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Recreation Committee Minutes Jauary 11, 2006
January 11, 2006
Present: Deb McGrath, Chuck Weinstein, Scott Blewitt, Chris Williams

1. No minutes available from the previous meeting.
2. Scott reported:
        A. Budget closed with about $3,000 left in surplus. He is allowed to spend it through February.
        B. Special recreation fund has about $30,000. There has been no withdrawal to the general fund for 2 years.
        C. Town report is near completed.
        D. A report of the condition of the pieces from the skateboard park and recommendations will be made at the next meeting.
E. The trophy case and closet organization will be a joint project with the Booster Club. We will share costs and we will manage the trophy case.
F. Scott attended a 3 day recreation conference. He made contact with the British Soccer Camp. The program will start July 31st and be a 1 year contract.
G. This weekend is a photo day for basketball teams. Open gym has averaged about 30 students each session.
        H. There is a Celtics vs. Orlando trip on February 12th/ $55 a ticket.
        I. Red Sox trips are planned for May 7th and 13th.  May 7th is $75/ ticket and May 13th is $50/ ticket.
J. Chappell Electric will start work on the Dewy Beach house in February. Scott would like to teach kayaking, canoeing, and sailing over the summer. We hope to have this out of the George’s Mills beach area. We will look for donations of boats from the public.
        K. Scott proposed the idea of a sledding area on ski tow hill in the future.
3. Deb reported that there were no questions of our budget at the deliberative session.
4. We have not heard from Steven’s Engineering. Scott will inform the conservation commission when we get a report of possible land use.
5. We discussed a possible Winterfest in March. This will be explored further at our next meeting.
6. We discussed the need to have additional advertising of our programs. Scott will make up a flyer.
7. We were informed of a possible playground area being investigated in the harbor area by a group. Questions need to be answered on who would maintain this area and where it falls into the future plans of the harbor area.

Next meeting: February 15, 2006

Respectfully submitted,
Chris Williams