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Selectmen's Minutes 2012/03/26

6:30 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, March 26, 2012

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Shane Hastings, Suzanne Gottling, Emma Smith Vice-Chairman, Josh Trow, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Also Present: See attached sign-in sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM

Motion to approve the following CZC’S:
Parcel ID: 0137-0011-0000, 127 Edgemont Road, Richard & Raylene Bly
Parcel ID: 0140-0027-0000, 232 Burkehaven Hill Rd., Lois Gould.
Parcel ID: 0138-0019-0000, 64 Winn Hill Rd., Clifford Field.
Parcel ID: 0125-0041-0000, 131 Garnet St. Gregg & Eileen Lagrotteria.
Parcel ID: 0232-0023-0000, 60 Route 103, Jared & Laura Raymond
Parcel ID: 0129-0073-0000, 18 Central, Sonya Land Investment by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Smith. Unanimous.
Motion to approve the following Driveway Permit: Parcel ID: 0215-0042-0000, 18 Sunny Lane, James Woodley by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.
Motion to approve the following Tax Abatement: Parcel ID: 0107-0047-0000 & 0107-0033-0000, 58 John Avery, William Farrar by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.

Chairman Gallup presented Charlotte Brown with a service certificate and thanked her for her time and dedication to the Town. Chairman Gallup also read a letter to be sent to Michael Dashner thanking him for his years of service as the Town Health Officer.  

Public Comments
As a regular attendee of Selectmen meetings, Peter Urbach just wanted to caution the new Selectmen not to expect this level of attendance at meetings.

Selectmen Action
•Appointment of Officers
Selectman Smith nominated Selectman Gallup for Chairman, seconded by Selectman Gottling.  4 in Favor, 1 Abstained. Chairman Gallup nominated Selectman Smith for Vice-Chairman, seconded by Selectman Gottling.  4 in Favor, 1 Abstained Unanimous.

•Board Committee Assignments were assigned as follows:
ALTERNATE WASTE: Chairman Gallup  
BEAUTIFICATION:  Chairman Gallup
HIGHWAY SAFETY: Chairman Gallup
LSPA: Selectman Smith
PLANNING: Selectman Hastings
PLANNING:  Selectman Smith Alternate
TRI-TOWN ASSESSING: Selectman Gottling
UVLSRPC: Selectman Trow
•Motion to approve the 2012 Pay Table by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings, All in Favor. Unanimous.
Motion to sign the Johnson sewer utility easement deed by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by Lisa Connors to use the Gazebo for a wedding on September 29th by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.
•Motion to sign the Anchorage entertainment license by Selectman Smith. The date on the license of March 31st was wrong and the motion was amended by Selectman Smith to reflect the current dates, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous.
The Board of Selectmen received a request from the Abbott Library Trustees to complete the purchase of the property, known as Sunapee Center, with the Library paying the additional funds required by the Purchase and Sales Agreement from the funds available in the Library Capital Reserve Fund ($125,000) and the funds available in the Library Capital Campaign Fund ($164,500). Motion to approve the Library Trustees request to complete the purchase of property, known as Sunapee Center, for the new library by Selectman Gottling seconded by Selectman Trow.
Chairman Gallup opened up the discussion with comments from the Board of Selectmen. Selectman Gottling stated that there have been many meetings regarding this purchase and is very positive with the purchase. Chairman Gallup asked if Chairman Terri White from the Library Trustees had any comments. Chairman Terri White stated that the Trustees met on Tuesday, March 20th and voted unanimously to complete the purchase of the property, known as Sunapee Center, for the new library and presented the motion to the Board of Selectmen. Chairman Gallup read two (2) emails; the first was from Paul & Jody Manson stating that they were not in favor of the Town continuing with the purchase of the land for the new library. The Mansons feel the Town does not need an 8,000 square foot library to maintain. The second email was from Ray Cabral who wanted to voice his opinion to a Selectman.~“I understand the Library Trustees are pulling an end run by trying to persuade you guys into letting them buy that land.~ Please don’t do it.~Hold off on the meeting until people can get organized with all the facts. I would like to officially ask that the board not act on this until the issue can be studied more.~ This rush job stinks and you are going to get bombarded by petitions next year if they pull this off.~ There is a lot of concern that there may be financial conflicts with Library board members that have not been publically vetted.~ This whole thing stinks of a scandal and no one can understand the rush to buy the land….
They already know they can’t raise the money without the loan.~ Why buy the land if the plan is not to hold the town hostage?~ There are no other buyers right now…”

