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Selectmen's Minutes 2011/05/23

7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, May 23, 2011

Present: Frederick Gallup Chairman, William Roach Vice Chairman, Emma Smith, Charlotte Brown, Suzanne Gottling, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Also Present: see attached sign-up sheet.

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 7:00PM  

Tony Bergeron-Road Update: Osborne Reflecting Pool
•Tony Bergeron gave an overview of the paving repair program. Tony Bergeron’s original plan was to put the top wearing course on Sargent and Avery Roads, however, because of the rough winter the money will be utilized to make some repairs to the upper portion of Sargent Road between Avery Road and Dowd Lane. There was severe pavement distortion, aka frost heaves, on Ryder Corner Road, Perkins Pond Road, Granliden Road and Jobs Creek Road.  The areas that have to be paved back in after the repairs are made will have to be “machine” work and will be expensive. Not only will it be the asphalt on top, but the road will have to be dug down two and a half feet to make a base to repair the road. Also anticipated was an overlay at the Information Booth and Library, which Tony Bergeron still thinks he will be able to do. If any money is left over, work will be done on Cooper Street in Georges Mills. When the paving program was started in 1998 the amount was $90,000, the cost of the asphalt was $25 a ton, now somewhere between $75- $80 a ton with an amount of $100,000 in the budget, which Tony Bergeron stated “tells you we’re not taking care of our roads”. The materials have tripled in cost and have almost the same money thirteen years later. Donna Nashawaty wanted the Board to know that the $100,000 also covers the emergency repairs due to a difficult winter and if they heard from the residents would be aware of the road plan.    
•Tony Bergeron stated that on the Osborne reflecting pool that was constructed in the sixties, the concrete is deteriorating on the south side, adjacent to the water plant and the north edge. To try to get in to do repairs will be difficult. There will be permits and engineering work and should be considered for next year’s warrant. Tony Bergeron will try to get some “free” engineering advice to anticipate the repair costs. The deterioration has accelerated this past winter.     
•Tony Bergeron met with the Fentons, Watermark and the Town Manager regarding modifications on town docks. On the side where the Mt Kearsarge is docked, the Fentons would like to replace the wharf and also to put piling on the opposite side of the boat to secure boat. Since the Town is the owner of the docks, any permit applications would have to be done by the Town. The Fentons are willing to pay for the permits this season and Watermark will do the work at a reduced fee, because it’s a town project. What Tony Bergeron is looking for is permission to allow this work to be done; which is placing three posts on the Mt Kearsarge side, so the boat would be tied off on both sides by the posts and not by the dock, which it currently is and cluster pilings to help steer the boat. Also to replace the posts on the Mt. Sunapee side and replace with pilings. In Tony Bergeron’s opinion it will increased the safety of the docks if they get the stronger posts and pilings in there. The Fentons are willing to fund the whole project and just need the approval of the Board of Selectmen to go ahead with the project. Selectman Brown wanted to know if the cluster pilings would have a light on them, since the pilings will be sticking out. Selectman Gottling understanding is that the Fentons would pay for this project and Tony Bergeron agreed. Selectman Gottling also wanted to know what would happen if someone else wanted to use the dock? Tony Bergeron stated that anything that is installed on the docks becomes the property of the Town, which Selectman Gottling understood. This investment would not reduce annual fees paid by the Fentons. Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board that they would be meeting with the Fentons in August to discuss the next three year term. The Fentons were advised that the repairs could be over a multi-years period and to do one plan to the Minimum Wetlands Impact Board and choose annually the repairs the Fentons would do. The total cost of this project is $11,000. Donna Nashawaty also reminded the Board that before any work could be done that the Board would have to accept a gift of the cost of the work to be done. The consensus of the Board is to go ahead with project and have Donna Nashawaty sign the Minimum Wetlands Impact permit. The Board would like a measurement on the cluster pilings and a light or reflective trim on the cluster pilings. Tony will pass on the lighting concern.
•Selectman Brown asked the status of the memorial monument repair. Tony Bergeron stated the repair would be done either Tuesday, May 24th or Thursday, May 25th.

