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Recreation Committee Minutes 2014/03/11
Sunapee Recreation Committee
Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2014

Erica Belisle (Chair), John Augustine, Scott Blewitt, Charleen Osborne, Mike Pollari, Rhonda Gurney, Maria Fair, Paul Skarin, Matt McNally, Tanner Royce  Guests: Myles Cooney & Brandon Flemming
Next meeting:
April 8, 2014 6:30 PM, Town Office
  • Agenda Items
  • Minutes: Minutes read. All were in favor.
  • XC Ski:
  • Turnout during school vacation week
  • 9 Families pre-registered
  • 1 family attended
  • Discussion to try again next year. Maybe Sundays?
  • Cal Ripken League Update – Myles Cooney:  
  • Expansion of infield for majors
Safety- more time to see ball
Put forward expansion for 2015
Mount higher 40 – Minors, 60 – Majors, 90 – Middle school
Do Dewey Field this fall
There is a $50.00 fee increase per team this year

  • Senior Project – Brandon Flemming
  • New Hoops $2000.00 each
  • New Pavenemt $1700.00
  • He met with Lions club $250.00 donation
  • Total needed $5700.00
  • Discussion about maintenance line in revolving budget
MOTION: Maria – Honor request to fund up to $6000.00 to fund the renovation of the Basketball courts. Seconded: Paul ALL WERE IN FAVOR

  • Ice Rink Relocation: Scott talked about the need for a hydrant at Veteran’s Field. The warming hut will need to be moved, we already have electric on site. Scott spoke with SCES Principal J. Bergen – possibility of kids using the rink after school and during PE Winter Activities, etc. Scott will go to the Selectmen and notify them of the changes for Winter 2014 - 2015.
  • Roadside Bike Signs:
  • Cost about $300.00
MOTION: Maria – minimum of 3 signs for Sunapee, send out an e-mail request for donations. Second: Paul -  ALL WERE IN FAVOR

  • Easter Egg Hunt: Will be Saturday April 12, 2014 @ 11:00 in the Harbor around the Gazebo.

  • Fireworks – Yacht Club:
  • Discussion: Loading of fireworks on Dewey Beach. We should add a line item on the request that loading and the barge must depart the beach by 8:30 AM. Also that YC and Atlas needs to supply the manpower for loading.
  • Beach Update:
  • Kim McFarland is the new Beach Manager, she brings 2 years’ experience as assistant manager.
  • So far no assistant manager has been hired
  • Lifeguards are all set
  • 2 Instructors for Lessons so far.
  • Uniforms:
  • Scott priced out wick-away for 2 teams each. Majors & Minors, price was minimally higher than cotton. 80 Shirts total.
  • Rookie & T-ball will get cotton T-Shirts.
SIDENOTE: Games start after April vacation, practices have started. Rookies start 5/5, T-Ball 1st Saturday in May.

Paul: Motion to adjourn, Rhonda: Seconded, All in Favor