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Selectmen's Minutes 2014/07/28
6:30PM Town Meeting Room
Monday, July 28, 2014

Present: Frederick Gallup, Chairman and Suzanne Gottling, Vice-Chairman, Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow, Emma Smith and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Vice-Chairman Gottling opened the meeting at 6:30PM.

Motion to approve the first five CZC’s as read and delay approval of the Vigneault permit:
Parcel ID: 0231-0014-0000 270 Stagecoach Rd. Aaron Simpson Revocable Trust
Parcel ID: 0136-0018-0000 314 Lake Ave. Bruce & Mary McCarthy
Parcel ID: 0147-0004-0000 648 Route 103 Jane B.P. Wirch Living Trust
Parcel ID: 0138-0034-0000 9 Stagecoach Ln. Brent & Laura Stocker
Parcel ID: 0233-0005-0000 7 Glenwood Dr. Kirsten Hershey
Parcel ID: 0224-0007-0000: 188 Sleeper Rd. Dennis & Susan Vigneault
By Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.
Parcel ID: 0224-0007-0000 Sleeper Road Dennis & Susan Vigneault
Motion to approve the following LAND DISTURBANCE
Parcel ID: 0146-0001-0000 132 Upper Bay Rd. Pamela G Price Revocable Trust
By Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.
Motion to approve the following LAND USE CHANGE TAX:
Parcel ID: 0231-0046-0000 255 Stagecoach Rd. John Augustine
By Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous.

Don Bettencourt asked what the objective of the Summer Town meeting was, to get the summer people more involved. Mr. Bettencourt stated that he use to go, but felt it was too repetitive. Chairman Gallup replied that it tends to be a little repetitive, but the idea is to review what is going in the town departments and to give the non-resident taxpayers a forum to voice their opinions and ask questions. Mr. Bettencourt gave some examples of topics that might be of interest to the residents at the Summer Town Meeting.  

•The Board received a street name application from Leonard Pollari, for the Maple Street Subdivision. The proposed street name is Saville Lane. Motion to approve the name of the new street as Saville Lane by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.

The Board received an Agreement and Release Regarding Building Permit for Property Abutting a Private Road from Susan and Dennis Vigneault. The property is located at 12 Sleeper Road. The Vigneaults would like the Board to acknowledge and accept this waiver. Selectman Gottling asked if Chairman Gallup would summarize what the Board would be agreeing too. Chairman Gallup said that basically, the Board is allowing a building permit to be issued on a class six road and this waiver releases the Town of Sunapee from any responsibility as far as access to the property. Motion to accept the Agreement and Release Regarding Building Permit for Parcel ID: 0224-0007-0000 by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous. Motion to approve the certificate of zoning compliance and driveway permit as read by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous
•Motion to reappoint Wendy and Skip Nolin to the Crowther Chapel Committee for three-year terms by Selectman Trow, seconded By Selectman Gottling. Unanimous.
•Motion to approve the use of facilities application for the Safety Services Building from UVLSRPC & NH DES to be held on September 10th by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.
The Board continued the discussion on the library visioning session. Donna Nashawaty
spoke with Becky Rylander, Executive Director of the Historical Society regarding what they were looking for in the old Abbott Library. Ms. Rylander stated that she would need a little time to get things together and the annual meeting for the Historical Society is in August. Chairman Gallup stated that the Historical Society had an open house the past weekend. Donna Nashawaty stated that a number of flyers were sent out for the event. Ms. Rylander asked to come back at end of August with the Historical Society’s ideas. Donna Nashawaty will schedule her for the August 25th meeting. Selectman Trow had heard that Terri White, Abbott Library Chairman wanted to discuss some ideas regarding the old Abbott Library. Chairman Gallup said he also heard Chairman White did have some ideas she wanted to share with the Trustees. Chairman Gallup feels a little bit frustrated, not for a lack of trying, hopefully, the Board can come up with a viable decision. Charles Smith attended both visioning session and like that how the numbers came up immediately, but the numbers did not tell him how many people attended and what ratio were registered voters. Chairman Gallup stated that the ratio of who attended to registered voters is probably pretty low. Chairman Gallup was encouraged that 100 people came to the first session, but less than 70 people attended the second session, and only 50% had been to the first session. Chairman Gallup went on to say, that the Board is at a point of weighing the options, to keep or sale the building and how does the Board make the decision on which to do. Chairman Gallup feels what the Board has done so far has been a benefit, there are Cy-pres motions that are being worked on, waiting on input from Historical Society and the Library Trustees. In Chairman Gallup’s opinion, he thinks the Boards progressing, if not he hopes someone will let them know. Don Bettencourt wanted it to be said again, there is a critical path, you need more than progress, you need a critical path with progress, but it has to do with the legal requirements. Chairman Gallup replied that the Cy-pres do take time. Mr. Bettencourt’s question is as far as the critical path goes is the process still on schedule to allow meaningful decisions to be made in March.

