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Recreation Committee Minutes September, 13, 2005
In Attendance: Scott Blewitt, Debi F. McGrath, Mike Emmonds, Paul Skarin, Chris Williams, Janet Cain, Chuck Weinstein and Patricia A. Halpin

Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm.
1.      Minutes accepted as written
2.      a) Scott’s update: budget reviewed and we are on track with expenditures. Scott will review the previous year’s budget and determine if allocations need to be adjusted.  He has asked Scott Unsworth for recommendations for the beach for next year and we will review this at the November meeting.

b) Beach concessions-there was an $1850.00 profit
c) Swim Evaluations-30 were returned and all comments considered
d) Tennis-great program that ran well and should be expanded next year. Glen is interested in teaching again next year.
e) Fall Soccer: K-6 it was suggested that the gravel infield on the Veteran’s field softball field be turned to grass so it can be used for additional field space for soccer.  Paul, Scott, Chuck and Mike will measure field to see if we can put two fields parallel to route 11.  Scott will call Dave Barry and see if the high school fields are available for recreation teams.  Scott will look at the records and see what work has been done on building a new field.
Scott will review maintenance of the fields with Donna and trash removal.
f) Volleyball-Adult volleyball on Fridays is running. Kid’s volleyball on Saturday mornings will start in October.
g) Adult trips-Scott will look into Celtics Tickets. Other trips suggested were Mohegan Sun and NE Revolution soccer game.
h) Skateboard park-all equipment will be stored outside vertical.

3.      Dewey Woods and Beach Deeds. Copies of both documents were given to committee members.  It was suggested the beach be open from9am until 8pm
4.      Other
a) Basketball court- Scott got a quote from VT Recreational to resurface the basketball court. The price would be significantly less expensive to do first thing in the spring.
b) Pictures of the beach-Patricia got some pictures of old post cards from Ron Garceau and will choose three to blowup and frame for the beach house. A motion was passed for a budget of $200.00 for the project.
c) Scott will talk with Mike Kennedy about purchasing trees and shrubs for the beach.
d) Electrical work for beach house. Scott received one quote for the work and will get two more.
e) SPTO requests $300.00 for the Halloween party. A motion passed allocating the funds.
f) New soccer goals have been installed for K-2 and are excellent. Scott would like a second set made for 3rd and 4th graders. As well as a second set for K-2.
g) The Jack Milewski bench engraving was discussed. Janet will look into what will be written. Site will be determined by committee members on Saturday September 17.