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Planning Board Minutes 2010/10/21
OCTOBER 21, 2010
PRESENT: Peggy Chalmers, Chairman; Bruce Jennings, Vice-Chairman; Robert Stanley; Peter White; Michael Marquise, Town Planner.
ABSENT: Donna Davis; Daniel Schneider; Emma Smith, ex-officio member.
Chairman Chalmers called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
Discussion of proposed zoning amendments: Mr. Marquise said he would like the board to go over the basic concept of each amendment and its corresponding map tonight.
Amendment 1 – Amend Article II, Section 2.30-District Purpose and Description-Village District and Article III, Section 3.10-Table of Dimensional Controls, to redefine the Village District (in both Sunapee Village and Georges Mills) as two separate districts to be known as the Village-Residential District and the Village-Commercial District.
Mr. Marquise indicated on the map where these areas would be.  There would be no change for village commercial in terms of what is allowed; it would be what is now thought of as the village district.  Village residential would be a blend of residential allowances with commercial allowances.  Mr. Marquise said the new district will include more areas that will have half acre lot size rather than one acre lot size.  Central Street, Maple Street and Lower Main Street will still not be permitted for commercial use.  Mr. Jennings wondered where commercial is encouraged.  Mr. Marquise stated that a corridor of Main Street has been designated as such.  
Following discussion the board determined that the following uses would be permitted by right in the village residential district: accessory uses; bed and breakfast, tourist home, inns; day care; funeral homes; home business; home occupation; multi-family dwellings of three to five units; museums and galleries; professional offices and clinics; single-family dwellings; two-family dwellings.  The following uses would be permitted by exception: banks; churches; municipal buildings and facilities; nursing homes and convalescent homes; retail space of up to 1000 square feet.
Maximum lot coverage would be reduced to 60 percent and shoreline lot coverage will be reduced to 30 percent.  Mr. Marquise asked if there were issues with mapping; the board was fine with the maps as presented.  
Amendment #2 – Amend Article II, Section 2.30-District Purpose and Description and Article III, Section 3.10-Table of Dimensional Controls, to create a new Mixed Use II District in the area of Avery Road.
The purpose of this amendment is to create a new mixed use district, forming a rectangle in and around transfer station and areas on both side of Avery Road, going down to Sargent Road and back to Route 11.  It would include the Safety Services building and the old dump.  Mr. Marquise questioned why it would be necessary to make it mixed use out to Route 11.  The board agreed to keep mixed use off of Route 11 but have it in the other suggested areas, coming down Sargent Road to the edge of Sunapee Center property.  
The board agreed to the following permitted uses by right: accessory uses; auction halls; bed and breakfast, tourist home, inns; lodging and boarding; boat storage; contractor’s yards; home business; home occupation; day care; long-term storage facility; manufactured housing/mobile homes; municipal buildings and facilities; professional offices and clinics; single-family dwellings; two-family dwellings; veterinarian; warehousing.  The following uses would be permitted by exception: accessory use/wind generation systems; multi-family dwellings of three to five units.
Amendment #3 – Amend Article III, Section 3.40(n)-Additional Requirements-to require that an erosion control plan be prepared by a licensed engineer where construction is on slopes greater than 15 percent.
Mr. Marquise said that 15 percent would be the vast majority of property in town.  He thought 20 percent might be more appropriate.  Mr. White inquired if this would apply to roads. Chairman Chalmers said roads and driveways are primes causes of erosion.  Mr. Marquise said roads and driveways are not exempted from needing an erosion control plan.  Anything over 25 percent may not be built upon but you can put a driveway through it.  Mr. White asked if this is meant to be temporary or permanent erosion control.  Mr. Marquise stated that is would be permanent.  
Mr. Marquise suggested implementing a threshold of square footage which would trigger the need for an erosion control plan, so if someone wanted to put an addition or a deck with piers such measures may not be required.  He suggested 1000 square feet of land clearance.  Mr. Jennings felt that if the roadway or driveway is already in place he did not see an issue.  Mr. Marquise said the amendment would apply to new construction.  The board wished to specify that it will apply to “new construction with a 15 percent slope exceeding 1000 feet of land disturbance.”  
Amendment #4 – Amend Article V-Section 5.33-Sign Regulations, to require that any sign within the Village-Commercial or Village-Residential Districts are limited to 20 square feet per side and the total signage may not exceed 40 square feet on the lot.
Signs currently in placed would be grandfathered; however, signs must be replaced according to the ordinance.  The question was raised as to whether the dimensional requirement should be limited to free standing signs.  It was suggested that the new dimensions apply to any sign that is not flush mounted to the building and those that are flush mounted would fall under the original dimensions.  Chairman Chalmers will research signs in harbor to assist in making that determination.
Amendment #5 – Amend Article V-Section 5.33-Sign Regulations, by adding a restriction that signs may not be neon or internally lit.
Only continuous white lights would be allowed for signage.  The board was in agreement with this amendment.  
Amendments #6 – Amend Article VI-Non-Conforming Structures, Lots-by adding a new Section 6.40 which will allow the Planning Board to approve a subdivision/lot line adjustment for non-conforming lots provided that the new lot size and dimensions do not have a greater non-conformity than existing.
The board was in agreement with this amendment.
Amendment #7 – Amend Article XI-Definitions-by adding a new definition entitled “Coverage, Shoreline Overlay District” which will allow the use of porous materials for ground coverage that will not county in the overall lot coverage calculations in the Shoreline Overlay District.
Mr. Marquise stated that the purpose of this is to bring the town more in line with state regulations.  Chairman Chalmers said she would like to put in a requirement for maintenance for porous material.  Mr. Marquise suggested a limit of porous material allowed in order to not eliminate too much green space from the 150-250 ft. section from shoreline.  Mr. Marquise suggested the board give more thought to this amendment.  Mr. Jennings felt it would be good to encourage the use of porous materials without leaving the amendment too open ended.  Mr. Marquise suggested the additional lot coverage allowed correspond to the amount of porous materials used.  Chairman Chalmers suggested using the term “pervious” rather than “porous”.
Mr. Marquise suggested holding off on changing part of Prospect Hill Road to residential from rural lands.  The board agreed not to make that change this year.
The meeting adjourned at 9:19.
Respectfully submitted,
Katie Richardson

___________________________________________    ________________________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                Bruce Jennings, Vice-Chairman

___________________________________________    ________________________________________
Robert Stanley                                          Peter White