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Recreation Committee Minutes 2013/08/13
Sunapee Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes
8/13/13 at 6:30 pm
Present:  Scott Blewett, Erica Belisle, Matt McNally, Michael Pollari, and John Augustine.
Guests:  Dave Cahill, Neil Cobb, and Al Peterson

There were not enough voting members for a quorum.  John and Michael need to be sworn in.

  • Fourth of July:
Chief Cahill, Neil Cobb and Scott Blewett gave a recap of the Fourth of July activities.
  • Chief reported that overall things went well from his perspective; crowd control was his biggest concern because of the number of people present at the fireworks and the parade.  
  • The watermelon race was a success and occurred without incident.  Sgt. Cobb reported that the location was good but would recommend a little better crowd control for the observers to ensure that nobody gets hurt.
  • The rough estimate of the attendance at the fireworks was 5,000 people.
  • Parking plan was made successful by having the roads closed and parking facing out of the harbor.
  • In all, 8 Sunapee officers and 3 officers from outside agencies were used throughout the weekend. Overtime for this was around $1500.00.  The contracted officers cost just under $1000.00.
  • Chief recommends that with the size of the crowd it may be safer to have one more officer next year.
  • Four beach staff employees we used at the four road closed signs.
  • Chief recommends for next year the beach employees should have reflective vests to help identify them as staff.  He also recommended that it might be a good idea for them to take a traffic control class before the next event.
  • Trash clean up was the only negative reported.  Trash cans were over flowing.  It was recommended to either enlist volunteers or have a highway department employee on duty during the fireworks to keep up with the trash cans so that clean up next day may be easier.
  • We need to vote at the next meeting to determine whether next years Fourth of July budget will be $12,000.00 or $10,000.00.
  • Dewey Beach Parking:
  • Scott has noticed a significant number of non-residents at Dewey beach.
  • Chief Cahill reports many Monday morning parking ticket complaints due to a zero tolerance policy on no-permitted parking and an increase in the parking fine.
  • Scott would like to approach the select board to put a time limit on the guest passes that residents can obtain.
  • Boats at Dewey Beach:
  • Al Peterson presented his “wish list” regarding the boats and sailing equipment at Dewey beach.  In addition to the wish list he recommends selling the two outboard motors and two of the sail boats that are not used and using the proceeds to improve the fleet.
  • It was recommended that Al, Jen Fredrick, Scott and the beach staff assist Al with making an inventory of what is currently at Dewey, and then determine what is needed and what needs to be sold.
  • Mountain Bike Race:
  • There were 123 racers this year.
  • $1100.00 was the total made from the race.
  • Soccer:
  • Scott reported the numbers for soccer this fall:
  • Kinders:  12
  • 1/2 :  25
  • 3/4 girls:  1 team
  • 3/4 boys:  2 teams
  • 5/6 girls:  1 team
  • 5/6 boys:  1 team

  • Turkey Trot:
  • Due to the number of racers, new timers will be used.
  • Veteran’s Field:
  • Now that the perimeter work is complete, Scott will look into having it crowned.
  • Tent:
  • Sunapee recreation no longer has access to the Newport Rec’s 30x40 tent.
  • Erica will look into the cost of easy up tents and report back to the committee next month.