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Selectmen's Minutes 2012/03/12
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Last Updated: 2012/3/20

6:30 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, March 12, 2012

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Charlotte Brown, Suzanne Gottling, Emma Smith, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Also Present: See attached sign-in sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM

Motion to approve the following CZC’S:
Parcel ID: 0127-0001-0000, 15 Clearwater Drive, Steven Tallarico.
Parcel ID: 0108-0007-0000, 53 Westwood Rd, Marjolyn Camilleri.
Parcel ID: 0121-0050-0000, 32 Fernwood South, David & Lisa Andrews.
Parcel ID: 0238-0002-0000, 139 Timmothy Rd, Kenneth Mello & Corina Ouellette
Parcel ID: 0126-0025-0000, 100 Garnet Hill Rd, Scott & Loredana Griffith by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown. Unanimous
Motion to approve the following Land Disturbance Bond:
Parcel ID: 0126-0025-0000, 100 Garnet Hill Road, Scott & Loredana Griffith by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous (Permit will be held until $35 fee is received)
Motion to approve the following Demo Permit: Parcel ID: 0126-0025-0000, 100 Garnet Hill Road, Scott & Loredana Griffith by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown. Unanimous (Permit will be held until $25 fee is received)
Motion to approve the following Sign Permit:
Parcel ID: 0133-0001-0000, 81 Edgemont Rd, Lynne Wardlaw by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown. Unanimous
Motion to sign the following Elderly & Veterans Property Tax Credit:
Parcel ID: 0210-0022-0000, 546 North Rd. Harold Leavitt by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Smith. 3 in Favor 1 Abstain

Public Comments
Representative Bowers updated the Board on the four (4) bills that the Board had interest in. Representative Bowers went on to say that three (3) of the four (4) bills were “killed” in the House, but HB1674, which proposes to reduce interest rates on delinquent taxes will be voted on later in the week. The Board of Selectmen stills oppose HB 1674.  

Selectmen Action
•Motion to authorize Chairman Gallup to sign the USDA Loan Resolution for the Wastewater Treatment Facility by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Gottling. 3 in Favor, 1 Abstain.

The Board of Selectmen received a letter from Matthew Katz requesting an abatement of interest that accrued from an oversight on the first tax billing. Motion to deny the request to abate the interest by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous.
Donna Nashawaty received a verbal resignation from Michael Dashner, who is stepping down as the Health Officer because of health reasons. Motion to recommend to the State Douglas Gamsby as the Health Officer, made by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Motion to recommend to the State Donna Nashawaty as the Deputy Health Officer by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown. Unanimous.
• Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by Lake Sunapee Rowing Club to use Georges Mills Harbor on various dates, made by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Smith. Unanimous.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by Katherine Davison to use the Gazebo for a wedding on August 18th by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Smith. Unanimous.

Chairman Report
•Chairman Gallup informed the Board about an article he had read in the Weekly Market Bulletin, which is a publication of the Department of Agriculture regarding the state’s tax incentive program that encourages historic barn preservation. The barn tax incentive allows municipalities to grant property tax relief to barn owners who can demonstrate the public benefit of preserving their barns or other old farm buildings while agreeing to maintain their structures through a ten (10) year renewable easement. In return the Board of Selectmen provides tax relief of 25% to 75% of the full assessed value of the building and the land underneath it. Chairman Gallup stated that there are not many old barns left, but this might be an incentive to preserve the few that are left. Donna Nashawaty stated that the municipality would have to adopt it and then put on as a 2013 warrant article.       

Town Manager Report
•Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board of the experimental traffic pattern change that would be occurring at the election polls (Sherburne Gym) tomorrow.
•Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that there will be a meeting on Thursday, March 22nd at 6:00PM in Newport at the Sugar River Bank Community Room to discuss the concept of establishing a centralized emergency service dispatch center in Sullivan County, Donna Nashawaty and Chief David Cahill plan to attend.
•Donna Nashawaty wanted to go over the concerns or issues (see attached) that the Board or the Fentons expressed at the August 29, 2011 Board of Selectmen meeting. After discussing, the Board agreed on freezing current leasing price for a year and then reviewing annually. Also, would agree on a payment schedule that would work for them. The Board will waive the letter of credit, but will not change the insurance coverage requirements. Donna Nashawaty will go back and make the changes to the contract.

Chief Gallup wished all the candidates luck in the upcoming election. The Board thanked Selectman Charlotte Brown for her service to the Town and told her not to be a stranger.    

Meeting Adjourned at 8:24PM
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                              Charlotte Brown

_________________________               _____________________________
Emma M. Smith                                               Suzanne H. Gottling