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Trustee Minutes 02/19/2007
Abbott Library Trustees Minute Meetings
February 19, 2007

Present: Paul Pratt, Sally Southard, John Mapley, Allison Mollica, Mary Epremium and Peter Urbach, Chair and John Walden, Library Director

1.      Allison Mollica motioned as secretary.  Motion passed.
2.      Minutes of January meeting approved.
3.      Chair report:  
a.      Annual Report to Probate Court went to Court and Attorney General
b.      Selectman meeting – postponed site plan review.  Planning Board Meeitng oringinally scheduled for Feb 1 and early March will now be early April  and early May, building will begin by June.
c.      Brochure will be finalized and sent to all for review.  
d.      Discussed how to handle the polls on voting day and whether to make a sign/info available that day.

4.      Director’s Report
a.      Data at TLC and installation in April.
b.      Two Internet stations, circulation desk computer and office computer replaced.  Older computers allow for increased access to OPAC.
c.      Discussed how to let community know of the new library cards and the TLC.  John will create a publicity plan.
d.      Architect meeting took place on the 25th of January.
e.      Met with Recreation Committee looking to build a plan for the future in regards to the recreational area.  

5.      Treasurer’s Report
a.      Waiting for numbers from the town.  Update will take place in March.

6.      Capital Campaign Report
a.      Overview of the Campaign Status.
b.      Report of funds left to be raised to meet the goal of $2,300,000.
c.      Capital campaign needs to raise $300,000 to meet that goal.
d.      Discussed the restart of the capital campaign.
e.      Allan will draft a campaign letter to go out mid-March, right after the vote, to jumpstart the campaign.
f.      A new campaign strategy and efforts will be more clearly defined after the vote in March.

Adjourned 6:20 PM       

Allison Mollica, Secretary