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Planning Board Minutes 2011/08/04
August 4, 2011
PRESENT:~~ Bruce Jennings, Chairman; Emma Smith, Ex-Officio Member; Erin Andrews; Donna Davis Larrow; Peter White; Daniel Schneider; Michael Marquise, Planner
ABSENT:~ Bob Stanley ~
ALSO PRESENT: ~ Deborah Webb; Ann Gardner; Donna Gardner; David Ouellette; Louis Kensington; Marianne Jordan; Matthew Driscoll; Rick Leavitt; Brad Wilder; Leon and Valerie Davey; William Roach; Sue John; Gary Summerton; Steve Jesseman
Chairman Bruce Jennings called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
The Board reviewed the 7/21/2011 meeting minutes for any required changes.~ Changes required as follows - Line 16:~ Add Donna’s last name “Nashawaty”; Line 19:~ Seeking “support” rather than “approval”; Line 40:~ seeking “support” rather than “approval”; Line 46:~ Daniel Schneider; Line 75:~ Strike sentence from minutes; Line 84:~ “more” rather than “or”; Line 104:~ Strike sentence; Line 174:~ “use” instead of “issue”; Line 185:~ strike reference to O’Mara – in regard to sign issues in general.
Motion made by Peter White to approve minutes as corrected.~ Seconded by Daniel Schneider.~ Motion accepted unanimously.~ Emma Smith abstained from voting as she had not been present for the meeting.
Chairman Bruce Jennings presented the issue.~ Plans were presented for review by the Board.~~~Brad Wilder was present to represent applicant.~ Per Michael Marquise, this is for a minor subdivision with waivers allowed as noted.~ Building setback lines and DOT access permit to be discussed in order to render application as complete.~ Motion by Daniel Schneider to accept application as complete per two items to be discussed as noted.~ Seconded by Peter White.~ Motion accepted unanimously by the Board.~
Mr. Wilder gave a brief history of the property.  Ms. Gardner and Ms. Leavitt were present as beneficiaries of the Estate of Anna Leavitt.~ The property was supposed to be divided according to the beneficiaries – with two-thirds and one-third values assigned.  The are attempting to finalize this.~ An appraiser has presented two appraisals for both lots with adjustments of boundary lines to accomplish the necessary values.~ Further, the appraiser has presented plans for new boundary lines in order to do so.~ Stone walls are in existence.~ Approval is necessary so that deeds can be executed to cover the new boundaries.~ Per Michael Marquise, Lot 1 has an existing house with access to highway; Lot 2 is undeveloped at present.~ He explained that a State highway access permit would be required for Lot 2 if it were to be developed.~ Information was brought forward that there is documentation of a right-of-way.~ Chairman Jennings said they would need a copy of the State approval – in William Leavitt’s name – in order to grant final approval.~ The Board questioned the area of access as granted.~ The right of way is on the east boundary line.~ Leon and Valerie Davey (abutters) reviewed the plan.~ Mrs. Davey questioned the location of the snowmobile trail.~ It was explained that it no longer exists on the property.~
Chairman Jennings asked if there were any further questions from the Board.~ Chairman Jennings closed the public portion of the meeting. ~General discussion was presented by the Board.~ Donna Larrow questioned building setbacks.~ Peter White questioned minimum lot size – 1.5 acres.  No further questions were presented in connection with the issue by the Board members.
Motion made by Daniel Schneider~to approve proposal as submitted for Map 225 Lot 5 Minor Subdivision for the Anna Leavitt Estate located at 144 Route 11, subject to receipt of DOT highway access approval and as per plans.~~ Seconded by~Donna Larrow.~ Motion accepted unanimously.
Chairman Bruce Jennings presented the issue.~~ Plans presented for review to the Board.~ Michael Marquise reviewed the Site Plan Review documentation for completeness according to Article 5 Sub-Section D.~ One issue is open - 1C – outdoor lighting.~ He stated that no lighting was requested but that the Board should discuss this issue.~ Motion made by Peter White to accept application as complete.~ Seconded by Emma Smith.~ Motion accepted unanimously.~ Gary Summerton presented the issue to the Board.~ Mr. Summerton stated that he does have some clients at his home and that the sign would help clients to locate his house.~ No walk-ins; by appointment only.~ There would be no more than one person per day on a normal basis.~ Size of the sign is stated as 3 ft. x 2 ft., with no lighting.~ Hours of operation are 9 AM – 6 PM.~ Donna Larrow asked if there was any other outside lighting.  Mr. Summerton stated that he does have motion sensor lights on his home.  He further stated that all sale sessions are completed at his home per hours as previously noted.~ Prints are delivered to clients.~ He stated that sign usage is for marketing/location use only.~ Donna Larrow asked about proposed parking.  He stated that he would have one designated space for clients.~ He also stated there would be no employees.~ Mr. William Roach, a neighbor of Mr. Summerton’s, expressed his support for the business.
