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Planning Board Minutes 2009/10/15
OCTOBER 15, 2009

Present: Peggy Chalmers, Chairman; Allan Davis, Vice Chairman; Bruce Jennings; Daniel Schneider; Peter White; Philip Porter, Alternate; Robert Stanley, Alternate; Michael Marquise, Town Planner.
Also present: Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager; Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator; Tony Bergeron, Scenic Byway Committee; Donna Gazelle, Scenic Byway Committee; William Roach, Board of Selectmen; Steve White, Board of Selectmen; Peter Urbach, Zoning Board; Van Webb, Conservation Commission; Tim Fleury, Conservation Commission.
Absent: Nick Kontoes, Alternate; Derek Tatlock, Alternate; Emma Smith, ex-officio member.
Chairman Chalmers called the meeting to order at 7:00.
Scenic Byway Slideshow - Town Manager Donna Nashawaty gave a presentation on the Lake Sunapee Scenic Byway.
Motion made by Bruce Jennings, seconded by Bob Stanley to support the Scenic Byway Committee and submit a letter of support on behalf of the planning board.  The motion passed unanimously.
MAP 132 LOT 42-44 John and Nancy Cross, Winn Hill Road, merger of three existing, non-conforming lots off of Route 11.  Motion made by Allan Davis, seconded by Daniel Schneider, to accept the merger.  The motion carried unanimously.
MAP 129 LOT 74  J&F Realty, statement of property usage, Soo-Nipi Plaza.  The potential renter would like to run a sewing business/retail boutique and run sewing classes in the evening.  The business will not have any employees.  Motion made by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. White to accept the statement of property usage as submitted.  Mr. Schneider suggested that the case be continued to the next meeting in order to obtain more details from the applicant regarding the classes to be held.  Mr. Davis amended his motion, seconded by Mr. White to approve the statement of property usage subject to the condition that no classes are held at this time.  The motion passed unanimously.
Master Plan – Natural Resources Section - The Conservation Commission was present to receive comment on the Natural Resources section from the planning board.  Mr. Davis informed the conservation commission that he is compiling comments from the planning board as to which portions of the Natural Resources section should be trimmed.  Mr. Webb inquired if there were comments on the final five pages which outlined the goals and recommendations.  Mr. Davis stated that any corrections on those pages were minor.  Mr. Webb said he would renew the contract with Upper Valley through December in order to complete this section.
Master Plan - Mapping - Mr. Marquise said the village area maps will be looked at tonight.  Mr. Davis suggested using bubbles for this mapping similar to those used for conservation areas.  Looking in the village there are two zones: the village district and the outlying residential areas.  The concept is to soften the line between the village and residential areas by instituting a smaller area of intense use and a larger area of moderate use.  Mr. Marquise said the commercial uses would be softened with less stringent requirements for whatever is designed to be in that zone.
The middle of the village is an area that should be designated for a more dense commercial use.  Mr. Porter said he thinks the commercial strip development along Route 11 should be resisted as much as possible.  The village residential zone will be extended out to the edge of Lower Main Street.  The residential use of Maple Street and Central Street should be emphasized, though commercial use is allowed.  In Georges Mills the village residential bubble will begin at Springfield Road and go west.
Mr. Marquise summarized the mapping: bubbles will be put on conservation areas; the board agreed on the concept of softening the areas between commercial village district and outlying residential; the board opted to keep mixed use 2; the balance will stay as residential or rural residential.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:52PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Katie Richardson

____________________________________________   ________________________________________
Peggy Chalmers                                          Allan Davis

____________________________________________   ________________________________________
Bruce Jennings                                          Daniel Schneider

Peter White