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Selectmen's Minutes 2013/07/15

7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, July 15, 2013

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Emma Smith Vice Chairman, Suzanne Gottling,
Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM

Review of Items for Signature:
Parcel ID: 0124-0002-0000 37 Ryder Corner Rd. Barry & Patricia Shea
Parcel ID: 0114-0006-0003 952 Route 11 Mark Brunelle
By Selectman Gottling and Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
Sign Permit:
Parcel ID: 0106-0021-0000 1250 Route 11 HK Sunapee Cove, LLC
By Selectman Hastings and Selectman Trow, unanimous.
Yield Tax:
Parcel ID: 0215-0038-0000 57 Sunny Lane John Foulds
Parcel ID: 0215-0039-0000 Sunny Lane John Foulds
Amended motion by Selectman Trow and Selectman Gottling, unanimous.
2010 Property Tax Refund:
Parcel ID: 0121-0019-0000 41 West Shore David & Carole Robinson
2011 Property Tax Refund:
Parcel ID: 0121-0019-0000 41 West Shore David & Carole Robinson
2012 Property Tax Refund:
Parcel ID: 0121-0019-0000 41 West Shore David & Carole Robinson
By Selectman Trow and Selectman Smith, unanimous.
2012 Abatement Refunds (Granted)
Parcel ID: 0121-0020-0000 45 West Shore Rd. John & Martha Cassidy
Parcel ID: 0120-0011-0000 6 Ridgewood Rd. Kaufman Irrevocable Trust
Parcel ID: 0113-0040-0000 6A Ridgewood Rd. Kaufman Irrevocable Trust
Parcel ID: 0121-0030-0000 83 Fernwood Point Jamie Stevens Silverstein
Parcel ID: 0147-0041-0000 9 Hansen Chase Rd. Robert & Louise Friedland
Parcel ID: 0122-0025-0000 178 Garnet Hill Rd. Gardiner Bay, LLC
Parcel ID: 0122-0024-0000 186 Garnet Hill Rd. Stephen & Pamela Wojcik, II
Parcel ID: 0124-0008-0000 87 Ryder Corner Rd. John & Dawn Famiglietti
Parcel ID: 0149-0010-0000 696 Route 103 Janet Jodoin
Parcel ID: 0210-0034-0000 474 North Rd. Kurt Gergler & Elaine Arbour
Parcel ID: 0120-0025-0000 15 Nilsen Lane Kenneth & Marian Southall
Parcel ID: 0231-0006-0000 127 Hells Corner Rd. Edward & Holly Tenney
Parcel ID: 0138-0042-0000 21 Stagecoach Lane Paul & Mary Nangeroni
Parcel ID: 0210-0053-0000 138 Trow Hill Rd. Trow Hill Road Realty Trust
By Selectman Gottling and Selectman Smith, unanimous.

2012 Abatement Refunds (Denied)
Parcel ID: 0121-0029-0000 West Shore Rd. John & Martha Cassidy
Parcel ID: 0133-0005-0000 42 Lake Ave Michael Whitaker
Parcel ID: 0229-0019-0000 24 Woodland Rd. Lowell & Kimberly Putnam
Parcel ID: 0128-0047-0000 38 Garnet St. Jonathan Clark
Parcel ID: 0112-0009-0000 Woodland Rd. Merle Hochman Revocable Trust
By Selectman Hastings and Selectman Trow, unanimous.

The reporter from WNTK wanted to apologize publicly to the Board and Donna for the misunderstanding regarding the recording of the last Board of Selectmen’s meeting.

Chief Dan Ruggles
Chief Ruggles explained the functions of the new SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus) equipment that the department received this past week. The funds from a 2013 warrant article were used to purchase this equipment.