David Cahill-Police Grant
Chief Cahill requested the Board authorize an increase in the Sunapee Police Budget in the amount of $10,500. Chief Cahill applied for a grant from the NH Highway Safety Agency for a dar/sign board trailer. The total amount of this trailer is $13,000. The NH Highway Safety Agency has awarded $6,000 as the result of the grant application, which leaves a balance of $7,000. The Sunapee Police Benevolent Association will contribute $4,500 and the remaining $2,500 will come out of the Sunapee Police Grant Line. Chief Cahill also asked the Board to accept the grant and donation in the amount of $10,500.  Motion to increase in the Sunapee Police Budget in the amount of $10,500 and to accept the grant and donation by the Sunapee Police Benevolent Association in the amount of $10.500 as offsetting revenue by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor. Chairman Gallup stated that this is a completely reimbursed scenario, where the town is not raising any new funds to be added to the Police budget.

Scott Blewitt/Chief Dan Ruggles
Donna Nashawaty started out by saying that she has two current use of town facilities applications and a couple more thru the inquiry process that have asked to be able to “cookout” or  “use a grill” on town property. In the past groups were discourage, unless it was a town wide event that was sponsored by a department. Donna Nashawaty has come to the Board for some guidance for policy. Donna Nashawaty spoke with Chief Dan Ruggles regarding the fire issues and Scott Blewitt, Recreation Director regarding the recreation issues, but there was not enough time for the Recreation Committee to address their thoughts and comments. There are members of the Recreation Committee in attendance, but they have not had a chance to address as a committee.
The question to the Board of Selectmen is can we have a discussion on where do you expect to see grilling? Who can bring it and under what circumstances or what locations? Chairman Gallup, in speaking for himself, in allowing a private party in a public area is opening a door that he’s not sure the Board wants to go down. Any function that has been held in the harbor to date has been a community or public function such as the chowderfest or the country jamboree that was held be the fire department, which are planned events where everything is taken care of; set-up, clean-up and trash pick-up. Chairman Gallup would tend to shy away from allowing private groups to have grills or picnics in the harbor. Chairman Gallup would recommend the state beach, which has grills already in place. Donna Nashawaty did ask Chief Ruggles to come to the meeting and give his thoughts on the subject. Chief Ruggles suggested that if the Board was going to allow “grilling” on town property that it should be in some area designated for grilling. Chief Ruggles would like gas grilling because with charcoal grilling he’s afraid of the coals being dumped on the ground or in trash containers and starting a fire. Chief Ruggles is also concerned with people running around in the harbor, who is not part of the group could get burned by a grill. Scott Blewitt stated that he would be an advocate for the responsible “griller”. There are responsible and not responsible “grillers” and he would want to be optimistic if the recreation department set-up guidelines or rules that the people would comply with the rules. Scott Blewitt thinks that Tilton Park is going to be a popular spot for birthday parties, reunions and company picnics Even if it’s not allowed now, it’s happening now afterhours at Dewey Beach.
