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Recreation Committee Minutes 2013/11/12
Sunapee Recreation Committee
Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2013

Erica Belisle (Chair), John Augustine, Scott Blewitt, Charleen Osborne, Mike Pollari,
Next meeting:
December 10, 2013, 6:30 PM, Town Office
  • Agenda Items
  • Membership:
  • Rhonda (discussed in Sept) being sworn in on Wednesday November 13
  • Maria – motion to approve another term made by Erica, Mike seconded, All were in favor.
  • Paul – not present tabled until December
  • 1 Open position – 2 interested parties, Scott will e-mail and have them both attend the Dec. Meeting.
  • Turkey Trot: Scott needs volunteers, next TT meeting Sunday Nov 17th @ 3:00 PM.
  • 560 shirts ordered. 406 are adults that have paid to register.
  • Kids under 12 do not get a shirt
  • Ads put in Eagle Times and Next week’s Shopper
  • Social Media going well
  • Prizes have been donated
  • All Chicken Run participants get a medal
  • Medals given to the top 3 in each category for the Turkey Trot
  • Harbor Magic: $3851.40 in the fund. Once that is gone all revenues will go into the revolving fund.
  • LSPA & Pete’s Shed are confirmed
  • Rhonda is looking for auction items
  • Scott will send out an e-mail to his list
  • Looney Lunge: Selectmen have given permission
  • Firemen Bonfire:  December 7, 2013 1:00 – 4:00
  • Thrift Shop: $300.00 donation. Scott will request the Selectmen accept. Donation will go towards the Skate Rink Liner.
  • Skate Rink: will be put down the second week in December
  • Basketball:
  • 1 team of 3-4 girls for a total of 6
Trying for 2 teams 3-4 boys total of 13
1 team 5-6 girls total of 8
1 team of 5-6 boys total of 11
K-2 Starts second Sat in December
  • Open gym starts second Sat in December 6:00-8:00 PM. 3rd grade and up drop off (volunteer needed)
  • Veteran’s Field: Not germinating – they will come back in the Spring.

  • Other Business
  • Budget: Scott presented the budget last Friday to the Selectmen.
  • Dewey Beach: Discussion about repairs to Sun Fish & new purchases, we will put it on the March Agenda.
  • We will use Turkey Trot funds to pay for Dewey Beach purchases.
  • Scott needs to advertise for a new Beach Manager

Erica: Motion to adjourn, Charleen: Seconded, All in Favor