Chief David Cahill
•Chief Cahill addressed the question that was brought up at the last Board of Selectmen’s meeting regarding how well equipped the Sunapee Police Department relative to security cameras in the station and in the police cars. Chief Cahill gave details on the grants the department has received to keep up with the latest technology. Chief Cahill reported that the installation of cameras in the school buildings, which can be viewed at the Police station or in the police cars. Compared to other communities, in Chief Cahill’s opinion, Sunapee is “above the curve” when it comes to the protection of the community, our officers and to provide the people who are arrested a certain amount of protection and professionalism. Chairman Gallup though it was a good question and thanked Chief Cahill for coming in. John Augustine asked if the police saw something happening at the school, such as a drug transaction or theft on the camera could the police go to investigate or do they have to be invited by the school. Chief Cahill explained that there were only be three (3) or four (4) reasons why the camera would be on at the school: an emergency, demonstrating the set-up to another police department or school, or if the school wanted the police to observe activity that was occurring. Chief Cahill went on to say, that a policy would be written stating who would have access to the camera, not everyone in the department would have access and why it would be turned on and viewed. John Augustine asked if it was a continuous recording. Chief Cahill replied that the police department, only viewed, would not be recording. Peter Urbach stated he understood that the department would not be recording the school feeds, but is the department recording the internal feeds from the cars. Chief Cahill replied yes. There are signs in various places in the police department and in the back window of the police car that state that you are being recorded.
•Chief Cahill wanted to make the Board aware of House bill 575, which passed that allows on-premises liquor licenses to sell beverages or liquor until 2:00am, if authorized by local ordinance.

Public Comments
•Carola Grouse came back to the Board to express her concerns regarding the maintenance of Trow Hill Road.
•Charles Smith was curious regarding the abatement request, which was from three (3) years. The Water and Sewer Department has a regulation, which states it will not allow abatement further than one (1) year back. Are the Town being too lenient or the Water and Sewer Department being too strict? Chairman Gallup explained that it was an 2010 abatement request that was denied, so the taxpayer took it to the Land and Tax Appeal Board. An assessed value was agreed upon, which the abatement applies and that is the amount for the consecutive years.
•John Augustine saw the press release regarding the installation of the covered bridge and asked if the Town would be paying for the Highway Department and Police presence at the bridge construction site or will the bridge committee. Donna Nashawaty stated that the Highway Department is overseeing the project and Chief Cahill said the police would be the officers scheduled to work that day.         

Selectmen Action
•Motion to accept the gift of $6,600 from Project Sunapee to cover the expense of the crane and hold a public hearing on the July 29th Board of Selectmen’s meeting by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Smith. Unanimous
•Motion to enter into a contract with Underwood Engineers for the Perkins Pond Sewer Project by Selectman Gottling seconded By Selectman Hastings. Unanimous
•Motion to authorize Chairman Gallup to sign the Underwood Engineers Perkins Pond Sewer contract by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Smith. Unanimous

Town Manager Reports
Donna Nashawaty updated the Board on the Schatz bankruptcy. Donna Nashawaty received a phone call today at 5:30PM, that a check in the amount $43,160 from the bank to get it out of tax deeding, is on its way. They will still owe the 2011 levy that goes to deed in March of 2014, which they are aware of that amount and date.
•Donna Nashawaty updated the Board on the security changes that will take places at the Town Hall. The changes are the results of the workplace violence session that employees attended, which was put on by the Local Government Center.
Donna Nashawaty updated the Board on the July 4th activities. A meeting was held on Monday, July 8 in the Town Meeting Room, which was attended by Chief Cahill, Sergeant Cobb, Chief Ruggles, Scott Blewitt, Recreation Director, Scott Hazelton, Road Agent and Donna Nashwaty to address some concerns associated with the 4th town celebration. Donna Nashawaty went on to say that, she received numerous phone calls praising the town for a great event, but it was determined that there needs to be better communication between the departments for this event next year.

•Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that the storms that occurred between Saturday, June 29th thru beginning of July were declared as disaster areas by FEMA. The estimated damage is $50,000, which includes North Road, Trow Hill Road, Lake Avenue, and Georges Mills.
•Donna Nashawaty reviewed the monthly budget statement and feels at this time the Town is in good standing. The Highway Department had frozen purchases due to the storm.  
•Donna Nashawaty stated that one of the lifeguards lost her parking pass to Dewey Beach, which normally the resident would be charges a $25 replacement fee. The Beach Manager picks up the passes for the beach employees, so this employee was not aware of the lost decal fee. The Beach Manager has written a letter to the Board asking to waive this fee. The Beach Manager has now also informed the beach employees that if they lose their beach-parking pass that they will be charge the lost decal fee in the future. Donna Nashawaty asked the Board if they would waive the fee and if so, makes a motion.
Motion to issue the beach employee a new pass and waive the lost decal replacement fee by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Smith. Unanimous
Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board of the Summer Town Meeting on Tuesday, August 6th at 7:00PM       

Meeting Adjourned at 8:36PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                                  Suzanne H. Gottling

_________________________               _____________________________
Joshua Trow