Chairman Gallup stated that right now the Cy-pres motions all revolve around the Town buying out the interest in the library, but if something else came along and it could still be a library function, the Cy-pres motions may change. Donna Nashawaty said that the
Cy-pres motions are sitting on her desk, but other things have come up. Mr. Bettencourt asked if the Board needs to direct the Town Manager to get the Cy-pres motions done by next week. Donna Nashawaty replied that some other things have come up that take precedence. Mr. Bettencourt asked when it becomes a priority, Donna Nashawaty replied that it is a priority; it is on the top of her desk. Peter Urbach stated that at some point soon the draft motions should be shared with the Library Trustees so that input could be provided.
•A citizen approached Donna Nashawaty about our representation on the Lake Sunapee Protection Association Board. The Board Appointed member is Selectman Smith, who Donna Nashawaty had a conversation with regarding the citizen who would like to be the liaison. Selectman Smith thought the citizen; Van Webb would make a very good candidate as long as he would periodically report to the Board. After some discussion, Selectman Smith will step down as the full member and the Board will appoint Van Webb, but Selectman Smith stay as an alternate. Motion to appoint Van Webb as the Board’s representative to the LSPA Board, with Selectman Smith as the alternate by Chairman Gallup, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.  

•Chairman Gallup reported that Mt. Sunapee plans to replace a chairlift, with a used high-speed chairlift from Okemo.
•Selectman Gottling suggested the Board send their best wishes Dick Leone, who underwent open-heart surgery last Monday.
•Donna Nashawaty reported that Dennis Wiggins, former Selectman and husband of Lynne Wiggins, Town Bookkeeper suffered a heart attack late Sunday night, he is up at DHMC, listed in stable condition.

Donna Nashawaty presented the Board with various updated job descriptions. Motion to approve the job descriptions as presented, Assessing Technician, Administrative Assistant, Deputy Town Clerk & Tax Collector, Building & Grounds Maintenance, Truck Driver, Highway Foreman, Transfer Station Foreman, Transfer Station Attendant 1 and Transfer Station Attendant 2 by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous.
•Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that at the end of September, Tom Bennett Transfer Station Foreman would be retiring. Donna Nashawaty also reviewed with the Board the updated highway and transfers station section on the organizational chart. Donna Nashawaty and Scott Hazelton reviewed the short-term plan for the Highway/Transfer Station. There is a seasonal part-time opening at the Transfer Station, which Tom Bennett has agreed to take until April of 2015. In addition, an ad will be placed in the newspaper for 3 positions; Transfer Station Foreman, Full-time Temporary Truck Driver and Temporary Part-time Attendant I. The Board had no objections to the short-term plan.

•Donna Nashawaty explained the new Transfer Station decals that will be issued starting in October 2014. The Board discussed the changes to the Transfer Station Ordinance presented to them by Donna Nashawaty. The changes were to Section 9-Enforcement and Penalties. The draft changes were as follows:
  • Authorize the Sunapee Police Dept. to enforce the provisions of this ordinance.
  • Change first offense from written warning to ($10) for each violation
  • Change second offense from ($10) to ($50) for each violation
  • Change third offense from ($50) to ($100) for each violation
  • Change fourth and subsequent offenses from ($100) to ($250) for each violation
  • For illegally disposed solid waste during non-operating hours, the penalty went from ($100) to ($250).
After much discussion, the Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, August 25th at 7:00PM. Motion to accept the date for public hearing of August 25th for the updated Town of Sunapee Transfer Station Ordinance by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.
•The State Election Law Training for Moderators, Clerks, and Supervisors of the Checklist, Selectmen, and Ballot Clerks will be held on Thursday, August 14th from 6:00PM-8:30PM at the Grantham Town Hall, Lower Level. All are encourage to attend.  
•Right to Know Training Session will be on Monday, August 18th at 7:00PM
Selectman Hastings asked if a third Cy-pres should be drafted asking about the $975,000 towards the loan. Selectman Hastings has been approached by taxpayers asking if this was an option. Chairman Gallup has also been approached. Motion to draft a Cy-pres to allow the $975,000 bond paid for by the Town to represent the benefit interest in the old Abbott Library by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.   

Meeting adjourned at 8:29PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                

Approved: _____________         

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman      Suzanne Gottling, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                          Joshua Trow     
________________________                _____________________________
Emma Smith