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Selectmen's Minutes 2012/01/03

Meeting 6:30PM at the Town Meeting Room
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Present: Frederick Gallup Chairman, Charlotte Brown, Suzanne Gottling and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager.

There are only three (3) Selectmen in attendance at tonight’s meeting.

Review of Items for Signature
Motion to approve the following Intent to Cut by Selectman Brown, by Selectman Gottling Chairman Gallup abstained. Two in Favor. Parcel ID 0232-0011-0000, Trask Brook Road, Joylon Johnson. Parcel ID 0218-0018-0000, North Road, Douglas Richardson, Sr.
Motion to approve the following Yield Tax by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown Parcel ID 0210-0061-0000, 74 Trow Hill Road, Robert Bell. All in Favor.
Motion to approve the following CZC’s by Selectman Brown seconded by Selectman Gottling Parcel ID 0233-0048-0001, Nutting Road, Norman & Susan Smith. All in Favor.
Motion to approve the following Driveway Permit by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling Parcel ID 0233-0048-0001, Nutting Road, Norman & Susan Smith. All in Favor.
Minute corrections: Under Town Manager; Change Bog Brother/Big Sister to Big. Under Town Manager, The Board will need to decide the on the order of the warrant articles by Monday, January 30th, remove the word the.

Jolyon Johnson
Jolyon Johnson stated that because of the potential circumstances of either property purchase or easement purchase, potential litigation and because negotiations are still active I had requested a non-public session. Donna Nashawaty asked under what circumstances, the Board needs a statue to go into a non-public session. Jolyon Johnson couldn’t remember the statue number, but it would be potential litigation because of easement issues and also expenditures of town money or in this case conservation easement monies. Donna Nashawaty said maybe the Board could go into a non-public session under negotiations; litigations can only be done with the Town Attorney. Chairman Gallup said that the Board was not trying to be sticklers, but the statue 91-A is pretty explicit. Donna Nashawaty thought that the Board could hear the other appointments and have Jolyon Johnson came back and go into non-public under negotiations. Jolyon Johnson said that would be fine; Donna Nashawaty asked Joylon Johnson to come back at 8:00PM.    

Chief Cahill
•Chief Cahill has requested permission to trade four (4) suppressors in exchange for a Taser. Also Chief Cahill has requested permission to trade one (1) AR-15 patrol rifle in exchange for .40 caliber practice ammunition. The Town did not expend any money for the rifles or the suppressors, both were purchased by a donation of the Sunapee Police Benevolent Association in 2006. Motion to allow Chief Cahill to trade the aforementioned surplus equipment by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor
•Donna Nashawaty presented the Gallantry Star award to Chief David Cahill and Sargent E. Neil Cobb. The Gallantry Awards were presented to Chief Cahill and Sgt. Cobb of the Sunapee Police Department for their actions in the arrest of a wanted felon.  The circumstances of the arrest were the result of a motor vehicle stop on November 29, 2011 in which it was revealed that the subject was wanted by the New Hampshire Probation and Parole Department for previous felony drug charges.  During the arrest, the subject resisted and fled on foot causing injury to Chief Cahill.  Both Sgt. Cobb and Chief Cahill continued to chase the subject and after a brief struggle, successfully arrested the subject.  A subsequent search of the subject’s vehicle revealed large quantities of illegal drugs, including cocaine, heroin, marijuana, crack and psilocybin mushrooms.  The actions of both officers resulted in the removal of a dangerous felon from the community.

Beck Johnson-Warrant Article
Beck Johnson from Sanctuary Dairy Farm Ice Cream Shop, who is in the final stages of completing a solar project at the scoop shop found out that Sunapee, does not have a renewable energy property tax exemption in place. Beck Johnson would like to request the support of the Selectmen with a warrant article on renewable energy. The warrant article would only pertain to solar energy systems. Selectman Brown asked if this is a request to be put on the warrant. Chairman Gallup stated yes, it is a proposed article for the Town warrant. Chairman Gallup went on to say that there are two (2) different ways to get an article on the warrant; through the Board of Selectmen or with a petition. Beck Johnson has come to the Board to see if the Board would put this article on the warrant. Motion to accept Beck Johnson’s proposed renewable energy property tax exception as a warrant article by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.   

