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Selectmen's Minutes 2014/03/24

6:30PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, March 24, 2014

Present: Frederick Gallup, Chairman and Suzanne Gottling, Vice-Chairman, Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow, Emma Smith and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM.

Motion to nominate Fred Gallup as Chairman by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Selectman Gottling stated that with all the “sticky” situations coming up this year the Board would like him to remain Chairman. 4 in Favor 1 Abstain

Selectman Gottling offered to volunteer for the Vice-Chairman position, Selectman Smith stated that would be good. Motion to accept the Vice Chairman nomination by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow. 4 in Favor 1 Abstain

Crowther Chapel: Selectman Trow
Highway Safety: Chairman Gallup
LSPA: Since Vice-Chairman Gottling is already on the LSPA Board, she thought maybe someone from the outside could hold the position.
Planning Board: Selectman Hastings Alt. Vice-Chairman Gottling
UVLSRPC: Selectman Trow

Motion to approve the following CZC’s:
Parcel ID: 0121-0030-0000 83 Fernwood Point Rd. Jamie Stevens Silverstein
Parcel ID: 0231-0022-0000 146 Pine Ridge Rd. David Colter
Parcel ID: 0104-0033-0000 84 Prospect Hill Rd. Linda Tanner
Parcel ID: 0133-0094-0000 & 0133-0094-0001 34 River Rd. George & Susan Neuwirt
Parcel ID: 0134-0013-0000 233 Lake Ave. Thomas & Michelle Davis
Parcel ID: 0125-0010-0000 40 Jobs Creek Rd. Richard Wolken
by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings Unanimous.
Motion to approve the following Current Use Application:
Parcel ID: 0132-0022-0000 35 Winn Hill Rd. Charles & Francoise Goyette
by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.
Motion to approve the following Veteran’s Tax Credit:
Parcel ID: 0225-0061-0000 45 Route 11 Joseph J. Nelson
by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings Unanimous

7:00PM Betty Ramspott-Tax Deeding
Betty Ramspott reviewed the properties that are scheduled to go to tax deed on April 28, 2014. The notice of impending tax deeds were mailed to taxpayers on March 20, 2014. Betty Ramspott stated that if there were any properties the Board did not wish to deed that she would need a signed waiver by the Board prior to April 28, 2014.   

7:15PM Scott Hazelton-Effect of Vote-RE: Highway
Scott Hazelton wanted to update the Board on his plans for the existing equipment and vehicles at the Highway Garage that he did not replace because of the town vote this year.
The Town of Sunapee voted not to approve the lease purchase of a new road grader and new 6-wheel dump truck. They also voted not to purchase a new F350 pick-up truck or commercial leaf vacuum. The following are the plans for the use of the Town’s existing vehicles and equipment that was not replaced:
        •Use existing grader for road grading and drainage projects, and to repair any components when/if they fail. If the grader has a catastrophic breakdown (engine failure or transmission failure), then it would be necessary to lease a grader.
        •An additional $10K was put in the budget for maintaining the existing 6-wheel dump truck, in the event the votes for the new dump truck failed. Obtaining estimates for the items that may be necessary to replace on truck.  
        •Purchase and install a black, steel flatbed to replace the existing rusted truck bed and failed cross-members on the existing F350 as originally planned for this year. Also, replacing the rusted front fenders on the truck. Obtaining estimates for the aforementioned items.   
        •Will look for a used commercial leaf vacuum to purchase for our fall roadside cleanup program. If a used commercial leaf vacuum is not available, will continue to utilize existing fall roadside cleanup methods.    

•John Augustine asked if the Board appointed anyone from the Board to the Harbor House Livery Committee. Chairman Gallup replied the Board did not. John Augustine asked the Board to reconsider putting a member of the Board on the committee. Chairman Gallup stated that at this point the Board is ok with the committee that they have and hope to have a report from them soon. John Augustine asked if the Harbor House Livery Committee is on any future agendas for upcoming meetings. Donna Nashawaty replied not to her knowledge.   

Chairman’s Report
Chairman Gallup read into the record the two (2) letters that Betty Ramspott received, one from Alan Davis, declining to serve on Planning Board and the other from John Augustine, declining the Cemetery Commission position. Chairman Gallup asked if an ad-soliciting volunteer for our committees should be put in the local papers. Donna Nashawaty will place an ad for committee member openings on the Town website and in the Intertown Record.         

•Donna Nashwaty presented the corrected pay table to the Board. A slight adjustment was made to the first step to correct the steps that were off by a few pennies. Motion to adopt pay table with COLA by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous
•Chairman Gallup stated that the use of facilities form for Lake Sunapee Rowing Club has been approved in the past, but this year the club wants to expand the operation to include Saturday mornings from 9 to 11 for the junior program from April 28th to June 13th. Chairman Gallup went on to say that, this has sparked some concern as far as filling out a new Statement of Property Usage form. The Board will table the application until their next meeting. Donna Nashawaty said that Roger Landry did leave a message on Katrina Hill’s answering machine regarding an appointment at the next Planning Board meeting on Thursday, April 3rd to discuss a new Statement of Property Usage form.  
Motion to approve the use of facilities for the Prouty Ultimate Bike Race to be held on 07/11/14 by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Gottling Unanimous
•Motion to approve the use of facilities for the Lake Sunapee Chowder Challenge to be held on 09/28/14 in Sunapee Harbor by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous.

•Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board of the upcoming Annual Firemen’s Supper to be held on Saturday, April 12th at 6:00pm at the Safety Services Building.
•Donna Nashawaty reported that for the first three months of 2014 the Hydro income equal last year’s total. The income for January, February and March was $113,000. In addition, in February the Town received 2013 third quarter REC (renewable energy credits) credits for $13,000. The amounts fluctuate depending on the flow.     
•The Board received an updated Monthly Summary with the budget numbers.
•Reminder of the Abbott Library Visioning session to be held on Monday, March 31st at 7:00pm at the Sherburne Gymnasium.  

Vice-Chairman Gottling informed the Board that the Paint Stewardship bill passed the House and is on its way to the Senate.

Meeting adjourned at 7:44PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                

Approved: _____________         

____________________    ___________________________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman      Suzanne Gottling, Vice Chairman

_________________________       _____________________________
Shane Hastings                  Joshua Trow     

_________________________       _____________________________
Emma Smith