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Planning Board Minutes 2006/12/21

December 21, 2006

PRESENT:     Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                Barbara Hollander, Vice Chairman
                Allan Davis
                Philip Porter
                Michael Marquise, Town Planner

ABSENT: Bruce Jennings
                Derek Tatlock
                Emma Smith, Ex-Officio
                Greg Vigue, Alternate
                Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-Officio

OTHERS:   Peter Urbach, Mary Epremian and Anne Nilsen

Peggy Chalmers opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.

The minutes of the November 2, 2006 meeting were reviewed.  Motion was made by Allan Davis to approve the minutes as corrected.  The motion was seconded by Barbara Hollander.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

With regard to the zoning amendments, Mary Epremian suggested that Section 3.50 (b) be removed from the existing ordinance.  She stated that it did not make sense and was not needed for a good ordinance.  Peggy Chalmers informed her that it was too late to make further amendments.  The Board would only be discussing those that have been proposed.   Peter Urbach, member of the Zoning Board, stated that Section 3.50 (b) was
recommended to be deleted by the Zoning Board, but the Planning Board did not approve.  Michael Marquise responded that the Planning Board wanted to review all special exceptions to see which ones they thought could be deleted and those that should be kept because of good criteria.   P. Urbach responded that the ZBA feels there is no flexibility or ability to make judgment.  M. Marquise suggested that the Planning Board and Zoning Board get together to review the special exceptions.  

Mary Epremian also inquired about the use of generators during power outages.  She stated that her neighbor has one and when they lost electricity, the noise from the generator was unbearable.  She was told that there is something called “a hospital muffler” and would like to see that as a requirement in the ordinance.  Michael Marquise stated that there is a noise ordinance and maybe the Selectmen should be approached to add something like this as a supplement.  

Zoning Amendments

A copy of the proposed amendments is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  

Michael Marquise gave a brief explanation of each of the nine proposed amendments.

Amendment #1 changes the amount of lot coverage in the Shoreline overly.
Motion was made by Allan Davis to approve amendment #1.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Amendment #2 requires that walkways within the lake front setback obtain a Certificate of Zoning Compliance.  Motion was made by Allan Davis to approve amendment #2.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Amendment #3 will require an erosion control plan be prepared by a professional engineer for any land clearing in excess of 100,000 square feet.  The amendment was amended to add “the erosion control plan will be submitted to the Zoning Administrator prior to any land clearing in excess of 100,000.”  Motion was made by Allan Davis to approve Amendment #3 as amended with the added wording.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Amendment #4 amends special exceptions by adding that the provisions apply to replacement structures as well as existing structures.  Motion made by Allan Davis to approve amendment #4 with the correction of the word “or” as recommended by Philip Porter.  The motion was seconded by Barbara Hollander.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Amendment #5 amends the overlay district uses – wetlands.  This will be the 8th permitted use that will replace the special condition.  Motion was made by Philip Porter to approve amendment #5.  The motion was seconded by Barbara Hollander.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Amendment #6 changes the fees portion allowing the Board of Selectmen to set fees for sign permits after a proper public hearing process.  Motion was made by Philip Porter to approve amendment #6.   The motion was seconded by Barbara Hollander.
The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Amendment #7 adds a provision that requires all zoning application forms to be signed by the landowner or designated agent with the landowner’s written permission.  Motion was made by Alan Davis to approve amendment #7.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Amendment #8 adds a provision that clarifies the fact that any After the Fact permit fees are to be paid in addition to any other fees associated with the issuance of a permit.  
Motion was made by Allan Davis to approve amendment #8.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Amendment #9 adds a provision that requires proper fees be submitted in order for an application to the Zoning Board of Adjustment to be considered complete.  Motion was made by Allan Davis to approve amendment #9.   The motion was seconded by Barbara Hollander.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Master Plan

Michael Marquise distributed copies of suggested questions for the survey drawn up by Philip Porter.   He explained that the goal of the committee right now is to get the questionnaire completed and sent out.  The results can be tabulated during the winter and ready to give to possibly, Jeff Taylor, in the spring.  M. Marquise will draw up a schedule for the committee for the New Year.   With regard to the survey, some items to be addressed will be building on hill ridges, public transportation, housing, multi-unit housing, recreation facilities, etc. and questions on density and building on the shoreline.  

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Submitted by, Darlene Morse                             Approved____________________

___________________________                     ____________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                            Barbara Hollander, Vice Chairman

___________________________                     ____________________________
Bruce Jennings                                              Allan Davis

___________________________                     ____________________________
Philip Porter                                                       Derek Tatlock

___________________________                     ____________________________
Emma Smith, Ex-Officio                                       Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-Officio

Greg Vigue, Alternate