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Recreation Committee Minutes 2008/04/08
                                               SUNAPEE RECREATION COMMITTEE
                                                         MEETING MINUTES
                                                             APRIL 8, 2008

 Present:  Paul, Brian, Marilyn, Scott, Craig, Chuck, Pat, Melissa

 February and March meeting minutes were reviewed and accepted.

 Updates from Scott:

 The first draft is completed for the summer/fall newsletter.  There are 16 pages so far, there were 12 pages last time.  At this time there are 10 sponsors to offset the expenses.

 Trip to Smittys is planned for April 30.  Cost is $25.00.  All set with chaperones.

 Fireworks - $2700.00 in donations so far.

 Tom Fredericks did a pitchers clinic on April 5.  8 children in the first group, 12 in the second.  Scott is looking for feedback.

 Web site is being done by Melissa Heino.  All are encouraged to check it out and let Scott know if there should be any corrections/changes.

 Dewey Field clean up day 4/26 from 9am - 12pm.  All hands and rakes are needed.  Coaches know about this.

 Golf Tournament scheduled for 7/11.  Registration at 11am, scheduled to start at 12pm.  Will be followed by a live auction.

 Baseball/softball is going smoothly.  We have one less team than last year.

 Movie night is scheduled for 7/12.

 Dewey Beach is scheduled to open on Memorial Weekend.

 Dewey Beach - Paul would like to see us have a working document before we open the beach.  Something that outlines what can and cannot be done at the beach (the operation of the beach).
 Last year the beach was open 9am - 7pm.  Would like to see the beach open 9am - 8pm staffed and beach closes by staff. (with adjustments for weather conditions.)  To be left alone, you had to be entering 7th grade.  Behavior concerns would be handled by the guidelines set last July.  Other rules - no smoking, glass containers, alcohol, pets and must have a beach sticker.  No motorized craft to be parked at the beach.  Staff must review the rules.
 Staff will be hired by the end of April.

 A bid will go out for Ski Tow Hill.  We are waiting for a driveway permit and specifications from Tony before the bid goes out.

 Motion made by Chuck that "the Recreation Committee authorizes Scott to get permission from the Selectboard to sell/trade/donate/dispose of excess watercraft.  Motion was seconded by Marilyn and all approved.

 Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.  Next meeting on 5/13 at 7:00pm.

 Respectfully submitted,

 Melissa Eastman
 Sunapee Recreation Committee