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Recreation Committee Minutes 2014/01/14
Sunapee Recreation Committee
Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2014

Erica Belisle (Chair), John Augustine, Scott Blewitt, Charleen Osborne, Mike Pollari
Next meeting:
February 11, 2014, 6:30 PM, Town Office
  • Agenda Items
  • Minutes: Minutes read.  1 Addendum Section F Subsection C change to $50.00. Motion to approve: Mike, Seconded by Erica. All were in favor.
  • Skate Rink Location for 2014 - 2015
  • The original skate rink was located at Veteran’s Field.
  • Craig Heino asked if we could move it back to the original location.
Motion: Charleen to move skate rink for 2014- 2015 back to Veteran’s Field. Seconded: Erica – Discussion: How big is the liner? Can it accommodate double the traffic? YES and the rink could be made bigger than it is at the current location. All were in favor.

  • Turkey Trot Review:
  • Scott reports Expenditures $13,057.19, Revenues $15,097.00, Profit $2,039.81
  • Katie Flint came to discuss the Event
  • Problems: Everyone was surprised when the timing company showed up and we were responsible for the backup and the backup’s backup. Also the communication between our tech guy & them, then back again. T-Shirt sizes did not match up when we received the bibs from the timing company.
Question: Do we want to keep this as an “Event” or does it need to be a fundraiser? The group discussed and felt that we should keep it as an event.
  • Katie discussed the Turkey Trot monthly checklist. The most important thing is the timing! Everything else can be started in the summer. Everything should be up and running by September, then follow the checklist. In October e-mail past volunteers. 2 weeks prior to the TT start contacting and make sure we have enough volunteers.
  • Membership:  
  • Paul wants to be re-nominated. Motion: Charleen, Seconded: Erica – Discussion:
Question: Mike asked “what is the number of meetings required for a member to attend?
  • How about we make the rule 8 out of the 12 for full time members and every 3rd meeting for alternates?
  • Tabled until February Meeting

Erica: Motion to adjourn, Charleen: Seconded, All in Favor