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Recreation Committee Minutes 2012/07/24
July 24 Meeting

Meeting called to order at 6:35pm by Patricia.

Members Present:  Scott Blewitt, Patricia Halpin, Craig Heino, Amy Holobowicz, Paul Skarin and Maria Fair

Last months minutes accepted unanimously – after correcting the spelling of Brian Garland’s name and adding “We accepted Brian’s resignation with great regret.”

Rhonda Gurney was present for two reasons.  First, to be considered as an alternate for the committee.  We unanimously voted, as a committee, to invite Rhonda to join us as an alternate.  Rhonda also proposed to have Sunapee’s Christmas in the Harbor become a Rec. event since it is separating from The Chamber of Commerce.  She would remain as the organizer of the event.  Both Rhonda and Scott gave a brief history of the event.  The event pays for itself each year, usually with a small profit, which would then belong to the Rec. Department.  We unanimously voted to take over Christmas in the Harbor, with Rhonda as the “forever organizer.”  We also unanimously accepted a check from the Lake Sunapee Chamber of Commerce for $3,781.11.  This money will go into the revolving fund and not be part of the budget.

Meeting Dates:  We briefly discussed the need to promptly respond to changes in the meeting date, so the public can be informed of date changes.

Big Wheel Race:  There were 8 racers this year, down from 14, and about 100 spectators.  The race went well, but general consensus is that it has run its course and will not happen again next year.

Parade:  There were about 90 participants and seemed well attended.  Lots of candy and fun, seems that the only thing missing is some type of music.  We can look into that when planning next year.

Fireworks:  We raised over $12,000.  Cost was $10,500; so about $1,500 went back into the revolving fund.  Event was very well attended both on land and by boat.  Scott will set up a meeting with Chief Cahill to discuss the need of more officers next year.
Craig Heino has been made aware of a pontoon boat available for $800.  He will look at it to find out length, pontoon size, decking etc… and get back to us so we can decide on weather or not to purchase it to use, so we are not dependent on the barge every year.
There may be a special meeting to discuss this.

Skate Park:  Lela Emery read a note:

        To the recreation department,

        Thank-you for all the support on the skate park.  If it wasn’t for your
        Guidance, we would still be riding the unsafe wood structures.  Also,
        thank-you for the $9,000 towards the skate park, we all really enjoy
        the skate park.  Thank-you again for all you did to help with the skate

                Nate Emery, and users of the skate park

The park was officially completed on 7/23/12.  Scott would like to revisit the skate park in late winter to discuss adding an extra piece.

Mission Statement:  Patricia read the mission statement.

The mission of the Sunapee Recreation Department, under the administrative direction of the Town of Sunapee and the guidance of the Recreation Committee, is to provide diverse recreational programs, activities and leisure opportunities to as many residents and age groups as possible, promoting personal growth, social development and a healthy lifestyle.  The department will promote community involvement in developing and providing our services, while ensuring customer service excellence, affordability and equal opportunity for all citizens.

The committee unanimously voted to reaffirm this as our mission statement.
Scott is going to make sure the statement gets put up on the website and that next year the full mission statement will be on the yearly newsletter.  
There was some discussion regarding the mission statement and forming A and B teams for sports.  The feeling was that doing so did not reflect our mission and that all our programs would remain open to anyone who wished to participate.

Upcoming Events: Kayak and Canoe Poker Run is Saturday, July 28 at 8:30.  Patricia and Amy will volunteer at it.
The Great park Pursuit is also on Saturday, July 28 @ 9:00 at Tilton Park.  Scott will be there to oversee the events
The Rock Bass Derby is August 4th.  A student from Colby Sawyer is going to collect all the fish to test them for mercury.  The committee would be interested in seeing the results.  Kim McFarland is soliciting prizes for the derby.  A few new categories were suggested:  Per Boat, Per Dock and Per Capita.  Maria will get these suggestions to Kim.

Pump Track:  Mark Usko has not gotten to this yet, but he will as soon as he can.

Multi Sport camp:  7 children signed up, only 5 showed.  They all enjoyed it.  It was the first year and we will try it again next year.  Maybe trying to advertise it a little more.

Horror at Harding Hill:  There were 148 racers, down about 15% from last year.  Brian Garland did a great job organizing the event.  Thanks to all the volunteers.
All the money has been deposited, but Brian will provide a full financial report. Sharing the weekend with The Frenzy in the Forest works well for everyone involved and we will keep doing that.

Next scheduled meeting is August 14 @ 6:30

Meeting was adjourned @ 8:00