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Master Plan Notes 2008/05/15
MAY 15, 2008
7:00 PM

Present:        Peggy Chalmers –Chairman
Allan Davis – Vice Chairman
Bruce Jennings
Philip Porter
Peter White
Michael Marquise – Planner

Absent: Derek Tatlock
                Emma Smith – Ex-Officio
                Frederick Gallup – Ex-Officio Alternate
                Roger Landry – Zoning Administrator

Also Present:  Van Webb and Tim Fleury – Conservation Commission; Ethan Forns

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Chairman Peggy Chalmers.

Phil Porter asked about notices, emails, and minutes as he is not getting them.  Michael advised about web site signup and will check on information to be mailed regarding cases coming up.

Conservation Maps
Van Webb presented the first draft maps from UVLSRPC to be reviewed by the Board.  
There will be 11”X17” color maps to be included in the Master Plan.  The Natural Resources package will be about 14 pages.  Rachel Ruppel of the UVLSRPC has asked that the Board review the maps for any addition or corrections (See attachment to official minutes).

Several items were noted and Tim Fleury made a list to have corrections made.  Some of the items noted were to have town boundaries clearly defined, additions and deletions of street names, spellings, definitions, and legend areas on the maps.  

Michael advised that existing and future land use maps will also be done.  Van will bring a set of corrected maps and narrative for the Natural Resources Inventory back to the Board in the fall for review.  He noted that the maps will also be available in PDF form.  Michael stated that the Board needs to come up with some rules to go with them.  

The next meeting will focus on transportation and community facilities.  Peggy noted that they should look at some type of planning for a future community center as a lot of people have expressed it is needed.  Board members also would like to have Donna Gazelle come in regarding the Beautification Committee’s plans for the intersection of Route 11 and Main St.

Bruce reported that he attended a meeting of the Library Building Committee.  The architect stated that the town can apply for an urban exemption from the Shoreline Protection Act. Based on the history of the Village District   He suggested that the Planning Board address pedestrian walkways down through the village and how the Shoreline Protection Act influences them.  Peter stated they can look at the Village District and where the Sugar River flows through, do an overlay.  This area could be thrown more into local control if they can prove it historically.  This allows towns to have more control of how it is developed based on the history of the area.  Michael advised that there has to be a recommendation in the Land Use plan.  The Village District may have to be identified as 3 different district areas.


A motion was made by Allan Davis nomination Peggy Chalmers as Chairman.  The motion was seconded by Phil Porter.  A motion was made by Bruce Jennings nominating Allan Davis as Vice-Chairman.  The motion was seconded by Phil Porter.  Both motions were voted on and approved with 2 abstentions (PC and AD).

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary of, not a verbatim of the tape.  

Submitted by,
Joan Bleau
Recording Secretary                             Approved:                       

Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                        Allan Davis, Vice-Chairman

Bruce Jennings                          Derek Tatlock

Philip Porter                                   Peter White

Emma Smith, Ex-Officio                  Frederic Gallup, Ex-Officio Alternate