After a number of recreation committee members, in their own opinion, supported having grills at Tilton Park and Dewy Beach, Chairman Gallup suggested the Recreation Committee to come up with a set of guidelines for grilling at the town parks and Dewey Beach. Chief Cahill also expressed a concern with the disposal of the charcoal coals and thought gas grills would be safer. Selectman Roach said in the past that he thought there should be some guidelines for the use of town facilities and maybe a donation for the use of a property. Selectman Roach went on to say that the town is receiving many more requests for use of town facilities and there is no question in his mind that the town needs to have guidelines or a policy for their public facilities. Selectman Brown is for freedom for use of the town parks and would be against too many rules. Selectman Brown feels in a designated area that grilling can be done safely on town properties. Selectman Smith feels the current use of facilities has five guidelines or rules and the person who signs the application signs it in good faith that they will comply with the rules. Selectman Smith feels the Board should let people grill on town properties and see how it goes. Selectman Gottling thought it should be on a first come first serve basis, which is the way it currently set-up. Selectman Gottling suggested using Tilton Park, as the most family friendly, have Scott Blewitt put a grill up there and feels this would be a good place to start. Selectman Gottling can see some nightmares with using grills on the green in the harbor Donna Nashawaty passed out a use of facilities form from the Town of Meredith, which is for every town property. Donna Nashawaty feels the Board needs to look at each location and what rules would apply to that location. Chairman Gallup asked the Recreation Committee to give the Board some recommendations regarding grilling on town properties. The Board will deal with the current individual requests later in this meeting and hopefully can come up with some guidelines or rules for grilling on town facilities.             
Van Webb-Conservation Project
Van Webb wanted to introduce a project that the Conservation Commission is working on. This is a donation from a landowner in Sunapee and it’s being orchestrated by Mike Fenney, an attorney from Newport, which is an “outright” gift to Sunapee of 2.23 acres on the west side of Jobs Creek Road. What appeals to the Conservation Commission is that its right next to Dewey Woods, there is some wildlife attributes and wetland attributes. This piece of property will be rolled into Dewey Woods, it would be held under a separate deed and it would have to go thru a process with the Forest Society that holds the easement, to annex the piece, but it would at least be protected. Van Webb gave Donna Nashawaty a copy of a deed that was prepared by Mike Fenney called a Ludwig Conservation Tract. It would come to the town and one of the stipulations would be that there would be no structures on it. Donna Nashawaty asked if they would consider parking access for the trails or would that be prohibited?
Van Webb thought structures was related to buildings, but that was a good question. The Conservation Commission will be doing an informal walkabout of the property on Thursday, May 26th   at 2:00PM. Donna Nashawaty had two points; the conservation deed is actually a deed and not an easement so we would be given the land. Van Webb stated the town would own the land. Also, Donna Nashawaty asked the Board to let Van Webb carry this to the Planning Board and Conservation Commission for their public comments, then schedule 2 public hearings x number of days apart and then the Board has to vote within x amount of days. Van Webb asked if the May Conservation Commission meeting would count as a comment since they were introduced to the project and then voted to bring it to the Board of Selectmen. Donna Nashawaty stated it would count. Donna Nashawaty asked Van Webb to schedule to meet with the Planning Board for comments and then touch base with her before she sets up the two public hearings.      