Chairman Jennings asked if any abutters were present for comments.~~ Chairman Jennings asked if there were any further questions from the Board.~ Chairman Jennings closed the public portion of the meeting. ~General discussion was presented by the Board.~ No further questions were presented in connection with the issue by the Board members.
Motion made by~Peter White to approve application~for Map 133 Lot 114 to Gary Summerton to open a photography studio/office as a home business at 8 Elm Street as per plans.  Seconded by~Donna Larrow.~ Motion accepted unanimously.
A representative for the Broom Family, Steve Jesseman presented the issue.~ Sunapee Cove.~ At the present, this property is to be auctioned and the Broom Family is interested in purchasing it and converting it to either an inn or apartment complex, or as a dormitory facility which could be utilized by Colby Sawyer college.  Shuttle services would be provided if this use were to be approved in future.  Chairman Jennings recused himself from this issue.~ Peter White assumed the chair for this discussion.  Daniel Schneider questioned use by the college.~ Steve questioned whether the Board would approve of the property being used by the college as a dormitory.~ Michael Marquise stated that it had been previously determined that the property usage did not qualify as an apartment facility due to density limitations.~ Only four apartments would be allowed.~ Bruce Jennings stated that there have been issues with the town beach in year’s past, as well as parking.  Michael Marquise again stated that according to the ordinance, this district only allows four units per acre, and that there are approximately two acres for this property as separate lots.~ It could, possibly, be combined.~ It was further stated that easements are associated with one lot.~ If expansion took place, State approval would be required.~ Donna Larrow questioned whether the property was “village commercial” or “village residential”.  It was stated that it is, for the most part, village commercial for this area.~ Mr. Jesseman commented that dining would take place on campus if this use did move forward.~~ There are issues with residence hall versus apartment complex usage.~ It is a completely different set of rationale as explained by Mr. Jesseman.~ Michael Marquise stated that there is a use issue.  He stated that zoning approval or a variance would have to be done in order for this proposed use to be granted approval.~ He stated, again, that only four units are allowed at this time; if lots were merged, approximately seven would be a possibility.  Bruce Jennings questioned the number of occupants allowed for each apartment.  General discussion entailed regarding this issue.~ Michael Marquise stated that the family specifications allow a maximum of five people per unit.  Mr. Jesseman stated that there would be a maximum of three years usage by the college if allowed. ~ Peter White and Donna Larrow expressed concerns in regard to enforcement issues.~ The Board agreed that a use for the building would be positive.~ Mr. Jesseman asked for input as to which use is best and/or most appropriate.~ Peter White expressed concerns regarding limitations.~ It was stated that if a Site Plan Review was approved, that there would be no issues.~ Michael Marquise stated that the limitations are more in connection with zoning.~ Zoning would have to be addressed first.   Mr. Jesseman made the comment that student issues are generally non-existent.~ In regard to the previous usage of the property as an assisted living facility, they would need to research the number of residents allowed previously.~ It was also noted by Michael Marquise that this may impact shore frontage issues in connection with any proposed use as an apartment complex.
No further questions were presented in connection with the issue by the Board members or Mr. Jesseman.
Chairman Bruce Jennings presented the issue.~ Peter White recused himself.~ Plans were presented to the Board.~ One lot has building removed; the other still has a building in existence.~ Michael Marquise questioned the issue of merging and asked if there were plans to build on the lot that does not have a structure at present.  Peter White replied that there were no plans to do this.~
No abutters were present.  Chairman Jennings asked if there were any further questions from the Board.~ Chairman Jennings closed the public portion of the meeting. ~No further questions were presented in connection with the issue by the Board members.
Motion made by Emma Smith to approve Map 122 Lot 14/Map 122 Lot 15 Lot Merger for Camp David LLC at 242 and 256 Garnet Hill~as per plans.~ Seconded by Daniel Schneider.~ Motion accepted unanimously.
~Chairman Bruce Jennings presented the issue.~ Michael Marquise presented an update in regard to research of prior permits and site plans.  A note from previous minutes had been found and it was determined that a Site Plan Review is required to move forward with this issue.  A Site Plan Review will be submitted by John Quackenbos.~ It was stated that it was very clear that it is required.  With the previous owners, it was required, but was never done.  This issue will go through Zoning initially in order to obtain approval for the installation of a front porch on the property.~
No further questions were presented in connection with the issue by the Board members.
Chairman Bruce Jennings asked if there were any other orders of business.
Michael Marquise presented procedures for agendas, applications and statements of property usage for review by the Board before submittal.~~ General discussion by the Board regarding specifications for each item.  All were in favor of submittal.
Chairman Jennings asked about the proposal for the new library plan.~ There was discussion regarding previous presentations.~ The Board agreed that it would like the Library Board to present the new plan at an upcoming meeting.  
The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 ~PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Caron
Bruce Jennings, Chairman~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter White, Vice Chairman
Erin Anderson~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daniel Schneider
Donna Davis Larrow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emma Smith, Ex-Officio Member