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Selectmen's Minutes 2012/04/09

6:30 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, April 9, 2012

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow, Suzanne Gottling and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Also Present: See attached sign-in sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM

Motion to approve the following CZC’S:
Parcel ID-0225-0084-0000, 12 Sleeper Road, Susan Vigneault.
Parcel ID-0125-0037-0000, 113 Garnet Street, Thomas & Monique Malanga.
Parcel ID-0130-0028-0000, 74 North Road, Public Service of NH. by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.
Motion to approve the following Driveway Permit:
Parcel ID-0137-0003-0000, 60 Maple St. Carl Ostrom Rev. Trust. by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous.

Selectmen Action
•Donna Nashawaty reviewed the potential deed waivers with the Board and made suggestions of the properties the Board would not want to take by deeding.
•Motion to appoint Xan Gallup as an alternate to the Abbott Library Trustees by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. 3 in Favor, 1 Abstained.
•Motion to approve & sign the MS-2 (Summary of Appropriations Actually Voted on) by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow.  Unanimous.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by Lake Sunapee Yacht Club to use the Safety Services Building for a Sailing rules Seminar on June 9th by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by Kyle Morin & Jessica Lambert to use the Gazebo for a wedding on July 14th by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.

Chairman’s Report
Chairman Gallup wanted to bring up that since the Zoning Board basically has all new members, that the Town Attorney will hold a meeting to review the “Right to Know Law” on Tuesday, April 10th at 6:30PM in the Town Office Meeting Room and hoped some of the Selectmen would be able to attend. Also, Thursday, April 12th will be the first Zoning Board meeting since the election of new members, which the Zoning Board will be hearing the case that has been brought back from Superior Court and Chairman thought it would be good if some of the Selectmen could attend the meeting to show their support.   

Town Manager Report
•The Board discussed the emails received from Dick Leone regarding the House redistricting plan, which resulted in Sunapee losing its representative seat. Chairman Gallup asked if Dick Leone would be interested in helping with this fight. Selectman Gottling asked Donna Nashawaty if she had been contacted by the Town of Tilton regarding forming a group for a suit re:~ full representative seat that was lost in the redistricting. After much discussion, Donna Nashawaty will reach out to her Manager’s group to see what towns would be interested in a class action suit.
•Donna Nashawaty thought it was important that the Board see the updated County MS42 Data from the NH Center for Public Policy Studies.
•Donna Nashawaty explained the annual policy proposal survey from the New Hampshire Municipal Association, which solicits legislative policy proposals from member municipalities. The goal is to collect policy ideas from as many municipal officials as possible, which will inform our policy setting process for the new legislative biennium.
•Donna Nashawaty sent out the funding proposals letter for the Interim Funding for Wastewater Plant Upgrade to Sugar River, Lake Sunapee Savings and Northway Bank. The proposals need to be submitted by Wednesday, April 11 and the decision will be made by Thursday, April 12th.  The Sunapee Water & Sewer Commission is working with New London Selectmen on an inter-municipal agreement that addresses how they will pay back the loan for the Wastewater Plant upgrade. Rural Development won’t touch until there’s a signed Interim Funding and the project cannot go out to bid until the Town gets Interim Funding. Donna Nashawaty is looking to do a joint meeting between the Selectmen and Water & Sewer Commission next Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to ratify the inter-municipal agreement, which takes a vote from the Sewer Commissioners and approval from the Board of Selectmen. Also to award the interim funding takes a vote from the Sewer Commissioners and a vote from the Board of Selectmen, who are the only powers that can borrow the money. Donna Nashawaty will get back to the Board with the date.            

Selectman Gottling asked how it was determined who was picked for bids. Donna Nashawaty stated that the original policy was to obtain three (3) bids on anything over $5,000.  

Meeting Adjourned at 8:19PM  
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman              Emma Smith, Vice Chairman               

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                          Suzanne H. Gottling

Joshua Trow