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Selectmen's Minutes 2014/05/05
6:30PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, May 5, 2014

Present: Frederick Gallup, Chairman and Suzanne Gottling, Vice-Chairman, Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow, and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Absent: Emma Smith
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM.

Motion to accept the MS-2
By Selectman Gottling seconded By Selectman Hastings Unanimous
Motion to approve the following CZC’s:
Parcel ID: 0120-0031-0000 37 Rocky Rd. David & Cameron Ruedig (subject to
Paying additional sewer hook-up fee)
Parcel ID: 0131-0010-0000 21 Wendell Overlook Ronald Caputo
Parcel ID: 0209-0015-0000 Coventry Dr. Gerard & Maryanne Leone
Parcel ID: 0238-0038-0000 270 Nutting Rd Allan Lemire
Parcel ID: 0125-0007-0000 48 Jobs Creek Rd Thomas & Andrea O’Reilly
Parcel ID: 0139-0014-0000 10 Rolling Rock Rd Eepanus LLC
Parcel ID: 0139-0014-0000 10 Rolling Rock Rd Eepanus LLC
Parcel ID: 0129-0017-0000 3 School St Tedd LeBlanc
Parcel ID: 0107-0034-0000 1090 Lake Ave. GM Howard & Sandra Markowitz
Parcel ID: 0145-0021-0000 406 Edgemont Rd Graham Family Rev. Trust
Parcel ID: 0129-0039-0004 76 Dowd Lane Scott Ritzman
Parcel ID: 0146-0032-0000 121 Upper Bay Rd Lucille Lineberry Trust
Parcel ID: 0207-0011-0000 736 North Rd Nancy Kell
By Selectman Hastings seconded By Selectman Gottling Unanimous
Motion to approve the following Land Disturbance Bond:
Parcel ID: 0120-0031-0000 37 Rocky Road David Ruedig
By Selectman Gottling seconded By Selectman Trow Unanimous
Motion to approve the following Sign Permit:
Parcel ID: 0218-0078-0000 54 Avery Rd Mark Usko
By Selectman Hastings seconded By Selectman Trow 3 in Favor 1 Abstain
Motion to approve the following Driveway Permit:
Parcel ID: 0129-0039-0004 76 Dowd Lane Scott Ritzman
By Selectman Trow seconded By Selectman Gottling Unanimous
Motion to approve the following Demo Permit:
Parcel ID: 0147-0004-0000 548 Route 103 Jane Wirch Living Trust
By Selectman Gottling seconded By Selectman Hastings Unanimous

Motion to approve the following Approved Tax Abatements:
Parcel ID: 0136-0075-0000 217 Burkhaven Hill Rd Alasdair & Deborah Matthews
Parcel ID: 0147-0019-0000 563 Route 103 563 Route 103, LLC
Parcel ID: 0131-0030-0000 97 Lower Main St Clementine, LLC
Parcel ID: 0135-0009-0000 25 Lovejoy Lane Griggs Family Trust
Parcel ID: 0144-0030-0000 5 Bay Rd. Cooper Revocable Trust
By Selectman Trow seconded By Selectman Hastings Unanimous

Motion to approve the following Denied Tax Abatements:
Parcel ID: 0235-0040-0000 56 Turtleback Rd Stephen Johnson
Parcel ID: 0130-0028-0000 & 0104-0082-0000 PSNH
Parcel ID: 0130-0026-0000 NH Electric Cooperative
Parcel ID: 0000-0000-0001 Northern New England Telephone (poles & conduit)
By Selectman Hastings seconded By Selectman Trow Unanimous
Motion to approve the following Excavation Tax Assessment:
Parcel ID: 0211-0011-0000 1106 Route 11 Michael & Elizabeth Lemieux
By Selectman Gottling seconded By Selectman Trow Unanimous

