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Planning Board Minutes December 1, 2005
December 1, 2005

Roll Call
PRESENT:        Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                Barbara Hollander, Vice Chairman
                Bruce Jennings
                Derek Tatlock
                Allan Davis
                Emma Smith, Ec-Offico Member
                Philip Porter, Alternate

                Staff:  Michael Marquise, Planner
                        Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator
                        Darlene Morse, Secretary

ABSENT: Robert Rieseberg
                John Wheeler, Alternate
                Frederick Gallup, Ex-Offico Alternate


                Aaron Aldridge, Catherine Bushueff, William Roach, Irving Smith,
                George Neuwirt, Susan Spurlock, Leslie Hutchins, Rick Santos,
                Jim Santos, and Todd French.


The meeting was called to order by Peggy Chalmers.  The minutes of the November 3 meeting were reviewed.  Motion was made by Barbara Hollander to accept the minutes as revised.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock.  The motion carried unanimously.

Peggy Chalmers asked Philip Porter to sit on the Board in place of Robert Rieseberg.


1.  Map 237, Lot 12 (Continued) Matt Girard, 562 Rte. 103, Site Plan Review – Two Residential Triplexes and One Residential Duplex

Mr. Girard presented the Board with plans and information that was requested at the November meeting.  They were as follows:

        A.  Wording appears on the plan specifying that there will be no more than
              8 dwellings total on the lot.
        B.  The wetlands have been delineated on the plan.
        C.  A storm water permit was received and it is noted on the plan.
        D.  A grading plan was present  stating that the slope could be no more than
             10% to the highway.
        E.  All light will be “down lighting” and this is noted on the plan.
        F.  Mr. Girard received a special exception from the Zoning Board of
        G.  Mr. Girard has shown where parking will be provided for both buildings.

Michael Marquise asked what is planned for trees.  Mr. Girard does show some on his plan.  He stated that he will not be cutting any additional trees, only those that will need to be removed for the buildings.  Roger Landry noted that this plan Mr. Girard had for the Planning Board is different than the one he brought before the Zoning Board.  The plan before the Zoning Board showed Mr. Girard’s driveway is in wetland.  Mr. Girard produced a letter stating that although some of the land is wet, it is not considered “wetlands”.  He also stated that the driveway will not be in wet land.  Phil Porter inquired about the current leach field.  Mr. Girard said that it would be discontinued after the project is started.  M. Marquise asked if Mr. Girard got permission from the State for the sign.  He stated that he had not heard from the State about the sign yet, but did apply.  Irving Smith questioned a corner of the property where there appears to be a lot of run-off.  Bruce Jennings stated that the Board would not require any alteration of the property.  Motion was made by Allan Davis to approve the plans as submitted conditional on Mr. Girard receiving a permit from the State for the sign.  The motion was seconded by Barbara Hollander.  The motion carried unanimously.

2.  Map 104, Lot 3, Tosmar Realty Corp., 6 Holmes Lane, Site Plan Review –
Amendment for Parking

M. Marquise informed the Board that the application was filed three weeks in advance, the fees were paid, abutters notices sent and the notice was posted.  Site Plan Review was received in 1990.  Mr. Santos wishes to amend his previous approval by adding more parking.  M. Marquise stated that the application was complete.  Motion was made by Allan Davis to accept the application as complete.  The motion was seconded by Phil Porter.  The motion carried unanimously.

Jim Santos was present to discuss the proposal.  The additional parking is for a clinic that is run by New London Hospital.  The former plan as presented did not provide enough parking.  The original plan requested 1 to 12 parking spaces, the second plan will provide up to 19.  They are trying to bring their business into compliance as people are using the unapproved sites as parking spaces at the present.  An employee, Ms. Hutchins, explained that the employees are presently parking in the spaces not approved by the original application and no vehicles remain after 5:15 PM, the closing of the clinic.  M. Marquise asked if 19 spaces were really necessary.  Mr. Santos replied that 18 are required and are used.  Discussion was held on having to back onto the street from the proposed new spaces.  M. Marquise suggested that the road agent be consulted about the safety issue.  A poll of the board was taken and it was agreed that the plan needs to be clearer.  Allan Davis suggested that the isle widths be shown.  Bruce Jennings inquired about lighting.  It was stated that the lot is currently lit, but not in the new proposed area.   No patrons enter the proposed lot, only employees.  Bruce Jennings raised the issue of snow removal.  Ms. Hutchins stated that the plow moves the snow toward the building and then it is taken off of the site by a backhoe.  It was agreed to bring this back before the Board at the February 2, 2006 meeting.  


