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Planning Board Minutes October 6, 2005
October 6, 2005

Roll Call
        Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
        Bruce Jennings
        Derek Tatlock
        Emma Smith, Ex-Offico Member
        Allan Davis
        Barbara Hollander, Vice-Chairman
        Philip Porter, Alternate
        John Wheeler, Alternate

        Staff:  Michael Marquise, Planner
                Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator
                Darlene Morse, Secretary
        Robert Rieseberg
        Frederick Gallup, Ex-Officio Alternate

        Rebecca Miller, Donna Robinson (media), George Curt, (School
        Board) with architects and engineers for the elementary school
        expansion project, Clayton Platt, Rosemary & Hessler Gates and
        Shaun Carroll.


The meeting was called to order by Peggy Chalmers.  The minutes of the September 1 meeting were reviewed.  Motion was made by Barbara Hollander to accept the minutes with corrections.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter.  The motion carried unanimously.

P. Chalmers asked John Wheeler to serve in the place of Robert Rieseberg.

Michael Marquis informed the Board that the first item on the agenda, Maryann Henry, has been postponed to the November meeting.  Discussion was held on the length of time of receipt of the application and the time the Board needs to render a decision.  The Planning Board may request an extension of time, if necessary, and desired by the applicant.


1.  Map 225, Lot 25 Jane Nielsen Family Trust, 9 Young’s Hill Road and Rte. 103, One Lot Subdivision

M. Marquise informed the Board that the application was filed three weeks in advance, the fees were paid, abutters notices sent and the notice was posted.   The application meets the requirements of 6.04 and can receive waivers as outlined in 6.05 (b) for entire boundary line survey, contours, utility lines and storm water drainage.  A subdivision was done on this parcel of property in 1977 but has no reflection on this application.  M. Marquise finds the application complete and recommends the granting of waivers.  Motion was made by John Wheeler to accept the application as complete and to grant the waivers as recommended by M. Marquise.  The motion was seconded by Barbara Hollander and carried unanimously.

Clayton Platt, surveyor, was present to explain the proposal.  The property consists of 25.4 acres.  It is planned to sell the north side which contains the barn and consists of 23 acres.  The remaining 2.4 acres with the house would be retained by the owner.  Motion was made by Allan Davis to approve the subdivision.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock and carried unanimously.  

1.  Map 237, Lot 25, Ella Flanders, Brook Road, Six Lot Subdivision & 1 PUD Lot with 12 Units

There was no discussion on this application as no one was present to represent it.


1.  Map 133, Lot 124 Hessler & Rosemary Gates, High and Elm Streets, Site Plan Review, Bed and Breakfast

Mr. & Mrs. Gates were present to explain their proposal.  They wish to create an owner occupied bed and breakfast inn.  The building will consist of 5 bedrooms, one being theirs, with the additional 4 being available for rent.  They have enough parking on site.  The existing pavement will be removed.  The Gates will use the garage for parking of their personal vehicles.  The building is serviced by public water and sewer.  M. Marquise stated that the proposed use was allowed in this zone.  However, because of the parking lot being in close proximity of the brook, he believes the Gates will have to see the Zoning Board of Adjustment for permission before creating the parking area.  The Board agreed and the Gates were asked to see the Zoning Board and upon approval for the parking area, they may return to the Planning Board for formal Site Plan Review.