7:00PM Scott Hazelton-Paving Bid, Equipment Plan/Capital Reserve
Earlier in the day, Scott Hazelton opened the 2014 paving bids and based on the review of the seven proposals received; Pike Industries was the low bidder. Scott Hazelton recommends Pike Industries to perform the paving projects this year.   
Scott Hazelton reviewed the follow-up inspections of the 1990 Caterpillar Grader and 2006 International 7400 Dump Truck with the Board. The inspections will assist the Highway Dept. with developing an approach to repairing and/or to replacing the aforementioned equipment in the future.
It came to Scott Hazelton’s attention that the Water & Sewer Dept. is selling their 2004 F550 1-Ton Dump Truck. Gateway Ford will give the Water & Sewer Dept. a trade-in value of $5,000, Scott Hazelton would like to purchase the truck out of the Used Equipment Fund and use as his town vehicle. The Water & Sewer Dept. has received a private offer of $6,000. However, as a town entity, Scott Hazelton would like to see if they would accept the trade-in value. His intent would be to eliminate the need for a new vehicle for himself for another three (3) years. The vehicle would be put into service plowing parking lots, intersections, and small one-way roads. Chairman Gallup asked how soon the Board needed to make a decision. Scott Hazelton stated that he would like to know sooner than later. Chairman Gallup asked if a decision at the next meeting would be soon enough, so the Board can digest the request. The Board will decide at the next meeting.          
Donna Nashawaty went over the details regarding the lease/purchase agreement for the road roller.

Chairman Gallup asked when the Town stands with the road postings, since in the past the roads have been opened as close as the first of May as possible.
Scott Hazelton has been checking the roads daily and will be takings down postings in the village district tomorrow.

•Don Bettencourt regarding Harbor House Livery meetings not having public comments on the agenda, if so, why do they have public meetings? Chairman Gallup stated that the committees are responsible for the content of their agendas. Don Bettencourt also asked if there was ways to project some of the things you are looking at up on the wall, so the audience could follow along. Donna Nashawaty will make sure copies are available to the audience.   
•John Augustine asked what the recommendation of the Harbor House Livery was regarding the role of the Thrift Shop. In addition, is the Thrift Shop on the Board of Selectmen’s agenda regarding their current operation and goals? Chairman Gallup replied no and that when the time comes, the Board would make the decision regarding the Thrift Shop.    

Motion to approve the 2014 First Issue Tax Warrant by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.
Motion to approve the use of facilities form from the American Legion for the Memorial Day Services in Sunapee Harbor and Veterans Field on Friday, May 23rd with the provision they provide proof of insurance and the Police Chief’s signature on application by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings Unanimous
• Motion to approve the use of facilities form from Sunapee County 4-H for a picnic at Dewey Beach on Monday, July 7th  upon signature from Police Chief on application and lifeguards by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow Unanimous.
•Motion to approve the reappointment of Robert Hill to the Conservation Commission by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow Unanimous.
•Motion to approve the raffle permit from Abbott Library, the drawing will be held at the annual pancake breakfast on July 12th by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow Unanimous.
•All four (4) of the tax deed waivers (trailers) discussed at the last meeting were processed.
•Regarding the list of tax deeds, all but one paid, the tax deed was processed on Monday. Contact was made on Thursday with the owners, who will have a check to the Town by Friday of this week. At the next Board meeting, there will be a quitclaim deed for the Board to sign.  

•The Joint Loss Management Committee Safety Inspection scheduled for Thursday, May 1st was postponed; the Inspector was out on an indefinite leave of absence.
•Donna Nashawaty reviewed the library land survey by Cliff Richer. The Property Appraiser that the Town hires will now have the correct boundary lines. Cliff Richer will record the completed survey.   

8:17PM-A motion was made by Selectman Trow to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, II (a)-Dismissal, promotion, or setting compensation for public employees. Selectman Hastings seconded the motion and roll call vote approved unanimous.
9:05PM-A motion was made to returned from non-public session by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Gottling. A motion was made to seal the minutes by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow and roll call vote approved unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                

Approved: _____________         

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman      Suzanne Gottling, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                          Joshua Trow     

_________________________               _____________________________
Emma Smith