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Planning Board Minutes 2009/09/17
SEPTEMBER 17, 2009

Present: Allan Davis, Vice-Chairman; Bruce Jennings; Peter White; Philip Porter, Alternate; Derek Tatlock, Alternate; Emma Smith, ex-officio member; Michael Marquise, town planner.
Also present:  Jennie Lamanuzzi; Jeff Taylor, Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Planning Commission; Van Webb, conservation commission; Tim Fleury, conservation commission.
Absent: Peggy Chalmers, Chairman; Robert Stanley; Daniel Schneider.

Vice-Chairman Davis called the meeting to order at 7:02.
Mr. Davis appointed Philip Porter to vote for Robert Stanley and DerekTatlock to vote for Daniel Schneider.
Statement of property use:  Ms. Lamanuzzi owns JL Hair Design in Soo-Nipi Plaza.  She is moving her hair salon to Sunapee Center as the first commercial property there.  She currently has no employees; however there will be 2-3 full time employees in the future.  Her hours will be Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m. -8 p.m.  
Mr. Porter made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith to approve the change of use.  The motion passed unanimously.
Jeff Taylor/Community Design Standards section:  Mr. Taylor was present to discuss changes to the Community Design Standards section suggested by the board at the last meeting.  He brought up the point of requiring buildings close to the sidewalk in the harbor and inquired if the board was in favor of that.  Mr. Davis said the setbacks are going to be researched; the issue of buildings close to the sidewalk will be revisited.   Mr. Taylor suggested landscaping and lighting to slow traffic through town, as alternatives to installing rumble strips.  The subject of requiring pitched roofs on single story buildings was mentioned.  The text will clarify that pitched roofs should be gabled, not similar in style to a shed roof.  All other suggestions were discussed and agreed upon.  Mr. Taylor said he would incorporate the changes discussed and get the revised version to the board.
Land Use Maps: The board reviewed the draft future land use map with Mr. Taylor and Mr. Webb.  Mr. Webb inquired as to the rationale behind removing the southern section from conservation consideration.  Mr. Davis stated that much of it is currently in conservation and what remains is already developed and would be rendered nonconforming if changed.  
Mr. Taylor suggested limiting the village area so it the activity does not bleed to the town line.  Where the village should expand was discussed extensively.
Mr. Taylor said that conservation blocks should follow a natural line, such as a land contour or water feature.  Mr. Webb agreed that conservation should be ecosystem based.  Mr. Marquise suggested that blocks are useful in determining zoning regulations.  Mr. Taylor said it will be easier to get the master plan completed and endorsed if a “bubble concept” is used in determining the conservation areas.
Conservation Commission/Natural Resources section: The last five pages outlining goals and recommendations were discussed as the board had not had the opportunity to peruse the entire document.  
#1: In the first bullet, delete the word “Sunapee”.  In second bullet, take out “assist in the development of”.  II of second bullet – Mr. Davis suggested the sentence needs to be expanded  to say what will be the purpose of targeting areas rich in natural resources.  III of second bullet – The sentence should be expanded to explain why it is necessary to identify the natural resources.
#2: In the first and second bullet, “unfragmented” should be defined within the context.
Mr. Marquise inquired about a visual resource protection district – what it is, what is an example of that?  Mr. Marquise  has concerns about the implementation of that later on.  How do you put it into an ordinance, is it even saleable in Sunapee?  “Consider” should be replace with “adopt” or “establish” regarding staff needs.  
Mr. Davis said it would be helpful to have some explanation of what the land use change tax is.  
Regarding prime wetlands, what is the difference between oversight and regulation?  What is the difference between wetlands that are prime and those that are not?  Mr. Marquise said the town is strict across the board about wetlands.  Mr. Fleury stated that the designation of prime wetlands has specific RSAs associated with it.  Mr. Marquise said it is necessary to define “prime” wetlands in this section.
Replace “consider”with “amend” on p.29, second bullet, II.
Remove second sentence beginning “This should focus on” on p. 29, second bullet, III.
Clarify the groundwater protection act on p. 29, third bullet, I and state what the regulations will be.
Regarding the existing overlay district (shoreline, wetlands, aquifer), p. 29,  third bullet, III, do not capitalize “water” and “resource”.  Strike “e.g. the watershed of Perkins Pond” and add “create a new water resources overlay district to allow the expansion of water resource protections including storm water and erosion control plans”.  Incorporate IV into III.
Remove “selected” on p. 29, bullet 4.
The word “requirements” should come after “regulation”, remove “voluntary” on p. 30, bullet 2, I.  For important natural resources, how is it defined which are important?  A better definition of important natural resources is needed.
Remove “consider farmers market” from #4, IV.
Mr. Marquise inquired about the green corridor mentioned under the third bullet.  Mr. Webb clarified that the green areas are not to be seen as inaccessible but integrated into the community.
The town does not currently have limitations on agriculture; the zoning is already agriculturally friendly.  Insert “maintain agriculturally friendly zoning” in #4, second bullet, III.   
Remove “guide development” section.
The length of the Natural Resources section was discussed and will be considered again at a later date.
The draft Future Land Use Map will be revisited at the next master plan meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:56.
Respectfully submitted,
Katie Richardson

____________________________________________  ________________________________________
Allan Davis                                             Bruce Jennings

____________________________________________  ________________________________________
Philip Porter                                           Derek Tatlock

Peter White