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Selectmen's Minutes 2012/09/24

6:30 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, September 24, 2012

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Emma Smith Vice Chairman, Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow, Suzanne Gottling and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Also Present: See attached sign-in sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM

Motion to approve the following Demo Permit:
Parcel ID: 0136-0067-0000, 364 Lake Ave. Turtle Rock Real Estate, LLC
By Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow. All in Favor
Motion to approve the following Tax Credit:
Parcel ID: 0218-0062-0000, 112 Sargent Road David Montambeault
By Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor
Motion to approve the following Yield Tax:
Parcel ID: 0237-0006-0000, 524 Stagecoach Rd. V-Oz Asset Management Co.
By Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow. All in Favor

Chairman Gallup read into the record a letter received from the Rosemary & Hess Gates of 49 High Street regarding Tony Bergeron and his crew and the great job they did on the High Street intersection.  

Chief Cahill-Police Business
•Officer Timothy Puchtler was promoted to Sergeant and swore in by Betty Ramspott, Town Clerk.
•Chief David Cahill presented an award to each one of the officers in the Sunapee Police Department, one officer from Bradford and one from Goshen for the outstanding job they did in the investigations regarding the recent burglaries in Sunapee.  

Selectmen Action
•The Board reviewed the revised “draft” noise ordinance and after some discussion, the only change was the time in section III, from 10:00am on Sundays and holidays to 8:30am on Sundays and holidays. Donna Nashawaty suggested that the violations be listed in the ordinance, the Board agreed. Motion to set October 22nd at 7:00PM as the public hearing to discuss the noise ordinance by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. All in Favor.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by Harbor House Livery Committee to hold an open house on September 30th by Selectman Smith seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by SMHS to hold a bonfire in the harbor on October 5th by Selectman Trow seconded by Selectman Hastings. All in Favor.
•Motion to appoint Veronica Hastings to the Budget Advisory Committee by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Smith. 4 in Favor 1 Abstain. Donna Nashawaty went over the process of board appointments. Donna Nashawaty went on to ask if since the Budget Advisory Committee is a Board of Selectmen appointed committee, would the Board like to make it a practice of having the candidates come to meet the Selectmen when applying? Selectman Smith would like to have the candidates come in to meet the Selectmen. After some discussion the Board agreed to have Veronica Hastings and any other interested applicants come to meet the Selectmen at the October 22nd meeting. Donna Nashawaty will call and invite Veronica Hastings to the meeting.     

Town Manager
•Charlotte Brown bought in the entire past audit reports that had been passed out during her term if anyone is interested in reviewing them.
•Donna Nashawaty received a recommendation from the Highway Safety Committee that asked for a traffic study on Route 11 between Seven Hearths and Granliden Road.
•Donna Nashawaty has been nominated to serve on the NH Municipal Association as a “MAC” board member and wanted to make sure the Board didn’t object before accepting the nomination. The Board had no problem with the nomination.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:48PM
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman              Emma Smith, Vice Chairman               

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                          Suzanne H. Gottling

Joshua Trow