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Recreation Committee Minutes 2014/04/08
Sunapee Recreation Committee
Meeting Minutes
April 8, 2014

Erica Belisle (Chair), John Augustine, Scott Blewitt, Charleen Osborne, Mike Pollari, Maria Fair, Paul Skarin, Matt McNally, Tanner Royce  Guests: Erin Pierce, David Cahill, Myles Cooney, Scott Flint
Next meeting:
May 12, 2014 6:30 PM, Town Office
  • Agenda Items
  • Minutes: Minutes read. Maria; motion to accept, Mike; Seconded All were in favor.

  • Baseball: Scott wanted to discuss age cutoff & rules for the league:  
  • Age Deadline Date – May 1st
T-Ball age 4, 5, & 6
Rookies age 7 & 8
Minors age 9 & 10
Majors age 11 & 12
95% signed up before deadline of March 15th. Multiple people signed up 3 weeks late.

  • Would we say no to late sign ups?
  • Safety of players & moving up to the next level when a child is below the age cutoff. What criteria do we use? Coaches discuss ability and safety.
  • Do we assess a fee if people sign up late?
Motion: Charleen; Fee to be doubled if you sign up after a deadline for a sport along with possible waiting period depending on team numbers. Seconded: Erica.

Concerns about the language and possibly moving too fast on a decision. Can we come up with a policy?
MOTION TABLED FOR NOW: Needs more discussion – add to May Agenda.
  • Outdoor Basketball System -  Which one should we get?
MOTION: Charleen – Purchase total price $4199.98 for fixed height system.
Seconded: Maria ALL WERE IN FAVOR

Maria: Motion to adjourn, Mike: Seconded, All in Favor