Since this is happening at 1:30AM, Chairman Gallup doesn’t understand why the police didn’t get the violators for disturbing the peace. Chairman Gallup would like to check with Chief Cahill because that is unreasonable. Chairman Gallup stated that the Johnsons need to call the police if and when this happens so there is a record of the call. Mrs. Johnson wanted to start a petition for an article on the warrant. Chairman Gallup doesn’t think that’s necessary, the Board of Selectmen can adopt a policy. Chairman Gallup asked the Town Manager to see what other towns have for fireworks ordinances. The Board would set-up one or two public hearings so the public could voice an opinion. Donna Nashawaty emailed her Manager’s group to see what their town’s policy was regarding fireworks and also emailed Chief Cahill regarding the Johnsons call to the police. Donna Nashawaty will report back to the Board at the next meeting.   

Selectmen Action
Motion to approve and authorize the Town Manager to sign the contract for engineering design services for the Perkins Pond Area Sewer Improvements by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.   
Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities form for the Gazebo on September 30th for the Sawyer/Ellsworth wedding pictures by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.

Chairman Report
Chairman Gallup reported that at the last Board of Selectmen’s meeting on August 26th   a motion was made in regards to the certificates of zoning compliance and land disturbances to be approved by Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator. The motion was tabled until Donna Nashawaty could do some research for the Board. Since the meeting, Selectman Brown requested that the Board continue tabling the motion until the next Selectmen’s meeting on September 26th, which Chairman Gallup feels will give all five members of the Board a chance to discuss among them. Donna Nashawaty handed out the results of the building permit approvals from surrounding towns for the Board to review for the next meeting on September 26th.  One was put in Selectman Brown’s mailbox for review.    
Manager Report
•Donna Nashawaty went over the completed MS-1.   
Motion to approve and sign the MS-1 as presented by Selectman Roach, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.
Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that the employee picnic has been changed from Wednesday, September 14th to Wednesday, September 28th.
Donna Nashawaty has been doing some research on the Fenton-Mt Kearsarge contract and will report back to the Board at the September 26th meeting.
Donna Nashawaty has been working on the tentative dates; January 10th town public hearing, January 11th school public hearing, deliberative sessions would be February 6th for the school and February 7th for the town.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:50PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Charlotte Brown

_________________________               _______________________         
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Suzanne H. Gottling

Emma M. Smith