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Conservation Commission Minutes 2008/12/03
Sunapee Conservation Commission Meeting Date – December 3, 2008

Present: Van Webb, Roger Whitaker, Robert Hill, Bruce Burdett, Rem Mastin, Tim Fleury

Sunapee Recreation Committee attended the meeting to review projects and so there is no duplicate effort. Both committees would like this to become an annual event for communication purposes in town committees. Present for the Recreation Committee was Chuck Weinstein, Paul Skarin, Scott Blewitt, Craig Heino, Brian Garland, Maryland Morris, and Patricia Halpin.

Anita Blakeman was present and reviewed with all two handouts. The first was on Completed Projects 2008 on Sunapee Town Forest the second hand out listed proposed Project Schedule for the Sunapee Town Forest for 2009 and beyond.

A Review of each property was done with the notations as follows:

Ski Tow Lot – has to be ADA accessible and a sign needs to be posted on the property that the Land was purchased with state funds. (Tilton portion of Ski Tow Hill is ok)
Opportunity to erect some blue bird houses, Van will contact the School maybe a senior project. Mowing paid for by the Recreation Committee.

Dewey Woods Lot – Granliden-Jobs Creek Road marker can’t be found, flooded? Ask Dave Little regarding disturbance it may have been moved. Have Dave Anderson re-identify it. Thinning project try in 2010. Mowing on field side is in Tony Bergeron’s budget. Other side mowing by Recreation Committee.

Tyler Bartlett Lot Boundaries very easy to find- Drive way on the edge, water pipe on property coming down from the top. Some logging on Olgabee-on the line. Needs thinning, nice views, better access from Granliden and opportunity for a trail.

Dewey Woods- manicured lawn over the line, owner knows where the line is and is aware we are monitoring.

Treatment Plant Lot-Locate right away that was voted in.

A discussion between Recreation Members and Conservation Members over the idea of a playground on Ski Tow Hill. Both board members had questions, plans, concerns. Conservations commission questioned the process in lot selection. What kind of support the playground has with regards to the location. Is there a 3, 5, 7, 10 year plan for the lot, and playground? Insurance? Maintance? Facitlities? The definition of the word Structure was not clear.  SCC wants more feedback and input from the public. This project would need a lot of support from community members for the SCC to support the proposal. SCC feels there is a higher and better use for ski tow hill. Yet to be determined! The land and our stewardship means keep as open space. If a structure is added how can we meet that philosophically?  Recreation committee has a donor of a playground to be 75X75. The playground with consisting of structures would be on Ski Tow Hill. A parking lot has been built to make for better access to the property. The playground would be similar to the new one in the Town of Newbury. For the ages of 5-12 years of age. The SCES playground is not accessible to younger children during the day school is in session. The structures would be permanent. Peter White has been asked to do a conceptual design plan to see what it would look like. Recreation committee feels that recreation trumps structures. SCC members want more information and want to have all members visit the playground in Newbury as well as Ski Tow Hill Lot. SCC ultimately would like to have the question be put into a warrant article for the town’s people to vote on. It was stated that the Recreation Committee needs permission from the Sunapee Conservation Commission to proceed. Then DRED has to approve as well. An answer of support was not given to the Recreation Committee as the SCC would like to discuss it further as a committee. This has been tabled till the SCC January meeting to allow SCC members to visit sites in Newbury and Sunapee.  

Recreation Committee reported that the tests pits on Dewey Field with regards to lowering the grade and enlarging the field space revealed High Water tables.  (9ft)
Excavation can not take place.

Anita Blakeman submitted a bill for services rendered $1,912.20. Bill filed.

Robert Hill made the motion to accept the minutes as submitted for November 2008 and the December 2008 board meetings. Motion was seconded by Roger Whitaker. All in favor 6 opposed 0.

Public hearing at 7pm on January 12, 2009 with the Select Board regarding the Gore Lot.

The select board has a problem with the new law/article that allows funds to be spent outside of town boundaries. Example of why and when would this be necessary were given. (Water rights, water quality protection)

As of 12/1/08 the SCC warrant article for $27,000 has been approved by the budget committee.