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Planning Board Minutes 2007/01/18

January 18, 2007

PRESENT:        Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                Barbara Hollander, Vice Chairman
                Derek Tatlock
                Philip Porter
                Michael Marquise, Town Planner
                Darlene Morse, Recording Secretary

OTHERS: Ann Nilsen

ABSENT: Allan Davis
                Bruce Jennings
                Emma Smith, Ex-Officio
                Greg Vigue, Alternate
                Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator

The meeting was opened by Peggy Chalmers at 7:00 PM.

Peggy Chalmers reported that she was asked by UVLSRPC what the position of the Board was with regard to naming scenic ways.  After brief discussion, the Board stated that they did not feel it was necessary to name some roads in Sunapee as scenic.

Michael Marquise distributed a list of members of boards and committee that have been invited to attend a master plan review meeting.  A list is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  M. Marquise also presented the Board the draft survey that will be distributed throughout town.  He is aiming at a survey of 3 pages.  A drop off box can be put at the Town Hall.  M. Marquise stated that with regard to question  #6, he will fill out the percentage. Commercial was added to question #7 to read “Commercial strip developments”. Question #8 asks how far buildings should be from  the shoreland .    Currently the State allows 250’ and the Town of Sunapee 300’.  The word major was added to question # 8 to read “all major” rivers.  Anne Nilsen asked if this would affect Main Street.  Peggy Chalmers responded that  it would only affect property in the shoreland district.  It was agreed to change the roman numerals on page three to letters of the  alphabet as used in other sections of the survey.  It was agreed to remove “circle your choice” and change to “put an “X” next to your choice.

Peggy Chalmers asked Michael Marquise if he could put a zoning map on the back of one of the survey pages.  M. Marquise stated he thought it would be too little and   difficult to read.  Under question #12, it was agreed to add (d) as other.

Discussion was held on how to distribute the survey.  M. Marquise  will check with the Town Clerk to see if it would be possible to use her voting machine to compile the results of the surveys.  It was also discussed placing the survey on the web site.  M. Marquise hopes to have the survey completed and ready for distribution  before the Planning Board’s Master Plan committee in February.   The date for the survey is to be returned to the office was discussed.  P. Chalmers would like it to be two weeks and M. Marquise feels the Board should give people one month to return the survey.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.                       Approved______________________

_____________________________                   ______________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                            Barbara Hollander, Voice Chairman

_____________________________                   ______________________________
Allan Davis                                                         Bruce Jennings

_____________________________                   ______________________________
Philip Porter                                                       Derek Tatlock

_____________________________                   ______________________________
Emma Smith, Ex-Officio                                       Greg Vigue, Alternate

Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-Officio