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Selectmen's Minutes 2014/03/10

6:30PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, March 10, 2014

Present: Frederick Gallup, Chairman and Emma Smith, Vice-Chairman Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow, Suzanne Gottling and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM.

Motion to approve the following CZC’s:
Parcel ID: 0128-0059-0000 89 Lake Ave. Kurt & Karla Elaesser
Parcel ID: 0114-0006-0002 952-A Route 11 Mark Brunelle
By Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Smith Unanimous.
Motion to approve the following Demo Permit:
Parcel ID: 0231-0055-0000 372 Stagecoach Rd. Walter & Nancy Kangas
By Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.

Chairman Gallup read into the record the press release sent out to the local newspapers regarding the ads placed by Sunapee Tax Watch, John Augustine Fiscal Agent.

7:00PM Abbott Library Trustees-Old Library Building
The Board asked the Abbott Library Trustees for their input on the old Abbott Library building. Chairman Terri went over the Trustees recommendations for the future use or disposition of the old Abbott Library building. The Library Trustees recommend to the Selectboard that:
        1. The old Abbott Library building and the associated land be appraised and sold at fair market value,
        2. That the Library's 75% equity interest realized from the sale be used by the Library Trustees to expand the new library by           adding a Meeting Room to the building,
        3. That the remaining 25% of the sale proceeds be made available by the Selectboard to the Library Trustees as additional funds                 for the construction of the     Meeting Room, (It is noted that two previous Selectboards voted, , to turn over 100% of the proceeds    of the then proposed sale of the old library building to the Trustees for the building of the new library),
        4. That the Trustees raise whatever remaining funds are needed to complete the
        meeting room from private sources.

Chairman Gallup stated that the Board would consider the Trustees recommendations. Chairman Gallup went on to say that the Historical Society has expressed an interest in the building, along with the School and the Water and Sewer Department. In addition, the Town has not gotten any public input, which is going to be an important part of the decision process. Chairman Gallup suggested his opinion was that he would like to see the library moved, which might be advantageous in a couple of different ways; it would preserve the building for the history of the Town, as well as it might make the lot worth as much or possibly more without the building on it. In Chairman Gallup’s opinion, there is probably room at the back part of the lot where the new library is being built, as well as some potential of more property becoming available from Lois Gallup. Selectman Gottling asked if that would be a problem with the charitable trust. Chairman Gallup stated that whatever comes up would have to be approved by the charitable trust.
Peter Urbach asked what the use would be, if it were moved. Chairman Gallup suggested that it could become the Historical Society archive, as well as the archive for town records. What is the next step, to look for public input, or approach the different entities that have expressed interest and ask for a more formal proposal? Selectman Hastings thought the Board should let the town entities that have expressed an interest come up with a formal proposal because opening it up to the public. Donna Nashawaty wanted to the Board to keep in mind that the interested entities should look the Town Attorney comments over to see what some of the legal hurdles are with this property, the major hurdle if the building is going to be used as a non-library building, the Town will have to buy it from the Library. Selectman Gottling asked if the Library Trustees would have to agree the old library building moving to the new library lot. Selectman Gottling stated that the Board would have to know the worth of the old library building and the worth of the land without the building. There is also the possibly of selling the building with the caveat that the outer structure of the building must remain intact. Library Chairman White stated that the Town Manager hit on a key point, that whoever had an interest in leasing the building needed to understand the conditions of the charitable trust agreement. Library Chairman White went on to say, that one of the things that were in the Trustees recommendations was to have the building and land appraised because the Trustees have 75% equity interest, but 75% of what value? Ron Garceau asked if the Town owns this property. Donna Nashawaty stated that Mrs. Abbott left the money to purchase the lot and build a village library, but the laws governing the trust say that’s who the entity needs to be that benefits from that. Donna Nashawaty went on to say that, it may say the Town of Sunapee on the deed, but with this trust, it cannot be anything but a library, and if the library discontinues the use, the Town has to purchase that interest. Janice Bettecourt asked if the Library Trustees ever considered applying the equity interest to the debt to the taxpayers instead of an addition. Library Chairman White stated that it was not considered and that is probably a legal question. Donna Nashawaty stated the Division of Charitable Trust said it could be accomplished with a warrant article. Therefore, if the Town put it to the voters asked Mrs. Bettecourt, which would make sense since the old library is being put into the new library, which is what she anticipated. After some discussion regarding appraising the building and land and formal proposals from interested parties, the Board decided to have an informational meeting for public input on the use, purchase, and sale of the old Abbott Library building on Monday, March 31st.          

7:30PM Buildings & Grounds CR Program-Scott Hazelton
Scott Hazelton reviewed the spreadsheets that he had prepared for the Board regarding the buildings and grounds maintenance schedule. Scott Hazelton, with the help of Craig Heino evaluated all town-owned buildings for condition of building, planned maintenance, description of maintenance and/or repair, and estimated cost. Scott Hazelton also did various spreadsheets with a $25,000 and $75,000 annual contribution to a cash reserve fund, and a 20 and 25 year planned maintenance schedule and a 20 and 30 year prioritized maintenance schedule. The Board asked Scott Hazelton to get back with a more refined plan.

•Donald Bettecourt wanted to voice his concerns regarding the rate of increase in taxes over the last three (3) years. He can see that the Town has to maintain the assets, but he thinks the Town has a spending problem. He wants to know if the Town sets limits or percentage goals from year to year, that would help the Town make good decisions about priorities; wants versus needs. Chairman Gallup explained that over the last couple of years, the Board has gone to the Department Heads to produce a realistic budget, which means to present to the Board what the Department Head would need to operate his department and maintain the services that the residents expect, while still trying to hold the taxes down. Chairman Gallup asked the Bettecourts to make an appointment with the Town Manager who would be able to explain the budget process a little better.   
•Janice Bettecourt has been attending School Board meetings and wants to start attending more Board of Selectmen meetings to gain some confidence in the people she elects to be able to curve spending. She feels she is losing faith in the people who make the decisions regarding buying equipment or spending money. Donna Nashawaty stated that she was available to answer any questions the Bettecourts might have regarding the budget process.      

•Motion to approve the PSNH petition & pole license on Sargent Road by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.
•Motion to sign the use of facilities form from the United Methodist Church Easter Sunrise Service on April 20th at the Gazebo by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Gottling Unanimous.
• Motion to sign the use of facilities form from the Sullivan County Humane Society to use Sunapee Harbor on May 25th for the Furry Scurry 5K race by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow Unanimous.
•The Board received a letter from Ed and Denise Preston requesting their street address be changed from 9 Old Route 11 to Carey Farm Road. The reason for this request is that it has become a very distressing process to retrieve their important documents via UPS and FEDEX because their current address is not in the databases that these companies use. Motion to change Cary Road and Old Route 11 to Cary Farm Road by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Smith. Unanimous.  

•Reminder Selectmen are that three (3) are needed at the polls on Tuesday, March 11th.
•The Board received a letter from COA regarding their services to Sunapee residents.
•Donna Nashawaty gave the Board an update on the new library construction.
•Donna Nashawaty gave the Board an update on the Perkins Pond Sewer Project.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                

Approved: _____________         

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                                  Suzanne H. Gottling

_________________________               _____________________________
Joshua Trow