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Recreation Committee Minutes 2012/09/11
Sunapee Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes
Attendance:  Scott Blewett, Patricia Halpin, Paul Skarin, Jon Reed, Rhonda Gurney, Maria Fair, Jen Fredrick, Brian Emery
Guest:  John Augustine
August minutes were reviewed and corrected.  Corrections are updated on minutes on file.
We don’t currently cover the cost of the bus for Red Sox trips, Scott will contact Novis engineering re. pump track, Scott will call the Carroll concrete about the infield, changed new sign to new language, corrected John Augustine’s name.
Beach Wrap Up (Jen Fredrick);
  • Beach never closed this summer except for a few bad weather days.
  • Swimming Lessons data:
  • Jen Presented the swimming lesson data.
  • Overall small drop in swim lessons but very close to last year.
  • Increase in non-resident lessons.
  • The highest demand was in level three.
  • In total there was 135, compared to 168 in 2011.
  • Sailing lessons:
  • In 2011 there were 17, in 2012 18.
  • The new boat was helpful as a safety lookout.
  • The two new paddle boards were only for ages 18 and older due to fragility.
  • Jen proposes selling these two boards to but  more durable ones.
  • Data shows that kayaks were the most popular.
  • Scott will look into whether he needs approval to buy the paddle boards.
  • Paddleboard yoga:
  • They were $10 per session, Fridays from 8-10
  • There were 2-6 people per class
  • They were not very highly organized.
  • Next year Adam is planning on bringing his own boards.
  • He would like to charge $20 per lesson plus $20 for the board.
  • The committee will discuss this at a later meeting.
  • Jen proposed opening the beach later;
  • During swim lessons 8:30
  • Prior to and after swim lessons, 9:00
  • Saturday/Sunday 9:00 or 10:00
  • Jen would also like new lines and new docks.
  • Al’s wish list:
  • Oars that work.
  • Out board motor.
  • Sell zuma and sunfish.
Uniforms, Maria:
  • Maria proposes looking into better sizing and potentially different styles for soccer shorts.
  • Scott will look into shorter shirts and longer shorts.
  • Coaches shirts:  Scott will hand out new Rec coaches shirts before picture day.
Scott will look into having veterans and Dewey field power brushed again.
MT Royal field project:  No new updates.
Turkey Trot:
  • Trying to secure the Knowlton house for registration.
  • Registration will open soon.
  • Proposing lowering the age for the chicken run.
  • Proposal to limit the number of registrants to keep it manageable and fun for locals.
Candidate for alternate committee member:
  • Patricia has nominated Brian Emery as an alternate committee member.
  • Motion by Paul, seconded by Maria, voted in unanimously by the committee.
Soccer Update:
  • Kinders:  18
  • 1-2:  40
  • 3-4 Girls:  16, 2, 8 person teams.
  • 3-4 Boys:  19, 2 teams.
  • 5-6 Boys:  15
  • 5-6 girls:  16
Recreation Fee Structure:
  • Except for sailing all programs are $20.
  • Costs have increased but fees for programs have not.
  • Scott suggests increasing the fees to $25 for the first child and $20 for the second.
  • This would be for Soccer, basketball, baseball and softball.
  • Motion by Pau, second by Maria, voted in unanimously by the committee.
  • Coaches kids will continue to be free.
Santa’s chair:
  • Rhonda needs a place for santa’s chair.
  • Committee proposes using the shed at Dewey field.
  • Rhonda will contact Craig regarding getting it there.
Motion to Adjourn by Paul, Second by Rhonda.

Next meeting 10/9/12.