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Selectmen's Minutes 2013/07/01
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, July 1, 2013

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Emma Smith Vice Chairman Suzanne Gottling, Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM

Review of Items for Signature:
Parcel ID:  0133-0107-0000:  33 Maple St., Prospect Hill Construction, LLC
Parcel ID:  0133-0096-0000:  9 Maple St., Robert & Dolores Werge
Parcel ID:  0118-0052-0000:  88 Burma Rd., Maureen Binzel
Parcel ID:  0144-0019-0000:  Basin Dr., Gregory & Deborah LaRoza
Parcel ID:  0145-0011-0000:  17 Upper Bay Rd., Michael & Deborah Pollman
Parcel ID:  0133-0063-0009 & 0133-0063-0010:  14 Lake Ave, Units 9 & 10,
                                Sandra Chandonnet & Deborah Fetes
Parcel ID:  0210-0004-0000:  95 Trow Hill Rd., Eliassen-New London Realty Trust
Parcel ID:  0126-0034-0000:  34 Garnet Hill Rd., Rebecca Bennett Anderson
Parcel ID:  0138-0037-0000:  15A Stagecoach Lane, Dennis R & Lynne M Wiggins                                                    (AT&T Wireless)
Parcel ID:  0119-0009-0000:  844 Route 11, Pleasant Acres Property Maintenance, LLC
Parcel ID:  0130-0010-0000:  14 West Court Rd., Ann Johnson
By Selectman Gottling and Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
Driveway Permits:
Parcel ID:  0133-0107-0000:  33 Maple St., Prospect Hill Construction, LLC
Parcel ID:  0133-0107-0000:  33 Maple St., Prospect Hill Construction, LLC
Parcel ID:  0144-0019-0000:  Emily Lane, Gregory & Deborah LaRoza
By Selectman Trow and Selectman Smith, unanimous
Yield Tax:
Parcel ID:  0215-0038-0000 & 0215-0039-0000:  57 Sunny Lane & Sunny Lane,
                                John & Lorelle Foulds
By Selectman Hastings and Selectman Trow, unanimous

Public Comments:
•Peter Urbach referred to the camera issues that New London Police department is having and wanted to know how well equipped is Sunapee relative to  Police departments cameras and in-car cameras. Are they up to date and state of the art?  Chairman Gallup stated that there are cameras in the most of the police cruisers and there are cameras around the outside of the police station.  Donna Nashawaty further stated the Safety Service building has cameras inside in public areas such as the booking area and the Sally Port.  In addition,  Chief Cahill has policies that have been instituted and are part of the training program.   She also stated that the she would be happy to invite Chief Cahill in for the Board to discuss this issue further.  Chairman Gallup replied that that it would be good to have Chief Cahill come in and update the Board.
•Carola Gouse who lives on Trow Hill Road read a letter in regards to the traffic levels and speed levels on that road.  She would like the road returned to dirt to help encourage slower traffic.  See attached letter for further details.  Chairman Gallup stated there was not a lot that can be done, but he would make Chief Cahill aware of the issue.  As far as road improvements, none are scheduled now.  Scott Hazelton, the Highway Director, is looking into ways to improve the road but those improvements will take time.  Turning the road back to a dirt road would be difficult due to all the traffic and the number of residents that now live on the road.

Selectmen Action
•Perkins Pond Right of Way Certificate
Selectman Gottling made a motion to authorize Chairman Gallup to sign the official Perkins Pond Right of Way Certificate seconded by Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
        •Claremont Savings Bank-Perkins Pond
        Selectman Smith made a motion to accept and approve the letter of credit seconded by Selectman Trow, unanimous.  
        Selectman Gottling made a motion to authorize the Chair to sign requests for disbursements upon recommendation from the Water & Sewer Commissioners, seconded by Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
•Appleseed Cruise Property LLC:  Rates for 2013 for MV Kearsarge and MV Sunapee
Donna Nashawaty reviewed with the Board the letters that are to be sent to Appleseed Cruise Property that included the 2% COLA increase above last year’s rate. The Board had no objection.

Chairman’s Report
Chairman Gallup spoke with Donna Gazelle who would like to have an opening ceremony for the bridge. There is not a date to set the bridge at this point, and discussion was tabled until this date is set. Chairman Gallup talked about the tree trimming out by the hydro. Donna Nashawaty stated it would be finished in a timely fashion. Selectman Hastings asked about an update on the road between Dewey Beach and the Harbor in regards to speed and signage. Donna Nashawaty updated the Board the some trees were trimmed and that the speed limit signs are now both very visible. Selectman Bottling updated the Board that the County Budget had been signed.
Town Manager Reports
        Health Care Reform
        Donna Nashawaty updated the Board on the session she attended at the Local Government Center regarding Health Care Reform. She reported that there are significant impacts if you are an over 50 employer. That is calculated by your full time equivalents mathematically working out to be over 50 for 4 months of the year. Donna Nashawaty stated that if she instituted the firefighter being paid monthly instead of quarterly and by reviewing the part time employees who work between 28-32 hours, we could eliminate the stricter requirements. More updates to come, as the requirements are continuing to change.  
Tax Deeded Property update:  Donna Nashawaty reviewed the properties that became the Town of Sunapee’s during the 2013 tax deeding process. One property owner paid today and is considered up-to-date. Donna Nashawaty stated that to deed this property back it would need a quitclaim deed and it was not ready since they had paid today, but that it would be ready for next meeting to be signed by the Board. Another owner said that they would have a bank check to the office on July 12th. There will be two quitclaims ready for the next meeting. The third one would be done by August 1st. Property Taxes were due today and at the close of the day, ninety percent of the taxes have been paid. In addition, Donna Nashawaty noted that the Town Clerks office had been assisting Newport with auto registrations since the Newport Town Office had been hit by lightning last week and their computer system was still down.
Old Information Booth update:  Donna Nashawaty distributed pictures of the old information booth and described its transformation. Gene Hall took on the responsibility of the renovation for the Historical Society; Pat Hall and Baker Boyce along with others have worked on it as well. Eileen Stiles has worked on the Harbor House Livery windows and arranged with Craig Heino for them to come back to the livery this morning. She reports that it was “fun” working on them. Craig Heino expects to put these in the next level and then use the ones we take out for further replacement or repair.
Office Staff:  Donna Nashawaty reported that Barbara Vaughn would be back next Monday, part time 9-1 Monday through Friday. She noted that it was a long 3 ½ months without Barb and thanks to Melissa Pollari who took up a lot of the slack in addition to Betty Ramspott, Melissa Heino and Lynne Wiggins who teamed up to make sure the selectmen’s office ran without a hitch. In addition, Heather Weir, who is a library employee, worked some additional time at the town office to cover a couple of mornings per week during this time.     
Return of Surplus:  The LGC Health Trust sent a letter describing the return check for $83,000. Approximately $9,000 will go to the retirees who over paid the rest will go back into the budget. The letter explained that some of these funds were from 2010 and may be challenged, thereby delaying that return check. Currently scheduled for end of August mailing.  
Status of roads:  The rain event of June 30th has some roads still needing to be cleaned-up, some trees had been downed, and ditches overflowed. The Highway department was informed to track costs, as it may become a FEMA event.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:14
Submitted by,
Heather Weir                            


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                                  Suzanne H. Gottling

_________________________               _____________________________
Joshua Trow