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Crowther Chapel Committee Meeting
August 1, 2013 Dexter's Inn – 8:00 AM

In attendance: John Augustine, Josh Trow, Scott Hazelton, and Skip & Wendy Nolin.

Jay Leavitt said that she had a big crowd at the Chapel on Sunday,
July 28.

Skip showed the first draft of the brochure that Debbie has created. There were a few additions and suggestions that we thought might makeit flow more smoothly. We will give this copy back to Debbie so that she can make some revisions and we can look at it again at our next meeting.
We hope to put the completed folders in the information booths in Newbury, New London, and Sunapee, and in the town office next year.
Charlotte Brown will docent August 25.

Skip will check to see if more candles are needed before the next opening.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 AM.

Next meeting will be September 5 at 3:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Wendy Nolin