2.  Map 129, Lot 36, George Curt, Town of Sunapee School Board, Sargent Road, New School Access Driveway

G. Curt explained the reason he asked for a meeting with the Planning Board.  The elementary school is in the process of being enlarged and needs a second access road.  He stated there were two important reasons for this.  The first is to improve the safety of the building and occupants and the second is that in order to be eligible for 30% funding from the Department of Education, a seconded access is required.  This access would run along by the northern side of the future safety services building.  Mr. Curt stated that he has already met with the Town Manager, Donna Nashawaty, and M. Marquise.  One of the concerns raised was consideration for the children when the emergency vehicles must respond from the safety services building.  Peggy Chalmers asked if the road would be in use on a regular basis.  The response was that it would.  Mr. Curt introduced one of the engineers who presented a drawing depicting the proposed access road.  He explained that the drawing was only a preliminary sketch.  This is in the designing phase at the present and asked for the Board’s input.  Bruce Jennings voiced his concern with the likely hood of children walking in the area, not only when emergency vehicles leave the building, but when the first responders arrive at the building in response to an emergency.  Allan Davis suggested that the sidewalk shown on the southerly side of the access road be moved to the northerly side which would require the children to walk further away from the new building and parking area.  M. Marquise stated that a gate could be installed with signaled lights that would close access to the school during an emergency.  John Wheeler asked if this proposal had been brought before the Safety Services Building Committee.  Emma Smith replied that it had not been discussed but believed there would no objections to the proposal.  Peggy Chalmers explained that she felt the Board had no objections, but were concerned with the safety of the children during school and would hope that the road could be planned well enough to isolate the children from the traffic in the area during an emergency.  Shaun Carroll recommended less parking on the northerly side of the building for responders.  This would provide more space for the road and keep it further away from the building.   The engineer recommended that because the Town is constructing the first section of the access road to the end of the building, that it be constructed to meet Town specifications.  Then when the school gets ready to put in the access road, providing an extension of the town’s access, they would follow the construction of the first section put in by the town.  An architect for the school asked if the Planning Board felt that there was any need for improvement on Sargent Road.  It was explained to him that a traffic study had been done on Sargent Road in the past and did not feel another was needed.  Allan Davis suggested that the school might want to plan to do a study for their own needs such as possible use of the road by buses, parents and individuals in the area.  The architect responded that he was trying to determine if the town would require the school to do some improvements on Sargent Road because of the access road.  The response was that it was felt no improvements would be asked to be done by the school for this project.  The architect stated that he had spoken with the water and sewer superintendent regarding water service.  He was told by the superintendent that it would be desirable to install a loop with a new water line that would access the school and wondered if this might be done.  P. Chalmers responded that this was a matter to take up with the Water Commissioners and not the Planning Board.  Mr. Curt stated that considerations and concerns expressed by the Board would be addressed.  He thanked the Board for their time and stated he will return with a second plan when ready.  

3.  Map 210, Lot 61, Robert Bell, Prospect Hill Road, Subdivision

Robert Bell presented the Board with a preliminary drawing of a proposal for a development on Prospect Hill Road.  The property consists of 109 acres.  The zone that it is in allows a minimum of 3 acres per lot.  Therefore, the property has the potential for 36 lots.  He stated that the reason he requested a meeting is to receive answers to a few questions he has.  Mr. Bell reported that he has already received approval from the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the proposed road  to cross steep slopes.  He wishes to reduce the vertical curve K factor where the road meets Prospect Hill Road.  He has met with the Road Agent, Tony Bergeron and the Road Agent does not see a problem with his proposal.  Mr. Bell brought to the Board’s attention an error that appeared in the copy of the Subdivision Regulations kept in the Town Office meeting/map room.  An amendment was made to Section 5.07 Road Design in 2001 but that did not appear in the copy of the regulations he received.  The amendment provides that a loop be no more than 2400 feet in length.  The loop he is proposing is approximately 3400 feet.  Roger Landry explained why the amendment was missing and reported that it has been corrected.  P. Chalmers explained that it was unfortunate the amendment did not appear in Mr. Bell’s copy, but the Board has the corrected regulations with the amendment and has followed this regulation consistently.  With regard to Mr. Bell’s access road, Michael recommended a second access onto Prospect Hill Road.  Bruce Jennings suggested either making the existing access shown on the plan a two way with a median down the middle or build another access.  This would mean that a dead end road was not being created.  Mr. Bell stated that it would be difficult.  He could not do the two way road due to the width required and in another area, it was possible, but he would have to seek permission of the Zoning Board again.   This is the route he will probably take.  M. Marquise suggested that Mr. Bell make the loop in the shape of an eight with the second access.  This would do away with the 3400 foot loop.  Mr. Bell is considering making a loop which would be allowed within the requirements of the regulations.

