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Master Plan Notes 2007/12/20
December 20, 2007

Present: Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
  Allan Davis, Vice Chairman
  Bruce Jennings
  Derek Tatlock
  Peter White
  Michael Marquise, Town Planner
  Joan Bleau, Recording Secretary

Absent:  Philip Porter
              Emma Smith, Ex-officio Board of Selectmen
              Frederick Gallup, Ex-officio Alternate

Also Present:  Conservation Commission - Van Webb, Tim Fleury and Rhem Mastin

The meeting was called to order at 7:02PM by Chairman Chalmers.

The minutes of November 1, 2007 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Allan Davis to approve the minutes as amended.  The motion was seconded by Peter White and approved with one abstention (Bruce Jennings).

Master Plan
Michael advised that Section 674:2 of the New Hampshire Planning and Land Use Regulation book describes all of the sections of the master plan.  He stated that they are beyond getting input for the master plan and it is time to write it up.  It will be most important to cover the land use section at the next meeting.  We also need to look at
tables and graphs, get out maps and look at land use, some of the recommendations to expand the shoreline district, lot sizing, density to encourage smaller housing.  Peggy thinks we need to look at Lower Main in regard to usage and need to talk about it, and we also need to look at what property the Town might want in the future.

Zoning Amendments –

The public hearing was opened at 7:22PM by Chairman Chalmers.  There were no members of the public in attendance.

A motion was made by Allan Davis to place the proposed Zoning Amendments on the Town Warrant for March 2008.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock.

The Board reviewed each amendment.

#1- Michael Marquise – will  have new maps with GPS and can create district boundary lines across the maps.  
#2 – Michael Marquise – now can go 50% on reductions on side & rear setbacks on non-conforming lots. The Zoning Board has suggested a new table to eliminate a special exception being needed.  
#3 – Allan Davis – to avoid comparing a house with the setback of a nearby garage, a majority of houses must be in the same setback.
#4 – Michael Marquise-  is now actually written into some of the special exceptions, but not all.  Peter White  – does it need to say that the ZBA needs to provide some input?  He suggested adding  “In the judgment of the ZBA” at the beginning of #1 & #2.  He added that it was ruled by the courts that “may” means “shall”.  Michael stated that it could still be a permitted use, but not by right. A motion to amend #4 was made by Peter White to add “In the judgment of the ZBA” in both 1 & 2 of Amendment #4.   The motion was seconded by Bruce Jennings and was approved unanimously.  There was no further discussion or questions by the Board or the public.  The original motion was then approved unanimously as amended by the Board.

Conservation Commission:

Van Webb advised that the Conservation Commission is interested in what maps are to be included in the Master Plan.  He presented a list of things that they feel are important to include on the maps.  The Conservation Commission talks a lot about a natural resource inventory which they do not have now, but they can incorporate some into the Master Plan.  Tim advised that they can get Amanda Stone to speak about natural resources.  She works throughout the State of New Hampshire as part of the Community Conservation Assistance Program.

Van questioned what maps are to be included.  Michael advised they have base maps to look at from the UVLSRP which include agriculture, steep slopes, wetlands and one other.  He also advised that the mapping should lead us to an end.  The Conservation Commission should determine what that end is and then they can work back to the maps with that.  Peggy suggested that some maps could be referenced as some may be too big for the Master Plan document.  Michael indicated that they hope to have the Master Plan published by the middle of 2009.  It was agreed that it would be beneficial to invite Amanda Stone to come in and share her expertise sometime in March or April.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary, not a verbatim transcript of the tape.

Respectfully Submitted,
Joan Bleau
Secretary Pro-tem                                       Approved______________________
______________________________          ---------______________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                Peter White

----------_______________________________               ______________________________
Bruce Jennings                                  Derek Tatlock

_______________________________         ______________________________
Allan Davis                                             Philip Porter

_______________________________         ______________________________
Emma Smith, Ex-Officio                          Frederick Gallup, Ex-