Chairman Gallup didn’t quite know what the “end run” was!
Chairman Gallup stated that this certainly wasn’t something that was kept under cover; there have been numerous regular public meetings, plus the deliberative session, which is where the voters have a chance to voice their opinions. Chairman Gallup went on to say that there were a few things in the email that he would like to know where the foundation for them is, but Mr. Cabral is apparently not going to let the Board know at this time. Chairman Terri White stated that the planning process for the new library began in July of 2010. Chairman Terri White went back and counted; there were twenty-five (25) public Trustee meetings, where the Sunapee Center site was discussed. Chairman Terri White went on to say that throughout 2011 and the beginning of this year there were nine (9) Board of Selectmen’s meeting where the Sunapee Center site was discussed and particularly the purchase and sales agreement. There were also public forums, an open house at the library, the deliberative session, the budget hearings and the public hearing for the bonding. In Chairman Terri White’s opinion, she didn’t feel it’s been a “rush” or an end game and Chairman Terri White takes great exception to that verbiage. Chairman Terri White also takes great exception to the comments that have been made to her Library Board. Chairman Terri White personally takes any attack, slanderous if it’s stated, libelous if in writing that there are any conflicts between the Library Board is absolutely incorrect. Chairman Terri White thinks that someone who is willing to make those particular charges in writing should be available to defend them and Chairman Terri White is very concerned that this person is not at this meeting to cite specifically whatever these conflicts are. Chairman Terri White said if there had been any conflicts the Trustee or Trustees would have recused themselves instantly. Chairman Gallup had also hoped the person would have been at the meeting to answer to what he sent in the email. Chairman Gallup went on to say that any email sent to him in the capacity as a Selectman or Chairman of the Board of Selectmen is public information. This email disturbed Chairman Gallup and he wanted to be able to confront this person and address the concerns this person appears to have. Donna Nashawaty went on to say what the next process would be; the bank will draw up a deed and an easement deed, both deeds will be sent to the Town’s Attorney for review, a closing will be set. May 1st was given as the closing date on the purchase and sales agreement. Selectman Trow wondered if Oakwood Park needed to be notified that the Town would like to waive the $1,000,000 bond article. Chairman Terri White said that is a decision the Board of Selectmen, who actually signed the agreement would need to make. If tonight’s vote is successful, Donna Nashawaty will notify the bank on Tuesday that the Town will not be exercising that contingency and the Town would like to see the drafts of the deeds. All in Favor.  Unanimous.    
Chairman Gallup read the letter from Shane Hastings resigning from the Budget Advisory Committee.

Town Manager Report
•Donna Nashawaty presented the Board with the tax deeding list, which the Board should review for any possible properties the Town would not want to deed, prior to May 1st.   
•Reminder-Annual Firemen’s Supper on April 14th at 6:00PM, Safety Services Building.  
•Donna Nashawaty passed out some information regarding the Barn Tax Incentive
•Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board that Green-up Day will be held on is Saturday, May 5th 9:00 am-Noon.
•Donna Nashawaty, Chief David Cahill and Chief Danny Ruggles attended the meeting on Thursday, March 22nd    at the Sugar River Community Room to discuss a regional Dispatch Service Center in Sullivan County.
•Selectman Smith commented on the great turnout for “Imagine Sunapee 2020”, which was sponsored by Project Sunapee on Saturday, March 24th at Pete Shed.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:52PM
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                              Shane Hastings

_________________________               _____________________________
Emma M. Smith, Vice Chairman                            Suzanne H. Gottling

Joshua Trow