Mr. Bell asked if the Board preferred a cluster development or a standard development.  He was told that the Board preferred a cluster development.  
Mr. Bell asked the Board’s permission to begin the road.  The Board stated that Mr. Bell did not have to get their permission to start the road.  
Mr. Bell questioned a requirement on curving.  He could not find this in the regulations.  M. Marquise stated that within the regulations it states that curves need to be able to be taken at the rate of 30 mph.  Mr. Bell stated that he will be speaking with the Water Commissioners about bringing in public water.  The large concern of abutters in that area is that they don’t want more wells drilled.  The area is very dry.  

Mr. Bell stated that he would go back to the Zoning Board for access approval and then would return to the Planning Board with a preliminary plan.


1.  Review of Amendments to Subdivision Regulations and Site Plan Review Regulations  (copy attached to office minutes)

M. Marquise read and gave a brief explanation of each amendment.  Amendment #1 to the Subdivision Regulations is to put the deadline date as specified by the Board.  Another is fees.  M. Marquise explained that he has doubled each fee as no change has been made in fees in about 13 years.    Allan Davis recommended that with the deadline date, the time should be added as well.  M. Marquise will add this.  Amendment 4 deals with boundary line agreement/annexation, M. Marquise explained that he has taken out the word annexation as it doesn’t exist.  He has corrected it to read boundary line agreement/merger.  The amendment includes a new fee for a merger and adds 15 business days rather than just 15 days.  It also notes that no public notice is required in a voluntary merger.  Another amendment regards parking, and references it back to zoning and site plan review as he feels it really does not have anything to do with the Planning Board.  Amendment 6 addresses fees again.  The fee to apply for a subdivision is increased to $100.00 from $75.00.  This is the one fee he is not recommending be doubled.   With reference to Site Plan Review Regulations, he has also added the deadline date and will add the time as recommended in Amendment #1 of the Subdivision Regulations.  With regard to parking, M. Marquise is proposing a space of 10’x20’ rather that 18’x9’.  Allan Davis recommended that  reference be  made to ADA regulations with regard to handicapped parking as ADA regulations supercede all state and local ordinances.    A. Davis also stated that he believed 10’x20’ to be very excessive.  M. Marquise responded that many vehicles are quite long now.  A. Davis commented on the expense involved with increasing the parking bays.  It was agreed to discuss parking at another meeting.  With regard to amendment #2, the wording was changed to read “The Board shall give conceptual approval with or without modification only to authorize the preparation of the preliminary submission.”  Alan Davis suggested that the term “layout” be changed to “submission”.  He also suggested that Preliminary Plan Submission be in capital letters and add “if the Board deems it desirable”.  Bruce Jennings thanked Michael for the work  he did on the amendments.  

2.      Roger Landry asked the Board what the procedure was for a property owner to have the Town take over and maintain a road.  Peggy Chalmers stated she thought that this is a matter that would have to go to the Board of Selectmen.  The other members agreed.

3.      Transfer Property from Orchard Park to the Town of Sunapee

M. Marquise reminded the Board of property being given at Orchard Park to the town that was discussed a while ago.  The Planning Board needs to approve of the acceptance of this property.  Motion was made by John Wheeler to approve the acceptance of the property.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith and carried unanimously.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:55 PM.

NOTE:  The above minutes represents a summary, not a verbatim transcript of the tape.

NOTE:  Any hearings now open and under consideration by this Board are continued to the next meeting of the Sunapee Planning Board.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                            Approved______________

_____________________________                   ______________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                 Barbara Hollander, Vice-Chair

_____________________________                   ______________________________
Bruce Jennings                                           Derek Tatlock

_____________________________                   ______________________________
Robert Rieseberg                                                 A llan Davis

______________________________                   ______________________________
John Wheeler, Alternate                         Emma Smith, Ex-Officio

______________________________          ______________________________
Fredrick Gallup, Ex-Officio                     Philip Porter, Alternate