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Planning Board Minutes 2009/01/08
JANUARY 8, 2009
7:00 PM

Present:        Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
               Allan Davis, Vice Chairman
                Bruce Jennings
                Philip Porter
                Derek Tatlock
                Peter White
Emma Smith, Ex-officio
                Michael Marquise, Town Planner
Absent: Frederick Gallup, Ex-officio Alternate
                Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator

7:00 PM - The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Peggy Chalmers. Roll call was taken.

The minutes of the November 20th meeting were reviewed and the following corrections made:
Line 60 - change grammaricle to grammatical
Lines 61, 72 & 78 - change Allen to Allan
A motion was made by Allan Davis to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded by Philip Porter and approved unanimously.

The minutes of the December 4th meeting were reviewed and the following corrections made:
Emma Smith asked if it was necessary to have the all the changes recorded. It seems like intense work for the recording secretary. Otherwise, as Peggy stated, posting minutes that indicate corrections by line number is irrelevant since the website copy does not have the line numbers.

Michael suggested having the recording secretary revise the pink copy as corrected and then post the board approved minutes on the website.

Line 86 - change respectfully to respectively and add a comma instead of a period.
Line 60 - change July 28 the July 17
Line 100 - change who’s to whose
Line 112 - change avert to revert
Line 134 - add is after as
Line 135 - change Verizon to Verizon’s
Line 138 - change dispute to comment on
Line 151 - change content to intent
A motion was made by Bruce Jennings to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock and approved unanimously.

The minutes of the December 18, 2008 meeting were not reviewed at this time.

There were no revisions to the agenda.

There were no administrative matters.

7:15 PM
Map 207, Lot 11, Nancy J. Kell, 749 North Road, Subdivision Review, 2 Lots Proposed

Peggy announced the next item on the agenda. Copies of the proposal were handed out to the board members. Michael announced that the application was filed 3 weeks in advance, fees were paid, abutters were notified and notices were posted. This falls under 6.04 of the Subdivision Regulations and since it is a minor subdivision, it is available for waivers in 6.05 sub-section B. He believes that with the waivers the application is complete. He also noted that the Town Road Agent and the Board of Selectmen are also reviewing the proposal. Reason being, the applicant is requesting that where the Class 5 road joins the Class 6 road, that 150’ of the Class 6 road will be brought to the requirements of a Class 5 road at the applicant’s expense. Emma Smith announced that the Board of Selectmen did review the application on Monday, January 5 and with the support of the Town Road Agent, the Board approved the request.

Jolyon Johnson mentioned that there is another house on the Class 6 road, located in the Town of Sunapee. The applicant answered by saying that the homeowner accesses the house from Prospect Hill in Georges Mills and not from North Road.

A motion was made by Philip Porter to accept the application as complete for discussion purposes. The motion was seconded by Emma Smith with no further discussion on the motion and passed unanimously.

The board then discussed the proposal as presented. Michael asked the applicant to comment on the area of the plan where the frontage off the road is not 150’ as required by the town. There is a stonewall on the property at that location that the applicant wants to preserve and retain ownership of. However, the town requires 150’ and clearly this does not meet the requirement at that point. The applicant was asked to revise the plan to meet the zoning requirement.

Abutter, Wilfred Gonyo asked to make sure that is no change in the access to their property. Bruce Jennings responded that there is no change to their access.

A motion was made by Bruce Jennings to approve the Mylar subject to the revision that it would be changed to reflect that the width would be no less than 100’ from the entrance into the property. Allan Davis seconded the motion. Peter White raised a concern that the board is willing to change this footage requirement to only meet 100’. The motion was approved with 6 - In Favor and 1 - Against.

7:45 PM - Consultation
Bruce Jennings, Multiple Lots off Route 11 & Ryder Corner Road, Planned Unit/Cluster Development

Bruce Jennings described the layout and history of the over 500 acres of land that he currently owns. After discussing the property with many of the town boards, he has now decided that it is time to develop approximately 100-200 acres of the property himself with Eric Jones and Ethan Thorns (sp?) of Eco Near by Design (sp?).

The board was presented with a conceptual plan of the property describing the development of roads, houses, and walking trails that would connect with current landmarks such as Governor’s Hill and other rivers and ponds that are within the 500 acres.

Allan Davis asked about the timing of an application. Since this is still in the development stage, Bruce responded by saying that he cannot give a definite date at this time.

Michael - not sure what else needs to be recorded since this is only a consultation . . . feel free to add.

_______ PM Hearing adjourned.  What time, do you remember?

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary of, not a verbatim of the tape.  

Submitted by, Maureen Brandon                   Approved_____________________
Recording Secretary

______________________________          _____________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                Allan Davis, Vice Chairman

______________________________          _____________________________
Bruce Jennings                                  Derek Tatlock

______________________________          _____________________________
Philip Porter                                           Peter White

______________________________          _____________________________
Emma M. Smith, Ex-Officio                               Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-Officio