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Crowther Chapel Committee Meeting
June 13, 2013 Dexter's Inn – 3:30 PM

In attendance: John Augustine, Charlotte Brown, Skip & Wendy Nolin.

Jay Leavitt volunteered to docent for July28th.

Charlotte brought a lantern for us to look at that might give more light inside the chapel. We will see IF we can find one like it at a camping store.

We will clean the Chapel next week. We will bring the artifacts after the Chapel has been cleaned.

John will keep a copy of the docent instructions with the key.

Charlotte's ORFS group will be at Dexter's on October 1 for lunch and hiking.

The following is a schedule of our meetings:
Thursday, July 12 – 8:00AM
Thursday, August 2 – 8:00AM
Thursday, September 5 – 3:30PM
Thursday, October 3 – 3:30PM

Next meeting will be July 12th at 8:00.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Wendy Nolin