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Master Plan Notes 2008/01/17
JANUARY 17, 2008

Present:        Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                Allan Davis, Vice Chairman
                Bruce Jennings
                Derek Tatlock
                Emma Smith, Ex-Officio
                Michael Marquise, Planner
                Philip Porter

Absent: Peter White
                Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chairman Peggy Chalmers.

Map 132, Lot 34-1               New Liden Realty Trust, 477 Route 11
                                Site Plan Review, Marina/Boat Storage Business

Phil Porter recused himself.

Bob Anthonyson presented the landscape design.  There will be a row of white pines along the edge of the property.  To the left of the driveway will be arrow-wood which will grow to about 12 feet.  The existing material is the driveway and lawn, which will not be replaced.  The white pines will be 6 feet when planted and will grow to about 20 feet.  Michael asked if the contours on the plan are updated.  Bob advised that they are not.  The front of the lot is flat and the rear drops off.  Michael thinks updated contours are needed on the plan.  Bruce advised that they need to put the contours on as a condition for signing the plat.  Allan Davis advised that he is satisfied with the landscaping.  Peggy advised that they need an outline of the septic area.  She also questioned the disposal of hazardous materials.  Fred Green stated that oil will be stored in 55 gallon drums for proper disposal.  He also stated that there will be down lighting on the sign and entryway.  Peggy asked that they add a note to the plan that the lighting is down lighting.  She asked about the sign off from the Fire Chief for fire alarms and sprinklers and Mr. Green advised that they had an inspection last night and that the Fire Chief will have a report in next week.  Bruce stated that he thinks there should be a comment that if a tree dies it needs to be replaced within the next growing season.  The Board agreed to clarify the time to “within 12 months”.

A motion was made by Allan Davis to approve the plan dated January 2, 2008 by Clifford Richer, with the following conditions, that the plan be revised and resubmitted to show:
        1.  Updated contours as they presently exist.
        2.  Define septic/sewer area
        3.  Note indicating lighting on the building be down lighting
        4.  Wording that trees/shrubs within the vegetative buffer be maintained, and
    if any die, they will be replaced within 12 months.
5.  Completion of landscaping by November 1, 2008
The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock and approved unanimously by the Board.

Michael handed out information on the planning conference if anyone is interested in attending.  

A mailing/contact list of the Board members was handed out for review for additions or corrections.  The Secretary will email the updated/corrected list to the members.

Discussion was held on the results of the Master Plan Survey. (see copy attached)

A majority of the responses want the Old Town Hall to remain.  They do not want it torn down.

#10 - The members think people were confused by the question and therefore they should probably not make any changes to the zones regarding lot size and density.

#7 – There were some very strong preferences.  Strip/commercial development is favored the least.  It is something we have talked about for so long.  Peggy noted that if you count the strongly favored and the favored, the interest is strongest in protecting the historic buildings and noise and light pollution ordinances and ridge line ordinances. Allan stated that it gives them some work to do on how to set some ordinances to respond to those very strong preferences.  Michael stated that would be after they have done the plan.  He also advised that noise and light pollution would be ordinances set by the Selectmen.  

Michael advised that he can separate out responses versus where the people live, if the Board feels it is of value, for the first two questions.

#12 – The comparison to #4 is very interesting.  Phil Porter stated that there is a large population over 60.  
#13 – Michael reported that there were mostly one or two selections per questionnaire for this and rarely 3. The members stated that the kids want a place to go.  It came across very strongly in the survey.  Peggy noted that the hiking trail at Dewey Woods seems to be being used.  She has heard from several people that they have used it.  

Determine Sections:
Michael stated that they can add a population section that shows the responses to the survey and the members agreed that it should be included.

The Natural Hazards Section was discussed.  Michael advised that if it is included, there would have to be a control over it.  They questioned natural hazards versus natural disasters.  Allan advised that erosion would be a natural hazard.  Michael stated that they could make it a subsection.

Natural Resources Section
This section would include open spaces, view shed, and scenic highways.

Noise and light pollution would go under the Land Use Section.

Transportation section would be roads and traffic.  

Senior transportation – put under Community Facilities.

Michael questioned if anyone thinks the Neighborhood Plan Section is needed.  It is usually used in bigger towns and cities.  The Board agreed that it is not needed.  

Bruce question the boat parking and seasonal parking in the Harbor.  Peggy stated it could fit in a lot of places and Phil stated they should consider the traffic flow on Route 11.

Community Design Section – Mt. Sunapee, the watershed around Lake Sunapee, and the I89 corridor should be included

Michael advised that he will go back to old parts of the Master Plan, work on some updates, and put together a skeleton the Board can fill in.

At the next meeting they will do some mapping and can discuss a couple of sections at each meeting after that.

Community Design – Bruce stated he thinks they have to think about the cluster development for this section.

Peggy questioned the breakdown of housing values in Sunapee and Michael thinks the median would be better than the average.  

Michael advised that the members should review the minutes of the March 16, 2006 meeting.  There was a lot of discussion on the old Master Plan.  He also suggested that they look through old minutes for items.

Bruce questioned if they need a section for green growth.  Michael advised it would be under each individual section, such as green housing would be included under the Housing section.  Phil stated that some items could into Community Design.

It was decided to go over maps at the meeting on February 7, 2008.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary, not a verbatim transcript of the tape.

NOTE:  Any hearings now open and under consideration by this Board are continued to the next meeting of the Sunapee Planning Board.

Submitted by, Joan Bleau                        Approved                        

Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                Allan Davis, Vice Chairman

Bruce Jennings                                  Derek Tatlock

Philip Porter                                           Peter White

Emma Smith, Ex-Officio                          Frederick Gallup, Ex-Officio Alt.