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Planning Board Minutes 2008/01/03
JANUARY 3, 2008

Present:  Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
            Bruce Jennings
            Allan Davis, Vice Chairman
            Philip Porter
            Peter White
            Emma Smith, Ex-officio
            Michael Marquise, Planner

Absent:  Derek Tatlock
           Frederick Gallup, Ex-officio Alternate
           Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator

Also Present:  See sign-in sheet

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by Chairman Peggy Chalmers.

The minutes of December 6, 2007 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Peter White to approve the minutes as corrected.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith and approved with one abstention.

Map 203, Lot 7, Pensco Trust, Prospect Hill Rd.
Subdivision Review – 13 Lot Major Subdivision

Michael advised that the application falls under Section 6.05 of the Subdivision Regulations.  With the exception of soil tests for septic systems, the application is complete.  A motion was made by Philip Porter to accept the application as complete with the exception of the soil tests for septic systems.  The motion was seconded by Allan Davis and approved unanimously.

Bob Bell presented the application.  He advised that 50 feet has been added to the road and that it is still under1500 feet.  The property size is 109 acres with 13 lots.  All of the property is in Sunapee.  The property line is the town line.  Only Lot 1 would be sub-dividable because of road frontage and that could be a problem with a steep slope.  

Discussion was held on open space land.  Bob Bell advised that the open space allotted would be part of some of the individual lots.  There would be no way to monitor and he thinks the restrictions on the lots would deter prospective buyers.  A motion was made by Allan Davis not to require a 16.74 acre conservation easement.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter.  The motion failed with 2 in favor and 3 opposed. .  Peter White suggested that he contact Ausbon Sargent for suggestions on how to handle conservation easements.  Michael also advised that Bob get language for the conservation easements for the Planning Board and town attorney to review.    

Michael advised that 4 to 1 waivers would be needed as well as deed wording; sign off by the Road Agent on the road, and showing utilities within the right of way.  The road is not completed, so bonding would be needed.  

Peggy advised the applicant of the needed items for the plans as follows:
1.      4 to 1 calculations
2.      Rural lands
3.      Bonding for the road
4.      Conservation wording – no build, no clear cutting, and to preserve wildlife habitat
5.      The road name
6.      Utilities in the right of way

The application was continued to the next meeting on February 7, 2008.

Map 132, Lot 34-1, New Liden Realty Trust, 477 Route 11
Subdivision/Annexation, Transfer 20 ft. strip of land from Map 132, Lot 35-2 to Map 132, Lot 34-1

Peter White recused himself.

Michael advised that the application falls under Section 6.04 of the Subdivision Regulations and Section 6.05B, which allows waivers.  He noted that they would need the wording of Village District on the final plan, as well as building setback lines.   The waivers could be for contours, utility lines, storm water drainage, and water supply.  Peggy noted that the acreage should be corrected to 1.52 acres from 1.59.  

A motion was made by Philip Porter to accept the application as complete with the exceptions of the wording for Village District; building setback lines; waivers for contours, utility lines, storm water drainage, and water supply; and the change in acreage to 1.52 acres.  The motion was seconded by Bruce Jennings and approved unanimously.

A motion was made by Allan Davis to approve the subdivision/annexation with the addition of the following to the plan:
        1.  Building setbacks
        2.  Village District notation
        3.  Lot acreage correction
The motion was seconded by Philip Porter and approved unanimously.

Map 132, Lot 34-1, New Liden Realty Trust, 477 Route 11
Site Plan Review, Marina/Boat Storage Business

Michael advised that the application falls under Article 5 of the Site Plan Review Regulations.  He also advised that the plan scale should be 1 in 20, signatures blocks are needed, sewage disposal needs to be shown, a landscaping plan is needed, and they need to show utility lines, lighting locations, locations of fire alarms and sprinklers, and the handling of disposal of toxic materials.  

Philip Porter recused himself.

A motion was made by Bruce Jennings to accept the application as complete subject to the conditions listed above being added.  The motion was seconded by Allan Davis and approved unanimously.

John Chiarella presented the application for the applicant.  

Peggy stressed that you can’t tell parking spaces from the boat storage areas as they aren’t labeled.  John advised that there are 26 spaces plus the boat storage.  Bruce advised that buffering will be needed as the property is lower than the road.  Allan advised that a landscape plan and contour plan are needed.

A lengthy discussion regarding landscaping for buffering took place.  Michael suggested they could remove part of the boat storage area and use that for an island to provide some additional buffering.  Buffering from the road will be necessary and will probably require plantings of considerable height that would grow even higher to provide the proper coverage.  He also advised that they should utilize the Landscape Design Standards on page 11 of the Site Plan Review Regulations and use those standards in their landscape plans.

After discussion, the applicant was advised that the 1X40 scale for the plan was acceptable, but the following would be needed:
1.      Signature block
2.      Landscape plan
3.      Contours
4.      Show utility lines
5.      Lighting locations
6.      Boat storage area rather than individual storage spots
7.      Show gravel driveway
8.      Note handling of toxic material
9.      Remove the current note regarding lighting from the plan

The application was continued to the next meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM.

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary, not a verbatim transcript of the tape.

NOTE:  Any hearings now open and under consideration by this Board are continued to the next meeting of the Sunapee Planning Board.

Submitted by, Joan Bleau                        Approved                        

Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                Allan Davis, Vice Chairman

Bruce Jennings                                  Derek Tatlock

Philip Porter                                           Peter White

Emma Smith, Ex-Officio                          Frederick Gallup, Ex-Officio Alt.