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Recreation Committee Minutes May 9, 2006
May 9, 2006

Present: Deb McGrath, Scott Blewitt, Patricia Halpin, Chuck Weinstein, Chris Williams, Shannon Baines

1. Minutes were not available from the April meeting.
2. Scott reported:
        a. Special rec’ funds were moved into the general fund.
        b. Beach
                1. Mary Lyman was hired as manager.
                2. Materials for inside renovations have been delivered.
                3. Swim lesson sign ups are ‘on line’ and sent home through the school.
                4. Signs need to be posted for ‘swimming at own risk’.
                5. May 20th is clean up day.
        c. Scott will have a formal meeting with parents and children interested in a skateboard park.
d. The Riverway asked if we would be interested in renting space in the basement of Pete’s Shed. We felt we needed more information from Mike Durfor.
e. We will share in the cost of a storage shed to be located near the town hall for storage space we are losing in the renovation of the Town Hall. We voted that half of the cost would be $1,000.00.  The funds will come out of the special rec’ fund.
f. Shannon Baines is interested in our getting a portable surface ramp for the beach. She will get information about them to Scott. She would also like us to investigate team practices and games during the week.
3. Scott will get a summer information sheet to be posted and advertised.
4. We are uncertain of any 4th of July events. Scott will get in touch with Dave Montambeault.
5. Scott is organizing an outdoor movie to be held at the high School some time in early July.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15
Next meeting: June 13, 2006

Respectfully submitted,
Christine Williams