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Recreation Committee Minutes 2013/02/12
Minutes for Sunapee Rec. Committee meeting February 12, 2013

Meeting called to order at 6:37 Members present: Craig Heino, Patricia Halpin, Maria Fair, Paul Skarin, Brian Emery.
Erica Belisle, Charlene La Rivee non voting (pending Selectboard approval)
Scott Blewitt, Recreation Director.

Approval of minutes from January meeting. Motion by P. Skarin, second by C. Heino

Scott Blewitt presented review of ongoing programs:
  • Basketball – regular season is over and all teams will be participating in tournaments in local towns this weekend.
  • Ice Rink – season has been going extremely well and Scott has gotten several compliments in person and via email. Several worn out pairs of skates have been thrown out and replaced. Craig H. believes the liner will need to be replaced after this season as this is the third year of use.
  • Floor Hockey – Not currently running.
  • Open gym – going very well, good attendance and supervision seems to be covered. 20 – 35 kids per week of all ages.
  • Ski Day – Approximately 40 people participated which was about the same as last year.
  • Drop in Basketball – This runs on Sunday afternoons from 5-7. Ken Ricketts reported two recent issues. The first was a miscommunication around the calendar which led to a time conflict with a high school team. This was resolved. The second issue was a physical conflict between two adults the previous Sunday. Both were asked to leave, which they did, and told not to return.
Review of Recreation Funding
        The Recreation committee is funded through the Town budget. Currently the budget is $140,000. This is a section of the General Fund of the Town budget. There is also a Revolving Recreation fund with a balance of approximately $30,000. The Revolving Recreation fund is used to collect any fees or donations. Expenditures from the General Fund must be approved by the Selectboard.

Role of the Recreation Committee
        Because there are several new members, there was a discussion of the role of the Committee. The goal of the committee is to run recreational events for residents of all ages in the town of Sunapee. The Committee may be approached by residents or groups to get involved with various activities or fundraisers. The Committee discusses and then advises the Recreation Director to take action of behalf of the Committee.
        The Committee is comprised of 5 regular members and 2 alternates.

Goals of the Recreation Committee
        There was discussion and review of previous lists. In general the goal is to maintain our current facilities at a high level. This led to a discussion of planned maintenance this summer. Scott B was asked to get estimates for continued improvements to Veterans field.

SMHS Field meeting
        Patricia H. attended at meeting at SMHS on 2/6. It was an initial discussion of the possibility of the School adding another multi-purpose athletic field behind the SAU building. This was a preliminary discussion and another meeting is scheduled for March.

Spring Sports
        Scott B. informed the Committee that registration baseball, softball and T-ball will begin after February vacation.

Policies / Procedures
        There has been some work done on investigating various local town’s Committee policies.  Scott B. will bring some samples as starting points to our next meeting.

103B bike path
        Scott B. has been monitoring this situation. It may be part of a bigger discussion regionally. It is very preliminary and Scott will continue to monitor the project and update the Committee.

Other Business
        There has been a request to replace the basketball hoops at Veterans field. The Sunapee Lions Club may be interested in being involved and Scott will go to their meeting next month. Craig H. will check to see if the light is working.

        The baseball clinic currently being run at SMHS on Sundays is not a Recreation Department program.

        Scott B. has accepted a part-time position as Recreation Director for New London. This will not impact his time in Sunapee. The Committee asked about his office hours and Scott will be in the town hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 – 5 pm.

        Citizen John Augustine asked if the Recreation Committee had been approached by the Mountain Muckers – we have not.  He then asked if the Committee would be interested in a sub-committee to plan a Winter Carnival.

Next Meeting March 19, 2013

Meeting adjourned 7:43pm Motion by P. Skarin, second B. Emery
Respectfully submitted by B. Emery