Public Comments
•Peter Urbach presented the Board an amendment to the purchase and sales agreement dated August 30, 2011 by and between the Town of Sunapee and Oakwood Park, INC. Motion to accept the amendment to the purchase and sales agreement by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor. The Board signed the amendment and Peter Urbach will deliver to the bank.
Chairman Gallup has a bit of trivia regarding the tax rate. In 1992, the town tax rate was $11.62; town portion was $3.03 or 26% of the tax rate. In 1993, the town tax rate was $16.31; town portion was $5.78 or 35% of the tax rate. This year the tax rate was $14.14; town portion was $2.85 or 20% of the tax rate. Chairman Gallup would like to feel that the Selectmen, Town Manager and Department Heads have kept the tax rate somewhat stable over the past twenty (20) years.      

Selectmen Action
•Motion to allow Betty Ramspott and Melissa Heino to act as the Boat Agent for the Town of Sunapee by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.
•Motion to appoint Stephen White as a temporary member of the Trustees of the Trust Fund until the March 13, 2012 election by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling? Chairman Gallup and Selectman Brown asked if there was an urgency to appoint right now.  Donna Nashawaty stated that because of health reasons John Mapley is considering step down. All in Favor.

Chairman’s Report
Selectman Brown because of personal reasons has decided not to run for a second term. Selectman Brown stated that she has put in quite a few years with different Boards and feels it’s time to retire. Selectman Brown personally feels that everyone should serve on a Board or committee sometime in their life; it makes you appreciate what the other side of the desk is going through. Chairman Gallup said on behalf of himself and the Board that they enjoyed serving with Selectman Brown. Chairman Gallup went on to say that Selectman Brown bought a unique perspective, as everyone does and very valuable input, which helps to make for a very well-rounded Board. Chairman Gallup thanked Selectman Brown and said she would be missed.      

Manager Report
•Donna Nashawaty reviewed the New London EMS Assessment Executive Summary Ambulance Study details. The next step was a written contract between towns and hospital.
•Donna Nashawaty handed out the revised budget worksheets, no further changes from Board of Selectmen.
•Donna Nashawaty wanted the Board to consider what they would like for a Town Report Cover and dedication. Selectman Gottling has some reservations about the request to put proposed construction on the cover. It might be safer to put existing things on the cover. Selectman Brown had some comments regarding the expense of a colored cover. Donna Nashawaty said that she doesn’t need to go with a colored cover. Selectman Brown asked if the school was doing their own school report, Donna Nashawaty said yes.    

8:32PM-Motion to go into a non-public session under 91-A:3 II (d) consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or personal property which if discussed in public would likely benefit a party whose interests are adverse to those of the general community. This is in regards to negotiations or easements on the Jennings property by Chairman Gallup, seconded by Selectman Brown.

Chairman Gallup went on to say that this was requested by Jolyon Johnson, it was requested of the Board, that Van Webb be allowed to stay. Chairman Gallup asked Jolyon Johnson if it was pertinent that Van Webb be included in the non-public session, Jolyon Johnson said yes. Chairman Gallup asked for a roll call vote, Selectman Gottling would feel more comfortable if she knew more about the request.
Chairman Gallup wanted to clarify that if the Board gets into the non-public session and the Board discovers that the reason for going into non-public no longer exists, the Board will come out of the non-public session. The Roll call vote approved unanimous.

9:18PM-The Board returned from non-public session.     

9:18PM-Motion to seal the minutes by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. The Roll Call vote approved unanimous.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:19PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                              Charlotte Brown

_________________________               _____________________________
Emma M. Smith                                               Suzanne H. Gottling