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Selectmen's Minutes 2013/04/08

7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, April 8, 2013

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Emma Smith Vice Chairman, Suzanne Gottling,
Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:40PM

Review of Items for Signature:
Parcel ID:  0210-0034-0000, 474 North Rd, Kurt Gergler & Elaine Arbour
Parcel ID:  0210-0034-0000, 474 North Rd, Kurt Gergler & Elaine Arbour
Parcel ID:  0114-0023-0000, 71 Tonset Slope, James Doy Shinn, II & Brenda Shinn
Parcel ID:  0136-0082-0000, 166 Burkehaven Hill Rd, Robert & Suzanne McLaughlin
Parcel ID:  0106-0021-0000, 1250 Route 11, HK Sunapee Cove, LLC
Demo Permit:
Parcel ID:  0237-0005-0000, 65 Harding Hill Rd, V-OZ Asset Management Co, LLC
Land Disturbance:
Parcel ID:  0106-0021-0000, 1250 Route 11, HK Sunapee Cove, LLC
Intent to Cut Wood or Timber
Parcel ID:  0133-0107-0000, 33 Maple St, Prospect Hill Construction, LLC
Property Tax Credit:
Parcel ID:  0210-0004-0000, 95 Trow Hill Rd, Thomas & Marion Eliassen (Granted)
Yield Tax and Timber Tax:
Parcel ID:  0215-0023-0000, North Rd, Richard & Elaine Leone
Parcel ID:  0215-0022-0000, Hilltop Drive, Richard & Elaine Leone
Parcel ID:  0119-0000-0000, Route 11, Pleasant Acres Property Maintenance
Parcel ID:  0224-0010-0000, Sleeper Rd, Michael & Connie Simmons
Parcel ID:  0224-0007-0000, Sleeper Rd, Susan L & Dennis M Vigneault

•Van Webb and Beth McGuinn gave the Board an update on the Wendell Marsh North Project.  So far, private funds are at ¾’s of the budgeted amount and they have raised over $16,000 dollars to date from the Town of Sunapee and other surrounding towns.  The Project has completed its appraisal, survey map, hazardous waste assessment, the easement drafting and the preliminary title.  The Preliminary Title still has a couple of items that needs to be cleaned up but it is almost complete.  The fundraising is a continuing process.  The grants that had been applied for, LCHIP and Mooseplate were unable to give funding due to lack of funding ability.  There are still a few steps that need to be completed; complete fundraising and deeds, title, baseline documentation.  There are lists of Easement Provisions of activities that will and will not be allowed on the property.  Selectman Gottling asked about the Prohibited Activities with exceptions, what the exceptions would be.  Beth McGuinn responded with anything to do with the water/sewer lines or anything that helps to maintain the property and the use of the property are the only exceptions given.  The goal is to be completed by the summer of 2013. The result of the project would be that the Town of Sunapee owns the property and Ausbon Sargent will hold the conservation easement on the property. Selectman Gottling asked if the Project would reapply for the LCHIP grant again in the future and Beth McGuinn responded with yes but that they would not be able to reapply for this project but future projects.  John Augustine asked about the dollar amount being paid by taxpayers currently for the taxes on the property. It was stated that it is less the $500.
•Robert Batson came to the Board from HK Sunapee Cove, LLC.  There was prior extension of the grandfathered use of Sunapee Cove that was given on April 23, 2012 until May 29th of 2013 to the HK Sunapee Cove, LLC. Mr. Batson would like to have another year extension for the grandfathered use of Sunapee Cove.  Selectman Trow moved to grant a one-year extension on the Grandfathered status of the Sunapee Cove facility to Hall Keen Property Management from May 29, 2013 to May 29, 2014.  Seconded by Selectman Gottling, unanimous.

Public Comments:  John Augustine wanted to know if there was going to be an update on the Memorandum of Understanding at this meeting.  In addition, John Augustine was asking about the all-day meeting on April 23rd for the Harbor House Livery.  Mr. Augustine was wondering why it was all day or was this a mistake.  Clarification was given that the Harbor House Livery meeting will be held on April 23rd @ 5:00PM at the Town Meeting Room.

Selectmen Action:
Petition & Pole License 2-580 A motion was made to accept the pole license by
        Selectman Hastings and Selectman Smith, Unanimous
        •Joint Assessing Board, Rem Mastin by Selectman Gottling and Selectman  Hastings, unanimous.
        •Library Alternate, Xan Gallup by Selectman Smith and Selectman Trow,   
        Chairman Gallup abstained four unanimous.
Raffle Permit:
        •Sunapee Lions Club Gisella Polleys/James P. Currier, by Selectman Trow and     Selectman Gottling, Selectman Hastings abstained, four unanimous.
Use of Facilities:
        •Sunapee Lions Club, James P. Currier by Selectman Trow and Selectman   Hastings, unanimous.
        •Lake Sunapee Cruising Fleet, Peter Dube, Selectman Smith and Selectman         Gottling, Selectman Hastings abstained, four unanimous.
Live Entertainment Permit:
        The Anchorage Restaurant by Selectman Trow and
        Selectman Gottling, unanimous

Chairman’s Report  Chairman Gallup had nothing to report.

Town Manager Reports
•Donna Nashawaty updated the Board about the gazebo shingles.  The Board had previously chosen a single grey shingle.  The contractor suggested a change to a mix of three different grey shingles stating that it would look much better. Donna Nashawaty just wanted to update the Board on the change from one single color to the three different greys and that it would not affect pricing.  The Board did not object.
•Donna Nashawaty explained about the property tax has a limit of $25 dollars that can
be forgiven by the Tax Collector.  This tax exceeded the $25 limit.  Donna Nashawaty
asked for an approval for a tax abatement for $38.38 on map number 0121-0003-0000
100 Woodland Road, Selectman Smith and Selectman Trow, unanimous
Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that she had received in the mail, from the
Department of Safety, an award of an XTS 3000 radio to our Emergency Management
Director.  Donna Nashawaty will respond and let the Department of Safety know that it
will be taken care of.
Donna Nashawaty let the Board know that the Town is currently looking for a part-time
payroll clerk.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:58PM
Submitted by,
Heather Weir                    


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                                  Suzanne H. Gottling

_________________________               _____________________________
Joshua Trow