Public Comments
Rem Mastin reported that the Information Booth will be opening this weekend.

Selectmen Action
Motion to reappoint Marion Southall to the Thrift Shop Committee by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by LSPA  for Love Your Lakes Day on August 14th by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by Van Wiggins Wedding to use the Gazebo on September 10th by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by Boys Scouts of America for Gazebo on June 13th, without the use of grills by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gallup. All in Favor.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by Sullivan County 4-H to use Dewey Beach on July 21st, without the use of grills grills by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.

Chairman Report
Chairman Gallup gave an update on the Beautification Oversight Committee budget in the amount of $1,874.88, which covers various plantings, mulch, replacement shrubs and miscellaneous maintenance.  Motion to authorize the expenditure of $1,874.88 and any interest that occurs until all the bills have been paid and trust fund is closed by Chairman Gallup, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor. Selectman Brown asked if this will have to be budgeted for next year, Chairman Gallup responded yes.

Town Manager Report
•Received official notification that the USDA Rural Development Funding in the amount of $1,500,000 WEP Loan and $929,100 WEP Grant, totaling $2, 429,100 has been approve. Selectman Gottling asked if New London would be getting this news or are they applying for a different grant? Donna Nashawaty replied that New London did apply elsewhere.
•Donna Nashawaty read a letter was received from Jeanne Circosta, 22 Chippendale Drive who within the last thirty days applied for a driveway permit and building permit for a shed, both were granted. Unfortunately, the cost of the shed along with the accompanying earthwork is prohibited. The applicant is requesting that the permit fee for the Shed in the amount of $35 be refunded. Donna Nashawaty stated that both of the permits had the appropriate work by the Town done on them to be granted and a building permit is issued and can be used for a period up to two years. The Town does not have a policy, but Donna Nashawaty believes the fee for the application would cover the Zoning Administrator and Road Agent to do the work to process the application, which was granted. Chairman Gallup agrees that the Town has incurred expense, Selectman Gottling wondered if the applicant might change her mind since she has two years. Donna Nashawaty suggested that she write a letter to the applicant stating that the application was processed and the Board is sorry that she changed her mind, but this will set a precedent for giving back fees after an application has been processed.      
•Donna Nashawaty updated the Board on the May 11th City Council meeting in Dover where they passed a resolution that said they wanted to give the citizens in the community an opportunity thru September to raise forty percent of the funds that will be necessary to move the bridge and if successful with that could have up to the following May or June to raise the rest of the funding. Donna Nashawaty met with the bridge sub-committee to discuss this development and decided that they would like to ask the Board of Selectmen to support the offer from Clayton Platt of Pennyroyal Hill, Land Surveying & Forestry, LLC made to the Board which is if the town needs any surveying to create a base map for design work, Mr. Platt would be happy to provide that service at no cost to the Town. Donna Nashawaty would like the Board of Selectmen to support accepting this generous donation. This would give the Town a great step up on trying to figure out the lengths of the bridge and if the Town did decide to move forward and construct their own bridge with the placing and levels needed. Selectman Gottling asked if the offer was for one placement, because the original bridge was for two placements and Donna Nashawaty said it was for one placement. The committee was going to make the other bridge work, but this offer has given the committee the opportunity to go out and look at developing a plan for a bridge that would be built. Selectman Brown asked if that was what the committee wanted and Donna Nashawaty relied that they did. Chairman Gallup stated that the consensus of the sub-committee was that the bridge idea was well accepted and that it’s unfortunate the City of Dover has changed the program on us again, but the people behind the movement have the energy and feel they need to go forward with a bridge one way or another. Selectman Gottling asked if the public hearings and acceptance of the donations (money) based on the covered bridge. Donna Nashawaty responded that the Town would probably have to have another public hearing when it came time to raise the money to do something different and whether or not a motion is made to give the money back or not accept because the plan has been changed. Board unanimously agreed to allow the Town Manager to contact Clayton Platt, Pennyroyal Hill, Land Surveying & Forestry, LLC to take him up on his offer to provide a base map for design work and set him up with Tony Bergeron to discuss location and plans.
•Donna Nashawaty was contacted by James Wassell, who was interested in using the middle section of the Harbor House Livery for artist co-op during the summer months. Donna Nashawaty, Craig Heino and Mr. Wassell met at the location and after some consideration Donna Nashawaty received a voice mail on Monday morning from Mr. Wassell, who withdrew his plan.  
•There is a possibility that if the Governor hears from enough communities regarding SB156 (Dealer Auto Registrations) that the Governor might veto the bill. Since Representative Bowers stated he might have voted against the bill had he known the thoughts of the Board and might participate in asking the Governor to veto the bill or would the Board like to write a letter to the Governor. Selectman Smith thought a letter from the Board of Selectmen, which she would be happy to help the Town Manager draft to the Governor with a copy to Representative Bowers would be good.  Selectman Roach was in agreement regarding writing a letter to the Governor stating that Betty Ramspott, Town Clerk had given the Board several valid reasons not to support this bill. Motion to send a letter to Governor expressing the Town’s concerns and the Town’s request to veto SB156, copy to Representative Bowers by Selectman Roach, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor. Donna Nashawaty also wanted to make a notation that in the minutes of May 9th SB156 was referred to as HB156 several times during the conversation, which is wrong.
•Donna Nashawaty would like to enter into a three year Workers’ Compensation Agreement offered by Primex called the cap program. Motion to enter into the cap program with Primex for the next three years. Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.

Selectman Roach commented that the Sullivan County Delegation next meeting is Wednesday, June 1st at 9:30am in Concord at the legislative building. Selectman Roach’s question is why is the Sullivan County Delegation holding it’s meeting in Concord? Selectman Roach asked Selectman Gottling who the President of the delegation was and Selectman Gottling said Beverly Rodeschin, Selectman Roach said Beverly would get a phone call.

Meeting adjourned at 9:32PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Charlotte Brown

_________________________               _______________________         
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Suzanne H. Gottling

Emma M. Smith