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Planning Board Minutes 2011/09/01
September 1, 2011

PRESENT: Bruce Jennings, Chairman; Emma Smith, Ex-Officio Member; Peter White; Daniel Schneider; Bob Stanley; Michael Marquise, Planner
ABSENT: ~Donna Davis Larrow; Erin Anderson
ALSO PRESENT: ~~Steve Jesseman; Nate Fogg; George Grant
Chairman Bruce Jennings called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
The Board reviewed the 8/4/2011 meeting minutes for any required changes. Changes required as follows – Change Erin Andrews to Erin Anderson; Line 30 – “the” to “they”; Line 110-111 – general discussion “ensued” not “entailed”; Line 116 – strike sentence.
Motion made by Peter White to approve minutes as corrected. ~Seconded by Daniel Schneider. ~Motion accepted unanimously.
Michael Marquise presented administrative issues.~ A review session is planned in order to familiarize board members with the tax mapping software (GIS) by Norm Bernaiche/Assessor – in approximately two weeks.  Michael asked if there was interest from board members.~ This session would be scheduled for September 15th or the next scheduled meeting in October.~ The Board agreed that October 6th would be a better date.
Law Lecture Series flyers will be available for review by the Board per Michael Marquise.
It was noted that Sunapee Cove has been sold and the proposed use will be for an assisted living facility.
Chairman Bruce Jennings presented the issue.~ Plans were presented for review by the Board.~ Steve Jesseman, the representative for the principal owners of Mt. Royal Academy, presented the issue.~ Mr. Jesseman stated that they have the approval of the Fire Chief thus far.  Presently, they are in the planning/design process for demolition of the inn and construction of the new facility, which will be approximately~5,000-9,000 square feet in size. ~~They are seeking feedback at this time in regard to the project.~ Associate Engineer with Jesseman Associates, Nate Fogg, presented details of the project with a drawing of the proposed plan.  He explained that the inn will be replaced and that the new structure will be oriented in order to create more of a campus “feel”.  Further, they are addressing previous drainage issues with the new construction.~ The building may be one or two stories in height.  The structure will look similar to the other buildings on the campus.~ There is an existing septic system that allows 995 gallons per day, which would accommodate the new building.~ Detailed walkways per the proposed plans with 50 ft. setback to be met from centerline of road.~ Mr. Fogg explained that it is a conforming structure.~ Peter White stated that the structure must meet a 50 ft. setback from the road right-of-way.~ Michael Marquise agreed.~ Center of road right-of-way is required.~ Mr. Jesseman questioned this, but noted that there is adequate space available to do this.~ He asked if there were any questions from the board members.  
The existing structure is 8100 sq. ft.; an 8700 sq. ft. building is desired but the actual construction may be in the 6500 or 7000 sq. ft. range due to financial reasons.~ Five acres are available.~ Peter White asked if there were retaining walls.  Mr. Fogg replied affirmatively.  Peter White also stated that setback requirements are required for these also.~ Mr. Jesseman stated that a two story building may work more advantageously in regard to space.~ Bob Stanley asked about the size of the student body population?~ Mr. Jesseman replied that there are 100+ students at present and they do not plan on any increase per class – up to 10 students per instructor .~ The plan, per Mr. Jesseman, is for design completion by the end of the year.  The inn would be closed at the first of April when school vacation takes place so it would not, adversely, disrupt the school year.~ Bruce Jennings questioned the location change of classroom space during construction.  Mr. Jesseman explained that they would be able to accommodate classes in another area on a temporary basis.~ Per Bruce Jennings, the Planning Board would need complete details at the actual review.~ Mr. Jesseman stated that the design team has been selected and that all information would be presented.~ Bruce Jennings mentioned potential questions from abutters.~ Mr. Jesseman stated that working with employees of the Town of Sunapee has been very positive.~ Peter White stated that classroom size information is important.~ He is concerned with student population issues and stressed the need for clarity and very specific information.~ Bruce Jennings gave details regarding this.~ Michael Marquise suggested planning for the highest limit.~ Mr. Jesseman commented that the State has been contacted about speeding traffic with a request for a flashing light near the entrance to the school.~ Again, Bruce Jennings expressed his concern with the presentation being specific enough with very direct information given.~ ~~~
No further questions were presented in connection with the consultation by the Board members.
Consultation - Map 239 Lot 11~ 3 – LOT (Minor) SUBDIVISION - George Grant – 3 Messer Road
Chairman Bruce Jennings presented the issue.  George Grant presented revised plans to the Board.~ He is seeking to subdivide the referenced property into three lots - 6 acres out of 38 acres – on the Sunapee/Goshen line. ~This is the former Williamson property.~ The State has received submittals for septic requirements.~ The property consists of 38 acres - Sunapee/38 acres - Goshen.~ Bruce Jennings questioned this.~ Michael Marquise stated that two stamps would be required on the mylar.~ Both (proposed) lots are in Sunapee – with the main parcel located in Goshen.~ Peter White stated that he feels the plans meet all requirements.~ Michael Marquise agreed. ~Daniel Schneider questioned boundary lines on the plans.~ ~Mr. Grant explained the specifics of each lot to the Board.
No further questions were presented in connection with the consultation by the Board members.
Chairman Bruce Jennings asked if there were any other orders of business.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Caron

Bruce Jennings, Chairman ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter White, Vice Chairman
Bob Stanley ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Daniel Schneider
Emma Smith, Ex-Officio Member