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Master Plan Notes 2008/03/20
MARCH 20, 2008
Master Plan 3/20/08
*****DRAFT*****                                        *****DRAFT*****

Present:          Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                Derek Tatlock
                , Emma Smith, Philip Porter
                , Peter White                                           
                Emma Smith, Ex-Officio
                , Michael Marquise, Planner

Absent:   Bruce Jennings, Allan Davis, Vice Chairman
                Bruce Jennings
                FrederickFred Gallup, Ex-Officio Alternate
                Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator

The meeting was calledCall to order at 7:02 PM by Chairman Chalmers02PM

Mtg 4/9 7:00 Newbury
Town Hall, Stormwater Needs in the 21st Century

Michael reported there will be a meeting at the Newbury Town Hall at 7:00PM on April 9, 2008 regarding “Stormwater Needs in the 21st Century” if anyone would like to attend.  He also reminded Board members of the Planning and Zoning Conference on April 26th and to get their registration forms in if they will be attendingReminder 4/26 mtg. Please get Regis. In.

Peggy -Vegetative buffers - ?larger setbacks for scenic routes.PW – has to be more than just a setback.  Would be a zoning reg. voted on as a warrant article.  MM – establish a larger setback and then would have to have a buffer in that setback.  Would be two fold.  Would not draw it,, but could recommend for anywhere outside the village district.  Would recommend before the master plan is finished – get the setback.  
DT may want to consider shared driveways to minimize curb cuts.  MM – controlled by the state already.  

Vegetative buffers along scenic routes were discussed.  Should there be larger setbacks established?  A new zoning regulation would have to be considered, a warrant article created, and then it would have to be voted on by the public.  Michael advised they could establish a larger setback and then require a buffer within that setback.  This would be two fold.  They could recommend it for anywhere outside the Village District.  He recommended that they get the new setback established before the Master Plan is finished.  
PC – business section, ? extend what is considered village now to include Rt 11 to Winn Hill.  Board concensus, leave as is – residential.  

Another area of consideration was shared driveways to minimize curb cuts and Michael advised that this is controlled by the State already.MM – Avery Rd.  ? a version of mixed use..  Now rural residential.  PC ? how to define.  MM start fr a certain distance from the Sargent Rd. intersection.  2 part – not the retail and commercial.  PW – logical area for that kind of development. PC – need to define as mixed use, because of different things that would be allowed.  

Business areas were looked at and do they want to extend what is considered Village District now to include Route 11 to Winn Hill Rd.?  The Board consensus was to leave it as it is now – Residential.
Around Sleeper Rd. – PW ? concept.  MM – wd be to make that rural lands.  PW - Extend rural lands down thru Perkins Pond ? wd go down to Rt. 11.  MM if want to create cooridor, wd probably have to be left up to the property owners.  PP- rural residential, very low density housing.  PC - ? potentially increase the size of the lots.  

Avery Road was looked at for a version of Mixed Use.  It is now rural residential.  How should it be defined?  Michael explained they could start from a certain distance from the Sargent Rd. intersection.  Mixed Use would become two parts as this area would probably not be for retail and commercial.  The feeling was this would be a logical area for that kind of development.  They would need to define it as mixed use because of the different things that would be allowed.

The area around Sleeper Rd. was discussed and the concept of making the area a corridor.  Michael explained that it would have to be made Rural Lands.  It was questioned if Rural Lands would be extended down through Perkins Pond and then down to Route 11.  Michael advised that to create a corridor, it would probably have to be left up to the property owners.  
Ridge line ordinance could be looked at.  Could be different in different areas of town.  

Rural Lands was looked at.  It provides for very low density housing.  Do they want to consider, potentially, increasing the size of the lots?
Northwest corner – additional requirements.  PC – maximum lot coverage or maximum size building?  

The Board questioned if they would look at establishing a Ridge Line Ordinance as it could be different in different areas of Town.  
PP – ? conservation easement south to north to ski tow hill.  MM thinks any connections would have to be private.  PC – could be sort of like a current use thing.  

The consensus was to look at the Northwest Corner for additional requirements.  
PC - ? any changes to Georges Mills.  MM - Discussed and decided to leave as is.

Michael noted that it doesn’tMM – does’nt seem like they need to alter many things.  The Village Districts stay as they  

One of the things the Board will look at isPW – what others bordering towns are other towns doing  where they abut Sunapee.  Michael noted that the Board had decided to keep?  MM – Springfield Rd. to the Rt 89 exit Residential.  Would they– if we’re keeping as residential, wd like to see Springfield do the same?  Peggy.  PC will check with the other towns and Michael suggested that, perhaps, they.  MM – maybe need to make an effort for joint discussions with the other towns.  

The next meeting will be onNext mtg – natural resources.  Van Webb from the Conservation Commission will be working with them.  MichaelMM has been working on the land use section from the old Master Planmaster plan and will get that out to the members.

The meetingMeeting adjourned at 8:42 PM.42PM.

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary, not a verbatim transcript of the tape.

Submitted by, Joan Bleau                        Approved                        

Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                Allan Davis, Vice Chairman

Bruce Jennings                                  Derek Tatlock

Philip Porter                                           Peter White

Emma Smith, Ex-Officio                          Frederick Gallup, Ex-Offi