1.   Map 237, Lot 25, Ella Flanders, 119 Brook Road, Subdivision – Preliminary Review on Full PUD Configuration

Charles Hirshburg was present to represent Ella Flanders.  He stated that the first proposal was a PUD and a 6 lot subdivision.  It has now changed and E. Flanders would like to go with the straight PUD and no 6 lot subdivision.  The number of units will remain the same, they have just eliminated the separate lots.  This will be a condo form of project with a condo association.  Allan Davis suggested that an engineers report be sought and also the road agent consulted with regard to the roadway.  C. Hirshburg stated that the road is being set up to be possibly accepted by the Town as a town road.  The units will be duplexes with garages between.  The lighting will be “down lighting”.  Detention basins will be put in place for drainage.  Phil Porter questioned septic systems.   C. Hirshburg described the systems on the proposal.  They will be designed as 8 bedroom leach fields.  C. Hirshburg will be back before the Board with more complete plans.

2.  Map 238, Lot 38, Louzan Jennie A. Young, 270 Nutting Road, Major Subdivision (George Neuwirt)

Charles Hirshburg represented the interested buyer of the property, George Neuwirt.  Mr. Neuwirt wishes to purchase the property for the purpose of a cluster development.  The property consists of 7.5 acres.  Zoning allows for one unit per 1.5 acres.  Therefore Mr. Neuwirt is looking at developing 5 units.  The smallest lot will be ½ acre.  C. Hirshburg asked if a duplex could be placed on one of the lots as long as it did not exceed density.  P. Chalmers suggested that two duplexes be placed on lot 3 and 4 and the developer do away with lots 1 and 2.  The project will be reviewed and come back before the Board at a later time.

3.  Map 129, Lot 43, James Cruise, Jr., Sargeant Rd. Hearing  for Modification Phase I Update on Bond – Letter of Credit, Sunapee Center Development

Charles Hirshburg was present to discuss the proposal.  James Cruise is still interested in the development of Sunapee Center.  Discussion was held on the water line that will be extended in the area.  Mr. Cruise has agreed to pay 1/3 of the $100,000.00 cost to install the line and will make an appointment to speak with the Town Manager about this.  He will also work out a bond to begin construction in the area.  C. Hirshburg explained that the first phase will be one single building.  Mr. Cruise has received approval from the bank for a bond in the amount of $450,000.00.  He anticipates receipt of the funds in 75 days.  C. Hirshburg is asking if the permit for Phase 1 needs to be updated.  The original date of completion if August 2006 and he anticipates that this will be met.  He is not asking for an extension, but wishes to update the Board on what is going on with the project.  Roger Landry stated that a letter of credit will also be needed with the bond.  If Phase 1 cannot be completed by August of 2006, then Mr. Cruise will have to reapply.  A letter of credit for the first building in the amount of $180,000.00 will be needed.  A bond will be required for the total amount.


1.  M. Marquise  reminded everyone of the Zoning Amendment hearing scheduled for December 15, 2005 at 7 PM.

2.  A letter was received from James Cruise stating that he did not plan on developing the Woodbine Cottage as originally presented.  It was noted that the owner of the property, Maryanne Henry, had not sent in a letter.  Motion was made by Phil Porter to accept the withdrawal and to send a letter to James Cruise stating this with a copy to Maryanne Henry.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The vote was unanimous.

3.  M. Marquise will set up a schedule beginning in January to continue review of the Master Plan.  P. Chalmers suggested the third Thursday of each month for these.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PM.

NOTE:  The above minutes represents a summary, not a verbatim transcript of the tape.

NOTE:  Any hearings now open and under consideration by this Board are continued to the next meeting of the Sunapee Planning Board.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved__________________

_____________________________           __________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                        Barbara Hollander, Vice Chair

_____________________________           __________________________
Bruce Jennings                                  Derek Tatlock

_____________________________           __________________________
Robert Rieseberg                                        Allan Davis

_____________________________           __________________________
John Wheeler, Alternate                         Emma Smith, Ex-Officio

_____________________________           __________________________
Frederick Gallup, Ex-Officio                    Philip Porter, Alternate